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  • 写简单游戏,学编程语言-python篇:传说哥大战剧毒术士






    import pygame
    import math
    import random
    # 1 - Initialize the game
    # prepare the variables
    width, height = 640, 480
    screen=pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))   
    # 2 - Load images
    player = pygame.image.load("1.bmp")
    badguy = pygame.image.load("2.bmp")
    backgroud= pygame.image.load("3.bmp")




     1 # 4 - clear the screen before drawing it again
     2      screen.fill(0)
     3     # 5 - draw the backgroud    
     4      for x in range(width/backgroud.get_width()+1):
     5          for y in range(height/backgroud.get_height()+1):
     6                 screen.blit(backgroud,(x*90,y*65))                   
     7      # 6 - loop through the events
     8      for event in pygame.event.get():
     9          # check if the event is the X button 
    10          if event.type==pygame.QUIT:
    11              # if it is quit the game
    12              pygame.quit() 
    13              exit(0)
    14          if event.type==pygame.KEYDOWN:
    15             if event.key == pygame.K_w:
    16                     playerpos[1]-=speed_y
    17             elif event.key == pygame.K_s:
    18                     playerpos[1]+=speed_y
    19             elif event.key == pygame.K_a:
    20                     playerpos[0]-=speed_x
    21             elif event.key == pygame.K_d:
    22                     playerpos[0]+=speed_x       
    23          position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    24          angle = math.atan2(position[1]-(playerpos[1]+32),position[0]-(playerpos[0]+32))
    25          playerrot = pygame.transform.rotate(player, 360-angle*57.29)
    26          playerpos1 = (playerpos[0]-playerrot.get_rect().width/2, playerpos[1]-playerrot.get_rect().height/2)
    27          if event.type==pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
    28              position=pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    29              bullet.append([math.atan2(position[1]-(playerpos1[1]+32),
    30                     position[0]-(playerpos1[0]+32)),playerpos1[0]+32,playerpos1[1]+32])





     1         # 7 - process fight        
     2          screen.blit(playerrot, playerpos1)
     3          for oneshot in bullet:
     4              index=0
     5              velx=math.cos(oneshot[0])*speed_bullet
     6              vely=math.sin(oneshot[0])*speed_bullet
     7              oneshot[1]+=velx
     8              oneshot[2]+=vely
     9              if oneshot[1]<-64 or oneshot[1]>640 or oneshot[2]<-64 or oneshot[2]>480:
    10                  bullet.pop(index)
    11              index+=1
    12              for eachone in bullet:
    13                 pos_x=int(eachone[1])
    14                 pos_y=int(eachone[2])
    15                 pos=[pos_x,pos_y]
    16                 bullet_bmp_new=pygame.transform.rotate(bullet_bmp,360-eachone[0]*57.29)
    17                 screen.blit(bullet_bmp_new,pos)
    18                 pygame.display.flip()
    19          for oneshot in bullet:
    20              if oneshot[1]<badguy_pos[0]+57 and oneshot[1]>badguy_pos[0] and
    21                 oneshot[2]<badguy_pos[1]+70 and oneshot[2]>badguy_pos[1]:
    22                  shot+=1
    23                  alive=False
    24                  break
    25          if shot<5 and alive==False:
    26              badguy_x=random.randrange(0,640-57)
    27              badguy_y=random.randrange(0,480-70)
    28              badguy_pos=[badguy_x,badguy_y] 
    29              alive=True
    30          if alive ==True:
    31             screen.blit(badguy, badguy_pos)
    32          else: 
    33             pygame.quit() 
    34             exit(0)
    35          if len(shit)<2:
    36              shit.append([math.atan2(playerpos1[1]-(badguy_pos[1]+32),
    37                     playerpos1[0]-(badguy_pos[0]+32)),badguy_pos[0]+32,badguy_pos[1]+32])
    38          for oneshit in shit:
    39              index=0
    40              velx=math.cos(oneshit[0])*speed_shit
    41              vely=math.sin(oneshit[0])*speed_shit
    42              oneshit[1]+=velx
    43              oneshit[2]+=vely
    44              if oneshit[1]<-64 or oneshit[1]>640 or oneshit[2]<-64 or oneshit[2]>480:
    45                  shit.pop(index)
    46              index+=1
    47              for eachshit in shit:
    48                 pos_x=int(eachshit[1])
    49                 pos_y=int(eachshit[2])
    50                 pos=[pos_x,pos_y]
    51                 shit_bmp_new=pygame.transform.rotate(shit_bmp,360-eachshit[0]*57.29)
    52                 screen.blit(shit_bmp_new,pos)
    53                 pygame.display.flip()
    54          for oneshit in shit:
    55              if oneshit[1]<playerpos1[0]+66 and oneshit[1]>playerpos1[0] and
    56                 oneshit[2]<playerpos1[1]+66 and oneshit[2]>playerpos1[1]:
    57                 pygame.quit() 
    58                 exit(0) 
    59          pygame.display.flip() 



    以上便是整个游戏的大体逻辑,可以看出利用python 100行左右的代码即可以实现一个最简单的人机对战,不过代码写的比较乱得说,也没有用函数编程和面向对象的东西。另外提一下写游戏这块效率性能确实不敢恭维(明显的迟钝)。。不管怎么样,利用pygame实现小游戏还是比较方便的。



