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  • 二叉树


      1 package cn.demo;
      3 class Phone implements Comparable <Phone> {
      4     private String brand ;
      5     private double price ;
      6     public Phone(String brand,double price) {
      7         this.brand = brand ;
      8         this.price = price ;
      9     }
     10     @Override
     11     public String toString() {
     12         return "品牌:" + this.brand + ",价格:" + this.price + "
    " ;
     13     }
     14     @Override
     15     public int compareTo(Phone o) {
     16         if (this.price > o.price) {
     17             return 1 ;
     18         } else if (this.price < o.price) {
     19             return -1 ; 
     20         } else {
     21             return 0 ;
     22         }
     23     }
     24 }
     25 class BinaryTree {
     26     // 不管是什么数据结构一定要求有Node类
     27     private class Node {
     28         @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
     29         private Comparable data ;
     30         private Node left ;
     31         private Node right ;
     32         @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
     33         public Node(Comparable data) {
     34             this.data = data ;
     35         } 
     36         public void addNode(Node newNode) {
     37             if (newNode.data.compareTo(this.data) < 0) {
     38                 if (this.left == null) {    // 现在左边没有数据
     39                     this.left = newNode ;
     40                 } else {
     41                     this.left.addNode(newNode);
     42                 }
     43             } else {
     44                 if (this.right == null) {
     45                     this.right = newNode ;
     46                 } else {
     47                     this.right.addNode(newNode);
     48                 }
     49             }
     50         }
     51         public void toArrayNode() {
     52             if (this.left != null) {
     53                 this.left.toArrayNode(); 
     54             }
     55             BinaryTree.this.retObj [BinaryTree.this.foot ++] = this.data ;
     56             if (this.right != null) {
     57                 this.right.toArrayNode(); 
     58             }
     59         }
     60     }
     61     // 编写BinaryTree中的程序代码,任何的节点操作离不开根节点
     62     private Node root ;    // 定义根节点,第一个保存的数据作为根节点
     63     private int count ;
     64     private int foot ;
     65     private Object retObj [] ;    // 设置返回的数据
     66     public void add(Object obj) {
     67         if (obj == null) {
     68             return ;
     69         }
     70         Node newNode = new Node((Comparable) obj) ;
     71         if (this.root == null) {    // 现在没有根节点
     72             this.root = newNode ;
     73         } else {    // 如果有根节点,需要判断其保存的位置
     74             this.root.addNode(newNode) ;
     75         }
     76         this.count ++ ;
     77     }
     78     public int size() {
     79         return this.count ;
     80     }
     81     public Object [] toArray() {
     82         if (this.count == 0) {
     83             return null ;
     84         }
     85         this.retObj = new Object [this.count] ;
     86         this.foot = 0 ;
     87         this.root.toArrayNode() ;
     88         return this.retObj ;
     89     }
     90 }
     92 public class Test {
     93     public static void main(String[] args) {
     94         BinaryTree bt = new BinaryTree() ;
     95         bt.add(new Phone("黑米",799.00));
     96         bt.add(new Phone("白米",399.00));
     97         bt.add(new Phone("紫米",899.00));
     98         System.out.println(bt.size());
     99         Object obj [] = bt.toArray() ;
    100         for (int x = 0 ; x < obj.length ; x ++) {
    101             System.out.println(obj[x]);
    102         }
    103     }
    104 }





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