安装 pip install pyyaml
import yaml import io s = {'host': {'ip00': '', 'ip01': {'one': '', 'two': ''}}, 'sort': {'apache': 2.2, 'php': 5.3, 'mysql': 5.7}} # yml 文件写入 f1 = "ss.yml" with io.open(f1, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as wf: yaml.dump(s, wf) # yml 读取 with io.open("ss.yml", 'r', encoding="utf-8") as rf: ss = yaml.load(rf) print(ss) # {'host': {'ip00': '', # 'ip01': {'one': '', 'two': ''}}, # 'sort': {'apache': 2.2, 'mysql': 5.7, 'php': 5.3}} # python2 中执行dump 时候 文件中显示 !!python/unicode # 解决方式: with io.open(f1, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as wf: yaml.safe_dump(s, wf, default_flow_style=False, line_break=True, indent=4, allow_unicode=True)