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  • ExtJS 的工具条及菜单

    Efs Frame 中的下拉菜单:

     1                 <div xtype="tbar">
     3                     <div text="->"></div>
     4                     <div iconCls="icon-ok2" id="getNextButton" text="下一条数据"
     5                         onEfsClick="onGetNextButtonClick()"></div>
     7                     <div iconCls="icon-ok2" id="reloadButton" text="重新加载"
     8                         onEfsClick="onReloadButtonClick()"></div>
    12                     <div iconCls="icon-ok2" id="updateButton" text="保存"
    13                         onEfsClick="onUpdateButtonClick()"></div>
    15                     <div iconCls="icon-ok2" id="verifyPassButton" text="审核通过#V"
    16                         onEfsClick="onVerifyButtonClick('已审核')"></div>
    18                     <div iconCls="icon-ok2" id="verifyFailButton" text="审核未通过#V"
    19                         onEfsClick="onVerifyButtonClick('审核未通过')"></div>
    21                     <div iconCls="icon-ok2" id="uploadPassButton" text="确定上传#V"
    22                         onEfsClick="onUploadButtonClick('确定上传')"></div>
    24                     <div iconCls="icon-ok2" id="uploadFailButton" text="不上传#V"
    25                         onEfsClick="onUploadButtonClick('不上传')"></div>
    28                     <div iconCls="icon-deal" text="审核通过并确定上传">
    29                         <div iconCls="icon-del" text="审核通过并确定上传"
    30                             onEfsClick="onVerifyAndUploadButtonClick()"></div>
    31                         <div text="-"></div>
    32                         <div iconCls="icon-add" text="审核通过"
    33                             onEfsClick="onVerifyButtonClick('已审核')"></div>
    34                         <div iconCls="icon-add" text="审核未通过"
    35                             onEfsClick="onVerifyButtonClick('审核未通过')"></div>
    36                         <div text="-"></div>
    37                         <div iconCls="icon-del" text="确定上传"
    38                             onEfsClick="onUploadButtonClick('确定上传')"></div>
    39                         <div iconCls="icon-del" text="不上传"
    40                             onEfsClick="onUploadButtonClick('不上传')"></div>
    41                     </div>
    43                     <div iconCls="icon-del" id="deleteButton" text="删除#D"
    44                         onEfsClick="onDeleteButtonClick()"></div>
    45                 </div>

