在添加一个角色的时候,有一个选项是:Legacy role type,有多个选项:None,Legacy Role: Administrator,Legacy Role: Course Creator,......
查了一下Legacy role type的解释:
Legacy role types(继承角色类型)
- Legacy role types were implemented for backward compatibility.
- Selecting a legacy role type in 1.8 (or allowing a legacy capability in 1.7) does NOT provide a new role with all capabilities of a pre-Moodle 1.7 role.
- It is recommended that a legacy role type is selected only for roles that are similar to pre-Moodle 1.7 student/teacher/admin/creator roles.
- It is not necessary to select a legacy role type unless using old 3rd party code that was not designed for Moodle 1.7 and doesn't yet support roles.
从上面的解释来看,Legacy role types 似乎是为了向后兼容。具体什么含义,还是不是很了解。
按照我的理解,应该是这样的,例如我要添加一个角色,如果选择Legacy role types为Legacy Role: Administrator,那么Permissions中相应的模块都自动选上,选择Legacy role types只是为了将Permissions进行初始化。而实际上不是这样的,当我选择Legacy role types为Legacy Role: Administrator的时候,Permissions中的模块没有发生改变。这是为什么呢?
还有一个问题,当我在用户--权限--定义角色的时候,编辑“课程创建者”的角色的时候,Legacy role types为课程管理员,在权限Permission中却都是未设置NOT SET,这是为什么呢?而当编辑“管理员”的时候,在Permission中大都进行了设置。