# 1、获取目录下的所有文件名
# 2、将以.log结尾的文件前面的日期取出来
# 3、判断,如果是三天前的删除
import os,time,datetime
def strtotimestamp(str=None,format='%Y-%m-%d'):
if str:
tp = time.strptime(str,format) #Parse a string to a time tuple according to a format specification.
res = time.mktime(tp)
#Convert a time tuple in local time to seconds since the Epoch(1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
res = time.time() #Return the current time in seconds since the Epoch获取当前时间戳
#不做处理,时间戳为 float 类型
return int(res)
def delbeforedaysfile(filepath,duration):
duration_new = duration.__neg__() #取负数
day_delduration = datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(duration_new)
#print(day_delduration) 2018-06-10
#day_delduration2= datetime.datetime.now() +datetime.timedelta(duration_new)
#print(day_delduration2) 2018-06-10 18:32:01.653400
#abspath,dir,file = os.walk(filepath)
for abspath,dir,file in os.walk(filepath):
for filename in file:
if filename.split('.')[1] == 'log': #后缀不为.log 的文件不处理
filename_del = os.path.join(abspath, filename)
front_filename = filename.split('.')[0]
date_filename = front_filename.split('_')[2]
if strtotimestamp(str(day_delduration))> strtotimestamp(str=date_filename,format='%Y%m%d'):
print('删除%d天前的文件%s成功' %(duration, filename))