    大家可以看到,非常的方便,只要 嵌套 Div 就可以了。

    下面是 Extjs 的 官方代码,版本:4.2.0

      1 Ext.require([
      2     'Ext.tip.QuickTipManager',
      3     'Ext.menu.*',
      4     'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
      5     'Ext.layout.container.Table',
      6     'Ext.container.ButtonGroup'
      7 ]);
      9 Ext.onReady(function(){
     11     // functions to display feedback
     12     function onButtonClick(btn){
     13         Ext.example.msg('Button Click','You clicked the "{0}" button.', btn.displayText || btn.text);
     14     }
     16     function onItemClick(item){
     17         Ext.example.msg('Menu Click', 'You clicked the "{0}" menu item.', item.text);
     18     }
     20     function onItemCheck(item, checked){
     21         Ext.example.msg('Item Check', 'You {1} the "{0}" menu item.', item.text, checked ? 'checked' : 'unchecked');
     22     }
     24     function onItemToggle(item, pressed){
     25         Ext.example.msg('Button Toggled', 'Button "{0}" was toggled to {1}.', item.text, pressed);
     26     }
     28     Ext.QuickTips.init();
     30     var dateMenu = Ext.create('Ext.menu.DatePicker', {
     31         handler: function(dp, date){
     32             Ext.example.msg('Date Selected', 'You choose {0}.', Ext.Date.format(date, 'M j, Y'));
     34         }
     35     });
     37     var colorMenu = Ext.create('Ext.menu.ColorPicker', {
     38         handler: function(cm, color){
     39             Ext.example.msg('Color Selected', '<span style="color:#' + color + ';">You choose {0}.</span>', color);
     40         }
     41     });
     43     var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', {
     44         fields: ['abbr', 'state'],
     45         data : Ext.example.states
     46     });
     48     var combo = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', {
     49         hideLabel: true,
     50         store: store,
     51         displayField: 'state',
     52         typeAhead: true,
     53         queryMode: 'local',
     54         triggerAction: 'all',
     55         emptyText: 'Select a state...',
     56         selectOnFocus: true,
     57          135,
     58         indent: true
     59     });
     61     var menu = Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', {
     62         id: 'mainMenu',
     63         style: {
     64             overflow: 'visible'     // For the Combo popup
     65         },
     66         items: [
     67             combo,                  // A Field in a Menu
     68             {
     69                 text: 'I like Ext',
     70                 checked: true,       // when checked has a boolean value, it is assumed to be a CheckItem
     71                 checkHandler: onItemCheck
     72             }, '-', {
     73                 text: 'Radio Options',
     74                 menu: {        // <-- submenu by nested config object
     75                     items: [
     76                         // stick any markup in a menu
     77                         '<b class="menu-title">Choose a Theme</b>',
     78                         {
     79                             text: 'Aero Glass',
     80                             checked: true,
     81                             group: 'theme',
     82                             checkHandler: onItemCheck
     83                         }, {
     84                             text: 'Vista Black',
     85                             checked: false,
     86                             group: 'theme',
     87                             checkHandler: onItemCheck
     88                         }, {
     89                             text: 'Gray Theme',
     90                             checked: false,
     91                             group: 'theme',
     92                             checkHandler: onItemCheck
     93                         }, {
     94                             text: 'Default Theme',
     95                             checked: false,
     96                             group: 'theme',
     97                             checkHandler: onItemCheck
     98                         }
     99                     ]
    100                 }
    101            },{
    102                text: 'Choose a Date',
    103                iconCls: 'calendar',
    104                menu: dateMenu // <-- submenu by reference
    105            },{
    106                text: 'Choose a Color',
    107                menu: colorMenu // <-- submenu by reference
    108            }
    109         ]
    110     });
    112     Ext.get('container').setWidth(Ext.themeName === 'neptune' ? 860 : 750);
    114     var tb = Ext.create('Ext.toolbar.Toolbar');
    115     tb.render('toolbar');
    116     tb.suspendLayouts();
    118     tb.add({
    119             text:'Button w/ Menu',
    120             iconCls: 'bmenu',  // <-- icon
    121             menu: menu  // assign menu by instance
    122         }, {
    123             text: 'Users',
    124             iconCls: 'user',
    125             menu: {
    126                 xtype: 'menu',
    127                 plain: true,
    128                 items: {
    129                     xtype: 'buttongroup',
    130                     title: 'User options',
    131                     columns: 2,
    132                     defaults: {
    133                         xtype: 'button',
    134                         scale: 'large',
    135                         iconAlign: 'left',
    136                         handler: onButtonClick
    137                     },
    138                     items: [{
    139                         text: 'User<br/>manager',
    140                         iconCls: 'edit',
    141                          Ext.themeName === 'neptune' ? 130 : 100,
    142                         displayText: 'User manager'
    143                     },{
    144                         iconCls: 'add',
    145                         tooltip: 'Add user',
    146                          40,
    147                         displayText: 'Add user'
    148                     },{
    149                         colspan: 2,
    150                          '100%',
    151                         text: 'Import',
    152                         scale: 'small',
    153                          Ext.themeName === 'neptune' ? 175 : 140
    154                     },{
    155                         colspan: 2,
    156                          '100%',
    157                         text: 'Who is online?',
    158                         scale: 'small',
    159                          Ext.themeName === 'neptune' ? 175 : 140
    160                     }]
    161                 }
    162             }
    163         },
    164         Ext.create('Ext.button.Split', {
    165             text: 'Split Button',
    166             handler: onButtonClick,
    167             tooltip: {text:'This is a an example QuickTip for a toolbar item', title:'Tip Title'},
    168             iconCls: 'blist',
    169             // Menus can be built/referenced by using nested menu config objects
    170             menu : {
    171                 items: [{
    172                     text: '<b>Bold</b>', handler: onItemClick
    173                 }, {
    174                     text: '<i>Italic</i>', handler: onItemClick
    175                 }, {
    176                     text: '<u>Underline</u>', handler: onItemClick
    177                 }, '-', {
    178                     text: 'Pick a Color',
    179                     handler: onItemClick,
    180                     menu: {
    181                         showSeparator: false,
    182                         items: [
    183                             Ext.create('Ext.ColorPalette', {
    184                                 listeners: {
    185                                     select: function(cp, color){
    186                                         Ext.example.msg('Color Selected', 'You chose {0}.', color);
    187                                     }
    188                                 }
    189                             }), '-',
    190                             {
    191                                 text: 'More Colors...',
    192                                 handler: onItemClick
    193                             }
    194                         ]
    195                     }
    196                 }, {
    197                     text: 'Extellent!',
    198                     handler: onItemClick
    199                 }]
    200             }
    201         }), '-', {
    202         text: 'Toggle Me',
    203         enableToggle: true,
    204         toggleHandler: onItemToggle,
    205         pressed: true
    206     });
    208     menu.add('&#160;');
    210     // Menus have a rich api for
    211     // adding and removing elements dynamically
    212     var item = menu.add({
    213         text: 'Dynamically added Item'
    214     });
    215     // items support full Observable API
    216     item.on('click', onItemClick);
    218     // items can easily be looked up
    219     menu.add({
    220         text: 'Disabled Item',
    221         id: 'disableMe'  // <-- Items can also have an id for easy lookup
    222         // disabled: true   <-- allowed but for sake of example we use long way below
    223     });
    224     // access items by id or index
    225     menu.items.get('disableMe').disable();
    227     // They can also be referenced by id in or components
    228     tb.add('-', {
    229         icon: 'list-items.gif', // icons can also be specified inline
    230         cls: 'x-btn-icon',
    231         tooltip: '<b>Quick Tips</b><br/>Icon only button with tooltip<br><b>Activated on mousedown</b>',
    232         clickEvent: 'mousedown',
    233         handler: function(){
    234             Ext.example.msg('Button Click','You clicked the "icon only" button.');
    235         }
    236     }, '-');
    238     var scrollMenu = Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu');
    239     for (var i = 0; i < 50; ++i){
    240         scrollMenu.add({
    241             text: 'Item ' + (i + 1),
    242             handler: onItemClick
    243         });
    244     }
    245     // scrollable menu
    246     tb.add({
    247         icon: 'preview.png',
    248         cls: 'x-btn-text-icon',
    249         text: 'Scrolling Menu',
    250         menu: scrollMenu
    251     });
    253     tb.add({
    254         text: 'Link',
    255         url: 'http://www.google.com/search',
    256         baseParams: {
    257             q: 'html+anchor+tag'
    258         },
    259         tooltip: 'This is a link. You can right click. You can see where it will take you'
    260     });
    262     // add a combobox to the toolbar
    263     combo = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', {
    264         hideLabel: true,
    265         store: store,
    266         displayField: 'state',
    267         typeAhead: true,
    268         queryMode: 'local',
    269         triggerAction: 'all',
    270         emptyText:'Select a state...',
    271         selectOnFocus:true,
    272         135
    273     });
    274     tb.add(combo);
    275     tb.resumeLayouts(true);
    276 });
    View Code


