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  • houdini_license_server服务器的搭建和配置

    搭建houdini_license_server 服务器



    一台 “houdini_license_sever” 服务器,其他终端只要读取"houdini_license_server"中的“许可证”信息,其他终端即可获得“软件授权”!因此,一台“houdini_license_sever”服务器,可以为“多台”houdini终端“授权”。简言之,一台具有“授权”的HoudiniLicenseServer作为“许可证服务器”,其他的操作系统的客户端也可以读取“许可证服务器”的授权码。




    -- 1、server(houdini_license_server )
    ---- os : cn_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_9c09ff24.iso
    ---- ip :
    ---- houdini: houdini-18.0.391-win64-vc141.exe

    -- 2、client_1(houdini_client_1)
    ---- os : cn_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_9c09ff24.iso
    ---- ip :
    ---- houdini : houdini-18.0.391-win64-vc141.exe

    -- 3、client_2(houdini_client_2)
    ---- os : CentOS-8.1.1911-x86_64-dvd1.iso
    ---- ip :
    ---- houdini : houdini-py3-18.0.442-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3.tar.gz
    ----- download_web: https://www.sidefx.com/download/daily-builds/#category-devel (houdini python3)






    -- server 安装(license_sever):
    ---- 1、选择安装程序:只勾选“License Server”;
    ---- 2、保持“默认安装路径”安装;
    ---- 3、在开始菜单,以管理员权限运行“License Administrator 18.0.391”;
    ---- 4、"houdini License Administrator 18.0.391" -- “File”-- "Manually Enter Keys..." 输入授权keys;
    ---- 5、查看“Server Name”;"houdini License Administrator 18.0.391" --“Server Information”-- "Server Name = laohu";Server Name =“laohu”或者“”;


    -- client_1 终端安装(houdini_client_1):
    ---- 1、选择安装程序:勾选“Main Application”、"File Associations"、"License Server"、"Desktop Icon" 共计4项;
    ---- 2、保持“默认安装路径”安装;
    ---- 3、在开始菜单,以管理员权限运行“License Administrator 18.0.391”;
    ---- 4、"houdini License Administrator 18.0.391" -- “File”-- "Change License Server" 输入授权“laohu”或者""("" 是server的ip地址,这里是重点);


    == client_2终端安装(houdini_client_2):开始

    -a 安装前的准备:

    -a1- 安装开发工具:
    [root@book ~]# dnf     grouplist
    [root@book ~]# dnf     groupinstall     "Development Tools"

    -a2- 配置python3:
    [root@book ~]# whereis     python
    python: /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3.6m /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/python3.6 /usr/lib64/python3.6 /usr/include/python3.6m /usr/share/man/man1/python.1.gz
    [root@book ~]# ln     -s      /usr/bin/python3.6      /usr/bin/python

    -a3- 安装几个库文件:
    ---- [root@book ~]# dnf -y install     libXScrnSaver
    ---- [root@book ~]# dnf -y install     mesa-libGLU
    ---- [root@book ~]# dnf -y install     libnsl


    -b 安装Houdini

    -b1- 解压:
    ---- [root@book houdini18]# tar     -xzvf     houdini-py3-18.0.442-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3.tar.gz

    -b2- 安装:
    --b2.1-- [root@book houdini18]# cd     houdini-py3-18.0.442-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3/
    --b2.2-- [root@book houdini-py3-18.0.442-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3]# ./houdini.install

    --b2.3-- Enter yes or no
    --b2.3-- Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no]     yes

    --b2.4-- What is your selection (1-7,D,F,Q) [F] ==>      f
    --b2.5-- Would you like to start the installation? (y or n) [y] ==>     y


    -b3- 运行:

    First way;
    --b3.1-- executing houdini in "show applications" -- "HoudiniFX 18.0.442"

    Anther way:
    --b3.1-- [root@book ~]# cd     /opt/hfs18.0
    --b3.2-- [root@book hfs18.0]# 
    --b3.3-- [root@book hfs18.0]# source    houdini_setup
    --b3.4-- [root@book hfs18.0]# houdini   --no-sandbox
    --b3.5-- first, when hsever is running, you must select "run" item ;
    --b3.6-- then, select 'fisrt' item of license -- (non-commercial permit) ;
    --b3.7-- enjoyed houdini18 (non-commercial permit) !