      1 import pygame
      2 import math
      3 import random
      5 # 1 - Initialize the game
      6 pygame.init()
      7 # prepare the variables
      8 width, height = 640, 480
      9 screen=pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))   
     10 playerpos=[100,100]
     11 speed_x=5
     12 speed_y=5   
     13 speed_bullet=10
     14 speed_shit=3
     15 shot=0
     16 alive=True
     17 bullet=[]
     18 shit=[]
     19 badguy_x=random.randrange(0,640)
     20 badguy_y=random.randrange(0,480)
     21 badguy_pos=[badguy_x,badguy_y]
     22 green=[0,255,0]   
     23 # 2 - Load images
     24 player = pygame.image.load("1.bmp")
     25 badguy = pygame.image.load("2.bmp")
     26 backgroud= pygame.image.load("3.bmp")
     27 bullet_bmp=pygame.image.load("4.bmp")
     28 shit_bmp=pygame.image.load("5.bmp")
     29 player.set_colorkey([0,0,0])
     30 badguy.set_colorkey([0,0,0])
     31 shit_bmp.set_colorkey([255,255,255])
     32 # 3 - main loop
     33 while 1:
     34      # 4 - clear the screen before drawing it again
     35      screen.fill(0)
     36     # 5 - draw the backgroud    
     37      for x in range(width/backgroud.get_width()+1):
     38          for y in range(height/backgroud.get_height()+1):
     39                 screen.blit(backgroud,(x*90,y*65))
     42      # 6 - loop through the events
     43      for event in pygame.event.get():
     44          # check if the event is the X button 
     45          if event.type==pygame.QUIT:
     46              # if it is quit the game
     47              pygame.quit() 
     48              exit(0)
     49          if event.type==pygame.KEYDOWN:
     50             if event.key == pygame.K_w:
     51                     playerpos[1]-=speed_y
     52             elif event.key == pygame.K_s:
     53                     playerpos[1]+=speed_y
     54             elif event.key == pygame.K_a:
     55                     playerpos[0]-=speed_x
     56             elif event.key == pygame.K_d:
     57                     playerpos[0]+=speed_x       
     58          position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
     59          angle = math.atan2(position[1]-(playerpos[1]+32),position[0]-(playerpos[0]+32))
     60          playerrot = pygame.transform.rotate(player, 360-angle*57.29)
     61          playerpos1 = (playerpos[0]-playerrot.get_rect().width/2, playerpos[1]-playerrot.get_rect().height/2)
     62          if event.type==pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
     63              position=pygame.mouse.get_pos()
     64              bullet.append([math.atan2(position[1]-(playerpos1[1]+32),
     65                     position[0]-(playerpos1[0]+32)),playerpos1[0]+32,playerpos1[1]+32])
     66          # 7 - process fight        
     67          screen.blit(playerrot, playerpos1)
     68          for oneshot in bullet:
     69              index=0
     70              velx=math.cos(oneshot[0])*speed_bullet
     71              vely=math.sin(oneshot[0])*speed_bullet
     72              oneshot[1]+=velx
     73              oneshot[2]+=vely
     74              if oneshot[1]<-64 or oneshot[1]>640 or oneshot[2]<-64 or oneshot[2]>480:
     75                  bullet.pop(index)
     76              index+=1
     77              for eachone in bullet:
     78                 pos_x=int(eachone[1])
     79                 pos_y=int(eachone[2])
     80                 pos=[pos_x,pos_y]
     81                 bullet_bmp_new=pygame.transform.rotate(bullet_bmp,360-eachone[0]*57.29)
     82                 screen.blit(bullet_bmp_new,pos)
     83                 pygame.display.flip()
     84          for oneshot in bullet:
     85              if oneshot[1]<badguy_pos[0]+57 and oneshot[1]>badguy_pos[0] and
     86                 oneshot[2]<badguy_pos[1]+70 and oneshot[2]>badguy_pos[1]:
     87                  shot+=1
     88                  alive=False
     89                  break
     90          if shot<5 and alive==False:
     91              badguy_x=random.randrange(0,640-57)
     92              badguy_y=random.randrange(0,480-70)
     93              badguy_pos=[badguy_x,badguy_y] 
     94              alive=True
     95          if alive ==True:
     96             screen.blit(badguy, badguy_pos)
     97          else: 
     98             pygame.quit() 
     99             exit(0)
    100          if len(shit)<2:
    101              shit.append([math.atan2(playerpos1[1]-(badguy_pos[1]+32),
    102                     playerpos1[0]-(badguy_pos[0]+32)),badguy_pos[0]+32,badguy_pos[1]+32])
    103          for oneshit in shit:
    104              index=0
    105              velx=math.cos(oneshit[0])*speed_shit
    106              vely=math.sin(oneshit[0])*speed_shit
    107              oneshit[1]+=velx
    108              oneshit[2]+=vely
    109              if oneshit[1]<-64 or oneshit[1]>640 or oneshit[2]<-64 or oneshit[2]>480:
    110                  shit.pop(index)
    111              index+=1
    112              for eachshit in shit:
    113                 pos_x=int(eachshit[1])
    114                 pos_y=int(eachshit[2])
    115                 pos=[pos_x,pos_y]
    116                 shit_bmp_new=pygame.transform.rotate(shit_bmp,360-eachshit[0]*57.29)
    117                 screen.blit(shit_bmp_new,pos)
    118                 pygame.display.flip()
    119          for oneshit in shit:
    120              if oneshit[1]<playerpos1[0]+66 and oneshit[1]>playerpos1[0] and
    121                 oneshit[2]<playerpos1[1]+66 and oneshit[2]>playerpos1[1]:
    122                 pygame.quit() 
    123                 exit(0) 
    124          pygame.display.flip()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lophy/p/3504180.html
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