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  • Ansible@一个高效的配置管理工具--Ansible configure management--翻译(七)


    Larger Projects
    Until now, we have been looking at single plays in one playbook file. This approach
    will work for simple infrastructures, or when using Ansible as a simple deployment
    mechanism. However, if you have a large and complicated infrastructure, then you
    will need to take actions to prevent things from going out of control. This chapter
    will include the following topics:
    •	 Separating your playbooks into different files, and including them from some
    other location
    •	 Using roles to include multiple files that perform a similar function
    •	 Methods for increasing the speed at which Ansible configures your machines

    第四章 大型项目中Ansible的使用


    • 将你的playbooks分离成多个文件,存储在不同的地方
    • 使用角色包括多个文件来完毕相同的功能
    • 加速使用Ansible配置机器的方法

    One of the first issues you will face with a complex infrastructure is that your
    playbooks will rapidly increase in size. Large playbooks can become difficult to read
    and maintain. Ansible allows you to combat this problem by the way of includes.
    Includes allow you to split your plays into multiple sections. You can then include
    each section from other plays. This allows you to have several different parts built
    for a different purpose, all included in a main play.
    There are four types of includes, namely variable includes, playbook includes,
    task includes, and handler includes. Including variables from an external vars_file
    files has been discussed already in Chapter 2, Simple Playbooks. The following is a
    summary of what each includes does:
    •	 Variable includes: They allow you to put your variables in external
    YAML files
    •	 Playbook includes: They are used to include plays from other files in a s
    ingle playLarger Projects
    •	 Task includes: They let you put common tasks in other files and include
    them wherever required
    •	 Handler includes: They let you put all your handlers in the one place






    • 变量包括:同意你将变量存在外部YAML文件
    • playbook包括:一个大型项目中能够包括多个plays
    • 任务包括:将任务放到普通文件里,当须要的时候包括他们
    • 处理程序Handler包括:同意你将全部的handlers处理程序放到一个地方

    Task includes
    Task includes can be used when you have a lot of common tasks that will be
    repeated. For example, you may have a set of tasks that removes a machine, from
    monitoring, and a load balancer before you can configure it. You can put these tasks
    in a separate YAML file, and then include them from your main task.
    Task includes inherit the facts from the play they are included from. You can also
    provide your own variables, which are passed into the task and available for use.
    Finally, task includes can have conditionals applied to them. If you do this,
    conditionals will separately be added to each included task. The tasks are all still
    included. In most cases, this is not an important distinction, but in circumstances
    where variables may change, it is.
    The file to include as a task includes contains a list of tasks. If you assume the
    existence of any variables and hosts or groups, then you should state them in
    comments at the top. This makes reusing the file much easier.
    So, if you wanted to create a bunch of users and set up their environment with their
    public keys, you would split out the tasks that do a single user to one file. This file
    would look similar to the following code:
    # Requires a user variable to specify user to setup
    - name: Create user account
    user: name={{ user }} state=present
    - name: Make user SSH config dir
    file: path=/home/{{ user }}/.ssh owner={{ user }} group={{ user
    }} mode=0600 state=directory
    - name: Copy in public key
    copy: src=keys/{{ user }}.pub dest=/home/{{ user
    }}/.ssh/authorized_keys mode=0600 owner={{ user }} group={{ user
    We expect that a variable named user will be passed to us, and that their public
    key will be in the keys directory. The account is created, the ssh config directory
    is made, and finally we can copy this in their public key. The easiest way to use this
    config file would be to include it with the with_items keyword we learned about in
    Chapter 3, Advanced Playbooks. This would look similar to the following code:
    - hosts: ansibletest
    user: root
    - include: usersetup.yml user={{ item }}
    - mal
    - dan
    - kate






    # Requires a user variable to specify user to setup
    - name: Create user account
    user: name={{ user }} state=present

    - name: Make user SSH config dir
    file: path=/home/{{ user }}/.ssh owner={{ user }} group={{ user
    }} mode=0600 state=directory

    - name: Copy in public key
    copy: src=keys/{{ user }}.pub dest=/home/{{ user


    用户建立之后。ssh config文件夹就被创建,然后我们复制公钥文件进去。包括这个任务最简单的办法就是使用第三章介绍的with_itemskeyword

    - hosts: ansibletest
    user: root
    - include: usersetup.yml user={{ item }}
    - mal
    - dan
    - kate

