18002 Z-Scan
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题型: 编程题 语言: 不限定
Z-Scan is a method to scan data in a square matrix(矩阵). Fig.1 shows Z-Scan. Here, the number stands for the scan sequence number of the element.

Our question is very simple. Given the size (n * n) of the square matrix and the row and column of the matrix element, could you tell me the scan sequence number of the element?
The first line is an integer N, the number of cases, 1<=N<=10 N lines follow. Each line contains 3 integers(n r c), The "n" stands for a square matrix in size of n * n. The "r" is the row of the element. The "c" is the column of the element. 1 <= r, c <= n <= 100
For each case, output the scan sequence number of the element.
3 5 1 2 5 4 5 99 99 99
2 23 9801
Mr. Chen
一种是x + 1, y - 1
一种是x - 1, y + 1
#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #define IOS ios::sync_with_stdio(false) using namespace std; #define inf (0x3f3f3f3f) typedef long long int LL; #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <set> #include <map> #include <queue> #include <string> int n, r, c; const int maxn = 1e2 + 20; int a[maxn][maxn]; int tonext[2][2] = {{1, -1}, {-1, 1}}; void dfs(int num, int x, int y, int now) { a[x][y] = num; if (x == n && y == n) return; if (now == 0) { //减y的 if (y == 1 && x != n) { dfs(num + 1, x + 1, y, !now); } else if (x == n) { dfs(num + 1, x, y + 1, !now); } else { dfs(num + 1, x + tonext[now][0], y + tonext[now][1], now); } } else { //减x的 if (x == 1 && y != n) { dfs(num + 1, x, y + 1, !now); } else if (y == n) { dfs(num + 1, x + 1, y, !now); } else { dfs(num + 1, x + tonext[now][0], y + tonext[now][1], now); } } } void work() { scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &r, &c); a[1][1] = 1; dfs(2, 1, 2, 0); // for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { // for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) { // printf("%d ", a[i][j]); // } // printf(" "); // } printf("%d ", a[r][c]); } int main() { #ifdef local freopen("data.txt","r",stdin); #endif int t; scanf("%d", &t); while (t--) work(); return 0; }