program bzoj1018; type node=array [0..5] of boolean; pair=array [0..1] of boolean; var tot,c,i,j,k,x1,y1,x2,y2:longint; ans:boolean; ch:char; x,y,z:node; left,right:array [0..200001] of longint; stu:array [0..200001] of node; had:array [0..200001]of pair; procedure swap(var a,b:longint); begin if a=b then exit; a:=a xor b; b:=a xor b; a:=a xor b; end; procedure build(s,e,now:longint); var mid:longint; begin if s=e then begin stu[now][0]:=true; stu[now][3]:=true; exit; end; mid:=(s+e) >>1; inc(tot); left[now]:=tot; build(s,mid,tot); inc(tot); right[now]:=tot; build(mid+1,e,tot); end; function update(a,b:node;had:pair):node; var i,j,k:longint; now:node; begin fillchar(now,sizeof(now),false); if had[0] and a[0] and b[0] then now[0]:=true; if had[1] and a[1] and b[2] then now[0]:=true; if had[0] and a[0] and b[1] then now[1]:=true; if had[1] and a[1] and b[3] then now[1]:=true; if had[0] and a[2] and b[0] then now[2]:=true; if had[1] and a[3] and b[2] then now[2]:=true; if had[0] and a[2] and b[1] then now[3]:=true; if had[1] and a[3] and b[3] then now[3]:=true; if a[4] then now[4]:=true; if a[0] and a[3] and had[0] and had[1] and b[4] then now[4]:=true; if b[5] then now[5]:=true; if b[0] and b[3] and had[0] and had[1] and a[5] then now[5]:=true; exit(now); end; procedure insertl(w:boolean;x,l,r,now:longint); var mid:longint; begin if l=r then begin if w then fillchar(stu[now],sizeof(stu[now]),true) else begin fillchar(stu[now],sizeof(stu[now]),false); stu[now][0]:=true; stu[now][3]:=true; end; exit; end; mid:=(l+r)>>1; if x<=mid then insertl(w,x,l,mid,left[now]) else insertl(w,x,mid+1,r,right[now]); stu[now]:=update(stu[left[now]],stu[right[now]],had[now]); end; procedure insertr(w:boolean;x,y,l,r,now:longint); var mid:longint; begin mid:=(l+r)>>1; if x=mid then begin had[now][y]:=w; stu[now]:=update(stu[left[now]],stu[right[now]],had[now]); exit; end; if x<=mid then insertr(w,x,y,l,mid,left[now]) else insertr(w,x,y,mid+1,r,right[now]); stu[now]:=update(stu[left[now]],stu[right[now]],had[now]); end; function find(x1,x2,l,r,now:longint):node; var temp:node; mid:longint; begin if(x1=l)and(x2=r) then exit(stu[now]); mid:=(l+r)>>1; if x2<=mid then exit(find(x1,x2,l,mid,left[now])) else if x1>mid then exit(find(x1,x2,mid+1,r,right[now])) else exit( update(find(x1,mid,l,mid,left[now]), find(mid+1,x2,mid+1,r,right[now]), had[now]) ); end; procedure main; begin readln(c); build(1,c,0); repeat read(ch); case ch of 'E':break; 'O':begin read(ch,ch,ch,y1,x1,y2,x2); dec(y1); dec(y2); if x1=x2 then insertl(true,x1,1,c,0) else if x1<x2 then insertr(true,x1,y1,1,c,0) else insertr(true,x2,y1,1,c,0); end; 'C':begin read(ch,ch,ch,ch,y1,x1,y2,x2); dec(y1); dec(y2); if x1=x2 then insertl(false,x1,1,c,0) else if x1<x2 then insertr(false,x1,y1,1,c,0) else insertr(false,x2,y1,1,c,0); end; 'A':begin read(ch,ch,y1,x1,y2,x2); dec(y1); dec(y2); if x1>x2 then begin swap(x1,x2); swap(y1,y2); end; x:=find(1,x1,1,c,0); y:=find(x1,x2,1,c,0); z:=find(x2,c,1,c,0); ans:=false; ans:=ans or y[y1*2+y2]; ans:=ans or(x[5] and y[(1-y1)*2+y2]); ans:=ans or(z[4] and y[y1*2+1-y2]); ans:=ans or(x[5] and z[4] and y[(1-y1)*2+1-y2]); if ans then writeln('Y') else writeln('N'); end; end; until false; end; begin main; end.