wget && chmod 755 ./ && bash ./
#!/bin/bash # Apache License 2.0 # Copyright (c) 2017, ROBOTIS CO., LTD. echo "" echo "[Note] Target OS version >>> Ubuntu Mate for the Raspberry Pi" echo "[Note] Target ROS version >>> ROS Kinetic Kame" echo "[Note] Catkin workspace >>> $HOME/catkin_ws" echo "" echo "PRESS [ENTER] TO CONTINUE THE INSTALLATION" echo "IF YOU WANT TO CANCEL, PRESS [CTRL] + [C]" read echo "[Set the target OS, ROS version and name of catkin workspace]" name_os_version=${name_os_version:="xenial"} name_ros_version=${name_ros_version:="kinetic"} name_catkin_workspace=${name_catkin_workspace:="catkin_ws"} echo "[Update the package lists and upgrade them]" sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get upgrade -y echo "[Install build environment, the chrony, ntpdate and set the ntpdate]" sudo apt-get install -y chrony ntpdate build-essential sudo ntpdate echo "[Add the ROS repository]" if [ ! -e /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list ]; then sudo sh -c "echo "deb ${name_os_version} main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list" fi echo "[Download the ROS keys]" roskey=`apt-key list | grep "Open Robotics"` if [ -z "$roskey" ]; then sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654 fi echo "[Check the ROS keys]" roskey=`apt-key list | grep "Open Robotics"` if [ -n "$roskey" ]; then echo "[ROS key exists in the list]" else echo "[Failed to receive the ROS key, aborts the installation]" exit 0 fi echo "[Update the package lists and upgrade them]" sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get upgrade -y echo "[Install the ros-base]" sudo apt-get install -y ros-$name_ros_version-ros-base echo "[Initialize rosdep]" sudo sh -c "rosdep init" rosdep update echo "[Environment setup and getting rosinstall]" source /opt/ros/$name_ros_version/ sudo apt-get install -y python-rosinstall echo "[Make the catkin workspace and test the catkin_make]" mkdir -p $HOME/$name_catkin_workspace/src cd $HOME/$name_catkin_workspace/src catkin_init_workspace cd $HOME/$name_catkin_workspace catkin_make echo "[Set the ROS evironment]" sh -c "echo "alias eb='nano ~/.bashrc'" >> ~/.bashrc" sh -c "echo "alias sb='source ~/.bashrc'" >> ~/.bashrc" sh -c "echo "alias gs='git status'" >> ~/.bashrc" sh -c "echo "alias gp='git pull'" >> ~/.bashrc" sh -c "echo "alias cw='cd ~/$name_catkin_workspace'" >> ~/.bashrc" sh -c "echo "alias cs='cd ~/$name_catkin_workspace/src'" >> ~/.bashrc" sh -c "echo "alias cm='cd ~/$name_catkin_workspace && catkin_make'" >> ~/.bashrc" sh -c "echo "source /opt/ros/$name_ros_version/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc" sh -c "echo "source ~/$name_catkin_workspace/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc" sh -c "echo "export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311" >> ~/.bashrc" sh -c "echo "export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost" >> ~/.bashrc" source $HOME/.bashrc echo "[Complete!!!]" exit 0