Revenge of Collinearity
Time Limit: 8000/5000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 612 Accepted Submission(s): 207
Problem Description
geometry, collinearity is a property of a set of points, specifically,
the property of lying on a single line. A set of points with this
property is said to be collinear (often misspelled as colinear).
Today, Collinearity takes revenge on you. Given a set of N points in two-dimensional coordinate system, you have to find how many set of <Pi, Pj, Pk> from these N points are collinear. Note that <Pi, Pj, Pk> cannot contains same point, and <Pi, Pj, Pk> and <Pi, Pk, Pj> are considered as the same set, i.e. the order in the set doesn’t matter.
Today, Collinearity takes revenge on you. Given a set of N points in two-dimensional coordinate system, you have to find how many set of <Pi, Pj, Pk> from these N points are collinear. Note that <Pi, Pj, Pk> cannot contains same point, and <Pi, Pj, Pk> and <Pi, Pk, Pj> are considered as the same set, i.e. the order in the set doesn’t matter.
The first line contains a single integer T, indicating the number of test cases.
Each test case begins with an integer N, following N lines, each line contains two integers Xi and Yi, describing a point.
[Technical Specification]
1. 1 <= T <= 33
2. 3 <= N <= 1 000
3. -1 000 000 000 <= Xi, Yi <= 1 000 000 000, and no two points are identical.
4. The ratio of test cases with N > 100 is less than 25%.
Each test case begins with an integer N, following N lines, each line contains two integers Xi and Yi, describing a point.
[Technical Specification]
1. 1 <= T <= 33
2. 3 <= N <= 1 000
3. -1 000 000 000 <= Xi, Yi <= 1 000 000 000, and no two points are identical.
4. The ratio of test cases with N > 100 is less than 25%.
For each query, output the number of three points set which are collinear.
Sample Input
1 1
2 2
3 3
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 1
Sample Output
1.然后看了别人的代码,求出 y1 - y2 与 x1 - x2 的最大公约数d,斜率可以直接用((y1-y2)/d,(x1-x2)/d)进行唯一的表示。
2。对所有点进行排序,先按x坐标,然后再按y坐标排序。接着对于第 i 个点,我们找到 p (p>=2)个点与其共线,那么总共有p*(p-2)种可能的组合方法。
3.用pair 和 map 将条件 1,2联系起来。map进行计数,pair用来存斜率。
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> #include <map> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; typedef pair<int,int> pii; typedef pair<int,pair<int,int> > piii; int main() { pii a(1,2); pii b(1,2); printf("%d ",a==b); piii c(1,make_pair(1,2)); piii d(1,make_pair(1,2)); printf("%d ",c==d); return 0; } /*1 1*/
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> #include <map> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const int N = 1005; struct Point{ int x,y; }p[N]; int cmp(Point a,Point b){ if(a.x==b.x) return a.y<b.y; return a.x<b.y; } int gcd(int a,int b){ return b==0?a:gcd(b,a%b); } map<pair<int,int>,int> mp; map<pair<int,int>,int>::iterator it; int main() { int tcase; scanf("%d",&tcase); while(tcase--){ int n; scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ scanf("%d%d",&p[i].x,&p[i].y); } int ans = 0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ mp.clear(); for(int j=i+1;j<=n;j++){ int x = p[j].x - p[i].x; int y = p[j].y - p[i].y; int d = gcd(x,y); x/=d,y/=d; mp[make_pair(x,y)]++; } for(it = mp.begin();it!=mp.end();it++){ if(it->second>=2){ int t = it->second; ans+=t*(t-1)/2; } } } printf("%d ",ans); } return 0; }