    =houdini_linux 从“houdini_license_server”读取“软件授权码”(超级重点)

    --说明:houdini_linux 读取windows的“houdini_license_server”的“软件授权码”(跨越不同操作系统,跨越houdini不同软件版本)。

    -- 实现方法:
    ---- [root@book ~]# cd /opt/hfs18.0

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# ls
    bin houdini_filelist houdini_setup_csh packages toolkit
    dsolib houdini_logo.png houdini_symlinklist python
    engine houdini_setup houdini.uninstall qt
    houdini houdini_setup_bash installDesktopItems.py Readme.txt

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# source     houdini_setup
    The Houdini 18.0.442 environment has been initialized.

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hkey    --no-sandbox
    ---- " Houdini License Administrator 18.0.442(linux-x86-64-gcc6.3) " -- "File" -- "Change License Server...";
    ---- License Server Host = (License Server Host = houdini_license_server_ip)

    ---- enjoy houdini !



    -c 常见问题:

    -- c1、 open your houdini license server(sesinetd 服务)
    ---- [root@book ~]# cd     /opt/hfs18.0

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# ls
    bin houdini_filelist houdini_setup_csh packages toolkit
    dsolib houdini_logo.png houdini_symlinklist python
    engine houdini_setup houdini.uninstall qt
    houdini houdini_setup_bash installDesktopItems.py Readme.txt

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# source     houdini_setup
    The Houdini 18.0.442 environment has been initialized.

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hkey     --no-sandbox


    -- c2、 open your houdini in linux
    ---- [root@book ~]# cd /opt/hfs18.0

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# ls
    bin houdini_filelist houdini_setup_csh packages toolkit
    dsolib houdini_logo.png houdini_symlinklist python
    engine houdini_setup houdini.uninstall qt
    houdini houdini_setup_bash installDesktopItems.py Readme.txt

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# source     houdini_setup
    The Houdini 18.0.442 environment has been initialized.

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# houdini     --no-sandbox

    -- c3、invalid computer name(change your name of computer )

    -- first way --
    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hostname

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# vim     /etc/hostname
    ---- ---- input your computer name (i input "book")
    ---- ---- :wq

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# reboot

    -- anther way to change your computer's name --
    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hostnamectl     set-hostname      book

    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# reboot

    -- c4、houdini license server is not running (houdini license server = sesinetd)
    ----[root@book ~]#  chkconfig     --list     |     grep     "sesinetd"
    ----[root@book ~]#  /etc/init.d/sesinetd     start (start houdini license server)
    ----[root@book ~]#  chkconfig     sesinetd     on     (auto start sesinetd ,when you start your computer);

    -- c5、 --no-sandbox
    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# source     houdini_setup
    The Houdini 18.0.442 environment has been initialized.
    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# hkey     --no-sandbox
    ---- [root@book hfs18.0]# houdini     --no-sandbox

    -- c6、既然你下勇敢的使用了"linux "版本的houdini软件,那么你就得接受houdini经常崩溃的命运,哈哈哈……!

    == client_2终端安装(houdini_client_2):结束




    四、 注意事项:


    ---- houdini_license_sever 和 client必须能够相互通信;即houdini_license_sever 能ping通 client ,client 能ping通houdini_license_server;
    ---- ---- server_ip:
    ---- ---- client_ip:
    ---- ---- "server" ping "client" : ping
    ---- ---- "client" ping "server" : ping


    ---- 网络畅通,ping不通的原因:
    ---- ----“win10 防火墙”开启了,关闭后再ping;也可能是360之类的安全软件导致无法ping通,关闭后再ping;
    ---- ---- 查看“HoudiniLicenseServer”是否开启:
    ---- ---- ---- 开启方法:此电脑 -- 管理 -- 服务 -- HoudiniLicenseServer -- 右击:启动;
    ---- ---- ---- 正常状态:此电脑 -- 管理 -- 服务 -- HoudiniLicenseServer -- 右击:属性 -- 启动类型:自动,服务状态:正在运行;


    ---- 关闭win10防火墙:
    ---- ---- 打开控制面板:运行 -- 输入“control”,回车 -- 控制面板 -- “类别:大图标”;
    ---- ---- 找到“Windows Defender 防火墙”,打开 "Windows Defender 防火墙";
    ---- ---- "Windows Defender 防火墙"的左侧,打开 "启用或关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙";
    ---- ---- 在“专用网络设置”和“公用网络设置”中,都勾选“关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙(不推荐)”,点击“确定”,完成关闭"Windows Defender 防火墙"。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lnlidawei/p/12744317.html
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