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  • hive 拉链表

    -- This example demonstrates Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimensions in Hive.
    -- Be sure to stage data in before starting (load_data.sh)
    drop database if exists type2_test cascade;
    create database type2_test;
    use type2_test;

    -- Create the Hive managed table for our contacts. We track a start and end date.
    create table contacts_target(id int, name string, email string, state string, valid_from date, valid_to date)
    clustered by (id) into 2 buckets stored as orc tblproperties("transactional"="true");

    -- Create an external table pointing to our initial data load (1000 records)
    create external table contacts_initial_stage(id int, name string, email string, state string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile
    location '/tmp/merge_data/initial_stage';

    -- Copy the initial load into the managed table. We hard code the valid_from dates to the beginning of 2017.
    insert into contacts_target select *, cast('2017-01-01' as date), cast(null as date) from contacts_initial_stage;

    -- Create an external table pointing to our refreshed data load (1100 records)
    create external table contacts_update_stage(id int, name string, email string, state string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile
    location '/tmp/merge_data/update_stage';

    -- Perform the Type 2 SCD.
    merge into contacts_target
    using (
    -- The base staging data.
    contacts_update_stage.id as join_key,
    contacts_update_stage.* from contacts_update_stage

    union all

    -- Generate an extra row for changed records.
    -- The null join_key means it will be inserted.
    null, contacts_update_stage.*
    contacts_update_stage join contacts_target on contacts_update_stage.id = contacts_target.id
    ( contacts_update_stage.email <> contacts_target.email or contacts_update_stage.state <> contacts_target.state )
    and contacts_target.valid_to is null
    ) sub
    on sub.join_key = contacts_target.id
    when matched and contacts_target.valid_to is null
    and sub.email <> contacts_target.email or sub.state <> contacts_target.state
    then update set valid_to = current_date() //旧用户的信息发生了改变,则将旧信息的有限期时间改为当前
    when not matched and sub.join_key is null //改变了信息的旧用户(join_key为null而匹配不上),将旧用户的最新信息数据插入
    then insert values (sub.id, sub.name, sub.email, sub.state, contacts_target.valid_from, current_date(), null);
    when not matched and sub.join_key is not null //新用户(join_key有值但匹配不上)
    then insert values (sub.id, sub.name, sub.email, sub.state, current_date(),current_date(), null);

    -- Confirm 92 records are expired.
    select count(*) from contacts_target where valid_to is not null;

    -- Confirm we now have 1192 records.
    select count(*) from contacts_target;

    -- View one of the changed records.
    select * from contacts_target where id = 12;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/llphhl/p/7898279.html
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