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  • Unity系统消息广播

    # 1.前言
    Unity自带消息系统,如SendMessage等,此方法利用的反射,且会反射游戏物体上的所有组件,对性能不友好。而且由于参数为方法名称,所以如果使用代码混淆,则会无法调用 方法,且难以追踪问题。一般消息发送采用事件或者委托进行。但是对于一些跨线程操作,或者涉及系统底层(一般也不再主线程)消息时也会更新UI(确切的说是渲染问题)错误。所以在此基于脚本update方法,形成一个统一的消息机制。

    # 2.消息系统组成
    ## 2.1 消息中心

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;

    namespace MSG
    public delegate void MessageHandler(Message message);

    public class MessageCenter
    #region Instance
    private static MessageCenter instance;
    private static MessageProcessor messageProcessor;
    private static bool instanceCreated = false;

    public static MessageCenter GetInstance()
    if (!instanceCreated)
    instance = new MessageCenter();

    GameObject processor = new GameObject("MessageProcessor");
    messageProcessor = processor.AddComponent<MessageProcessor>();
    instanceCreated = true;

    return instance;

    private MessageCenter() { }

    private Dictionary<MsgChannel, MessageHandler> messageHandlers = new Dictionary<MsgChannel, MessageHandler>();
    private Queue<Message> messageQueue = new Queue<Message>();

    public void BroadcastMessage(Message message)

    public Message PostMessage()
    Message message = null;

    if (messageQueue.Count != 0)
    message = messageQueue.Dequeue();
    return message;

    public void RegisterMessageHandler(MsgChannel type,MessageHandler messageHandler)
    MessageHandler handler = null;
    bool exist = messageHandlers.TryGetValue(type, out handler);

    if (!exist)
    Debug.Log("Add message handler " + messageHandler.Method.Name);
    messageHandlers.Add(type, messageHandler);
    Delegate[] handlers = handler.GetInvocationList();
    if (Array.IndexOf(handlers, messageHandler) == -1)
    Debug.Log("Plus message handler " + messageHandler.Method.Name);
    handler += messageHandler;
    messageHandlers[type] = handler;

    public void UnregisterMessageHandler(MsgChannel type,MessageHandler messageHandler)
    MessageHandler handler;
    bool exist = messageHandlers.TryGetValue(type, out handler);

    if (exist)
    handler -= messageHandler;

    if (handler == null)
    Debug.Log("Message handler to be unregistered is null now" + messageHandler.Method.Name);
    Debug.Log("Message handler to be unregistered is unregistered " + messageHandler.Method.Name);
    messageHandlers[type] = handler;

    public MessageHandler GetMessageHandler(MsgChannel type)
    MessageHandler handler;
    messageHandlers.TryGetValue(type, out handler);

    return handler;
    ## 2.2 消息处理器

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;

    namespace MSG
    public class MessageProcessor : MonoBehaviour
    public bool ProcessorActive = true;

    private void ProcessMessages()
    Message message = MessageCenter.GetInstance().PostMessage();

    if (message != null)
    MessageHandler handler = MessageCenter.GetInstance().GetMessageHandler(message.what);

    if (handler != null)

    private void Update()

    ## 2.3 消息通道

    using UnityEngine;

    namespace MSG
    public enum MsgChannel
    NONE = 0,
    TEST_MSG1 = 1,
    TEST_MSG2 = 2

    /// <summary>
    /// Base Message class imitating android Message class.
    /// arg1、arg2 and message are used to store simple values.
    /// </summary>
    public class Message
    public MsgChannel what = MsgChannel.NONE;
    public int arg1 = 0;
    public int arg2 = 0;
    public string message;

    public Message(MsgChannel what, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, string message = "")
    this.what = what;
    this.arg1 = arg1;
    this.arg2 = arg2;
    this.message = message;

    public Message() { }

    /// <summary>
    /// Extend Message class and carry more infomation
    /// </summary>
    public class NetworkMessage : Message
    public Texture2D t2d;

    public NetworkMessage(MsgChannel what,Texture2D t2d, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, string message = "")
    this.t2d = t2d;

    ## 2.4 问题标记

    #region Instance
    private static MessageCenter instance;
    private static MessageProcessor messageProcessor;
    private static bool instanceCreated = false;

    public static MessageCenter GetInstance()
    if (!instanceCreated)
    instance = new MessageCenter();

    GameObject processor = new GameObject("MessageProcessor");
    messageProcessor = processor.AddComponent<MessageProcessor>();
    instanceCreated = true;

    return instance;

    private MessageCenter() { }
    ### 2.4.1 MessageProcessor可能会被销毁
    ### 2.4.2 最初方案引发的问题

    #region Instance
    private static MessageCenter instance;
    private static MessageProcessor messageProcessor;

    private static bool instanceCreated = false;

    public static MessageCenter GetInstance()
    if (!instanceCreated)
    instance = new MessageCenter();

    //GameObject processor = new GameObject("MessageProcessor");
    //messageProcessor = processor.AddComponent<MessageProcessor>();
    instanceCreated = true;

    if (messageProcessor == null)
    GameObject processor = new GameObject("MessageProcessor");
    messageProcessor = processor.AddComponent<MessageProcessor>();

    return instance;

    private MessageCenter() { }
    **Some objects were not cleaned up when closing the scene. (Did you spawn new GameObjects from OnDestroy?**

    ### 2.4.3 矛盾问题


    # 3.调用方法

    using MSG;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.UI;

    public class MessageSystemTest : MonoBehaviour
    public Button button;

    private void Start()
    button.onClick.AddListener(() =>
    MessageCenter.GetInstance().BroadcastMessage(new Message(MsgChannel.TEST_MSG1, 111));
    MessageCenter.GetInstance().BroadcastMessage(new Message(MsgChannel.TEST_MSG1, 111));
    MessageCenter.GetInstance().BroadcastMessage(new NetworkMessage(MsgChannel.TEST_MSG2, null));

    void OnEnable ()
    MessageCenter.GetInstance().RegisterMessageHandler(MsgChannel.TEST_MSG1, Method);
    MessageCenter.GetInstance().RegisterMessageHandler(MsgChannel.TEST_MSG1, Method1);
    MessageCenter.GetInstance().RegisterMessageHandler(MsgChannel.TEST_MSG2, Method2);

    private void OnDisable()
    MessageCenter.GetInstance().UnregisterMessageHandler(MsgChannel.TEST_MSG1, Method);
    MessageCenter.GetInstance().UnregisterMessageHandler(MsgChannel.TEST_MSG1, Method1);
    MessageCenter.GetInstance().UnregisterMessageHandler(MsgChannel.TEST_MSG2, Method2);

    void Method(Message message)
    Debug.LogFormat("Method : Message -{0}- obtained from channel {1}", message.arg1, message.what);

    void Method1(Message message)
    Debug.LogFormat("Method1 : Message -{0}- obtained from channel {1}", message.arg1, message.what);

    void Method2(Message message)
    NetworkMessage networkMessage = message as NetworkMessage;

    if(networkMessage != null)
    Debug.LogFormat("NetworkMessage obtained from channel {0}", message.what);


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/llstart-new0201/p/11764944.html
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