     1 var menu = Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', {
     2         id: 'mainMenu',
     3         style: {
     4             overflow: 'visible'     // For the Combo popup
     5         },
     6         items: [
     7             combo,                  // A Field in a Menu
     8             {
     9                 text: 'I like Ext',
    10                 checked: true,       // when checked has a boolean value, it is assumed to be a CheckItem
    11                 checkHandler: onItemCheck
    12             }, '-', {
    13                 text: 'Radio Options',
    14                 menu: {        // <-- submenu by nested config object
    15                     items: [
    16                         // stick any markup in a menu
    17                         '<b class="menu-title">Choose a Theme</b>',
    18                         {
    19                             text: 'Aero Glass',
    20                             checked: true,
    21                             group: 'theme',
    22                             checkHandler: onItemCheck
    23                         }, {
    24                             text: 'Vista Black',
    25                             checked: false,
    26                             group: 'theme',
    27                             checkHandler: onItemCheck
    28                         }, {
    29                             text: 'Gray Theme',
    30                             checked: false,
    31                             group: 'theme',
    32                             checkHandler: onItemCheck
    33                         }, {
    34                             text: 'Default Theme',
    35                             checked: false,
    36                             group: 'theme',
    37                             checkHandler: onItemCheck
    38                         }
    39                     ]
    40                 }
    41            },{
    42                text: 'Choose a Date',
    43                iconCls: 'calendar',
    44                menu: dateMenu // <-- submenu by reference
    45            },{
    46                text: 'Choose a Color',
    47                menu: colorMenu // <-- submenu by reference
    48            }
    49         ]
    50     });
    View Code

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/livon/p/3267242.html
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