    Handler includes
    When writing Ansible playbooks, you will constantly find yourself reusing the same
    handlers multiple times. For instance, a handler used to restart MySQL is going to
    look the same everywhere. To make this easier, Ansible allows you to include other
    files in the handlers section. Handler includes look the same as task includes. You
    should make sure to include a name on each of your handlers; otherwise you will not
    be able to refer to them easily in your tasks. A handler include file looks similar to
    the following code:
    - name: config sendmail
    command: make -C /etc/mail
    notify: reload sendmail
    - name: config aliases
    command: newaliases
    notify: reload sendmail
    - name: reload sendmail
    service: name=sendmail state=reloaded
    - name: restart sendmail
    service: name=sendmail state=restarted
    This file provides several common tasks that you would want to handle after
    configuring sendmail . By including the following handlers in their own files, you
    can easily reuse them whenever you need to change the sendmail configuration:
    •	 The first handler regenerates the sendmail database's config file and
    triggers a reload file of sendmail later
    •	 The second handler initializes the aliases database, and also schedules a
    reload file of sendmail
    The third handler reloads sendmail ; it may be triggered by the previous two
    jobs, or it may be triggered directly from a task
    •     The fourth handler restarts sendmail when triggered; this is useful if you
    upgrade sendmail to a new version
    Handlers can trigger other handlers provided that they only trigger
    the ones specified later, instead of the triggered ones. This means, you
    can set up a series of cascading handlers that call each other. This saves
    you from having long lists of handlers in the notify section of tasks.
    Using the preceding handler file is easy now. We simply need to remember that if we
    change a sendmail configuration file, then we should trigger config sendmail , and
    if we change the aliases file, we should trigger config aliases . The following
    code shows us an example of this:
    hosts: mailers
    - name: update sendmail
    yum: name=sendmail state=latest
    notify: restart sendmail
    - name: configure sendmail
    template: src=templates/sendmail.mc.j2
    notify: config sendmail
    - include: sendmailhandlers.yml
    This playbook makes sure sendmail is installed. If it isn't installed or if it isn't
    running the latest version, then it installs it. After it is updated, it schedules a
    restart so that we can be confident that the latest version will be running once the
    playbook is done. In the next step, we replace the sendmail configuration file with
    our template. If the config file was changed by the template then the sendmail
    configuration files will be regenerated, and finally sendmail will be reloaded.

    Handler 处理程序包括



    - name: config sendmail
    command: make -C /etc/mail
    notify: reload sendmail

    - name: config aliases
    command: newaliases
    notify: reload sendmail

    - name: reload sendmail
    service: name=sendmail state=reloaded

    - name: restart sendmail
    service: name=sendmail state=restarted


    • 第一个handler在又一次生成配置文件之后,又一次载入了配置文件
    • 第二个handler在配置玩aliases之后,又一次载入了配置文件
    • 第三个handler又一次载入配置文件,它能够是被前面2个任务触发,也能够在包括他的任务中直接调用他们
    • 第四个handler重新启动了sendmail服务。假设你升级了sendmail版本号,你可能就要用到了

    注意:Handlers 也能够被其它的Handlers触发,当中会有反复的Handlers,可是仅仅有最后一个被指定的Handlers会被运行。


    使用这个Handlers文件非常easy,我们仅仅要记住:假设我们改变了配置文件,我们就触发config sendmai。假设我们该了aliases,我们就触发config aliases。代码例如以下:

    hosts: mailers

    - name: update sendmail                                      
    yum: name=sendmail state=latest
    notify: restart sendmail

    - name: configure sendmail
    template: src=templates/sendmail.mc.j2
    notify: config sendmail

    - include: sendmailhandlers.yml


    Playbook includes
    Playbook includes should be used when you want to include a whole set of tasks
    designated for a set of machines. For example, you may have a play that gathers
    the host keys of several machines and builds a known_hosts file to copy to all the
    While task includes allows you to include tasks, playbook includes allows you to
    include whole plays. This allows you to select the hosts you wish to run on, and
    provide handlers for notify events. Because you are including whole playbook files,
    you can also include multiple plays.
    Playbook includes allows you to embed fully self-contained files. It is for this reason
    that you should provide any variables that it requires. If they depend on any particular
    set of hosts or groups, this should be noted in a comment at the top of the file.
    This is handy when you wish to run multiple different actions at once. For example,
    let's say we have a playbook that switches to our DR site, named drfailover.
    yml , another named upgradeapp.yml that upgrades the app, another named
    drfailback.yml that fails back, and finally drupgrade.yml . All these playbooks
    might be valid to use separately, but when performing a site upgrade, you will
    probably want to perform them all at once. You can do this as shown in the
    following code:
    - include "drfailover.yml"
    - include "upgradeapp.yml"
    - include "drfailback.yml"
    - name: Notify management
    hosts: local
    - local_action: mail to="mgmt-team@example.com" msg='The
    application has been upgraded and is now live'
    - include "drupgrade.yml"
    As you can see, you can put full plays in the playbooks that you are including other
    playbooks into.

    Playbook 包括

    当你须要为一批机器设计一系列任务的时候,你能够使用playbooks包括。比方,你可能想要收集一批机器的host key合并到known_hosts中。然后分发给全部机器。






    - include "drfailover.yml"
    - include "upgradeapp.yml"
    - include "drfailback.yml"

    - name: Notify management
    hosts: local
    - local_action: mail to="mgmt-team@example.com" msg='The
    application has been upgraded and is now live'

    - include "drupgrade.yml"


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/llguanli/p/7017912.html
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