houdini18 install on CentOS8:
-- centos8 名称改为"book"("/etc/hostname"内改为“book”)
-- centos8 全程使用root账户;
-- OS: CentOS-8.1.1911-x86_64-dvd1.iso
-- houdini: houdini-py3-18.0.442-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3.tar.gz
-- web:https://www.sidefx.com/download/daily-builds/#category-devel (houdini python3)
-1- 安装开发工具:
[root@book ~]# dnf grouplist
[root@book ~]# dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
-2- 配置python3:
[root@book ~]# whereis python
python: /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3.6m /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/python3.6 /usr/lib64/python3.6 /usr/include/python3.6m /usr/share/man/man1/python.1.gz
[root@book ~]# ln -s /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python
-3- 安装几个库文件:
---- [root@book ~]# dnf -y install libXScrnSaver
---- [root@book ~]# dnf -y install mesa-libGLU
---- [root@book ~]# dnf -y install libnsl
-a- 解压:
--1-- [root@book houdini18]# tar -xzvf houdini-py3-18.0.442-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3.tar.gz
-b- 安装:
--2-- [root@book houdini18]# cd houdini-py3-18.0.442-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3/
--3-- [root@book houdini-py3-18.0.442-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3]# ./houdini.install
--4-- Enter yes or no
--4-- Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] yes
--5-- What is your selection (1-7,D,F,Q) [F] ==> f
--6-- Would you like to start the installation? (y or n) [y] ==> y
-c- 运行:
First way;
--7-- executing houdini in "show applications" -- "HoudiniFX 18.0.442"
Anther way:
--7-- [root@book ~]# cd /opt/hfs18.0
--8-- [root@book hfs18.0]#
--9-- [root@book hfs18.0]# source houdini_setup
--10-- [root@book hfs18.0]# houdini --no-sandbox
--11-- first, when hsever is running, you must select "run" item ;
--12-- then, select 'fisrt' item of license -- (non-commercial permit) ;
--13-- enjoy houdini18 (non-commercial permit) !
-- 1、 open your houdini license server(sesinetd 服务)
---- [root@book ~]# cd /opt/hfs18.0
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# ls
bin houdini_filelist houdini_setup_csh packages toolkit
dsolib houdini_logo.png houdini_symlinklist python
engine houdini_setup houdini.uninstall qt
houdini houdini_setup_bash installDesktopItems.py Readme.txt
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# source houdini_setup
The Houdini 18.0.442 environment has been initialized.
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hkey --no-sandbox
-- 2、 open your houdini in linux
---- [root@book ~]# cd /opt/hfs18.0
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# ls
bin houdini_filelist houdini_setup_csh packages toolkit
dsolib houdini_logo.png houdini_symlinklist python
engine houdini_setup houdini.uninstall qt
houdini houdini_setup_bash installDesktopItems.py Readme.txt
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# source houdini_setup
The Houdini 18.0.442 environment has been initialized.
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# houdini --no-sandbox
-- 3、invalid computer name(change your name of computer )
-- first way --
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hostname
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# vim /etc/hostname
---- ---- input your computer name (i input "book")
---- ---- :wq
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# reboot
-- anther way to change your computer's name --
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hostnamectl set-hostname book
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# reboot
-- 4、houdini license server is not running (houdini license server = sesinetd)
----[root@book hfs18.0]# chkconfig --list | grep "sesinetd"
----[root@book hfs18.0]# /etc/init.d/sesinetd start (start houdini license server)
----[root@book hfs18.0]# chkconfig sesinetd on (auto start sesinetd ,when you start your computer);
-- 5、 --no-sandbox
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# source houdini_setup
The Houdini 18.0.442 environment has been initialized.
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hkey --no-sandbox
---- [root@book hfs18.0]# houdini --no-sandbox
-- 6、既然你下勇敢的使用了"linux "版本的houdini软件,那么你就得接受houdini经常崩溃的命运,哈哈哈……!