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  • oracleSQL笔记

    create table jun.TB_BOOK(
    book_id number not null primary key,
    book_name varchar2(100) not null,
    book_price float not null,
    author_id number,
    book_pagennumbers number,
    constraints fk_book_author_001 foreign key (author_id)
    references jun.tb_author(author_id)    /*创建外键*/

    drop table jun.tb_book;
    select*from jun.tb_book;

    insert into jun.tb_book (book_id,book_name,book_price,book_pagennumbers)

    delete from jun.tb_book where book_id=1001;
    select*from jun.tb_book b

    inner join jun.tb_author a
    on b.author_id=a.author_id
    where b.author_id=(select author_id from jun.tb_book where book_id=1007)

    alter table jun.tb_book add constraints fk_book_author_001
    foreign key (author_id) references jun.tb_author(author_id);/*创建外键*/

    alter table jun.tb_book drop constraints fk_book_author_001;/* 删除外键约束*/

    alter table jun.tb_book add constraints check_001 check(book_price<200);/*创建check约束*/

    alter table jun.tb_book drop constraints check_001;/*删除check外键*/

    create table jun.tb_author(
    author_id number not null primary key,
    author_name varchar2(20)

    alter table jun.tb_book drop (book_author);
    alter table jun.tb_book add(author_id number);

    alter table jun.tb_book rename to books; /*修改表名*/

    alter table jun.tb_book drop(book_author);
    alter table jun.tb_book add(book_author varchar2(30));

    alter table jun.tb_book modify (book_author varchar2(40));/*修改字段的名称*/

    update jun.tb_book set book_name='lovejava' where book_id=1001; /*更新一条记录*/

    reate sequence jun.seq_user_id
    start with 6
    increment by 1
    cache 20;

    --页码1,  每页的数量2 (n-1)*2+1 and n*2
    select *from
    (select rownum rn, u.* from jun.blog_user u
    where u.edu_background='本科') c
    where c.rn between (1-1)*2+1 and 1*2

    alter table jun.blog_article
    modify article_name varchar2(400)

    select sum(
           case when flag=1 then cash*(-1)
                else cash
                end) as "count"
       from jun.account a
       where a.card_no ='1001';

    --按月份统计 按年份排列的查询语句
    select to_char(create_date,'yyyy') as "year",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='01' then 1 else 0 end) as "01",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='02' then 1 else 0 end) as "02",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='03' then 1 else 0 end) as "03",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='04' then 1 else 0 end) as "04",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='05' then 1 else 0 end) as "05",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='06' then 1 else 0 end) as "06",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='07' then 1 else 0 end) as "07",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='08' then 1 else 0 end) as "08",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='09' then 1 else 0 end) as "09",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='10' then 1 else 0 end) as "10",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='11' then 1 else 0 end) as "11",
    sum(case when to_char(create_date,'mm')='12' then 1 else 0 end) as "12"
    from jun.blog_article
    group by to_char(create_date,'yyyy');

    create or replace procedure jun.sp_article_insert
    (user_id varchar2,
    artilce_name varchar2,
    article_content varchar2,
    last_modify date,
    create_date date,
    click_number number ,
    author_name varchar2)
            insert into jun.blog_article values(
    end ;

    drop procedure jun.sp_article_insert

    rowValue jun.blog_article%rowtype;--定义一个行类型
    cursor myCursor is
            select *from jun.blog_article where user_id='zhangsan';
            open myCursor;
                 fetch myCursor into rowValue;--抓取一行数据
                 exit when myCursor%notfound;
            end loop;
            close myCursor;

    create or replace package jun.pk_article is

           procedure sp_article_insert(
           user_id varchar2,
           artilce_name varchar2,
           article_content varchar2,
           last_modify date,
           create_date date,
           click_number number ,
           author_name varchar2,
           article_id out number);
           type type_ref_cursor is ref cursor;
           procedure sp_article_delete
            (v_article_id jun.blog_article.article_id%type);
           procedure sp_article_findall_by_user_id
                      (v_user_id jun.blog_article.user_id%type,
                      mycursor out type_ref_cursor);

    --创建包 body
    create or replace package body jun.pk_article is
           procedure sp_article_insert
           (user_id varchar2,
           artilce_name varchar2,
           article_content varchar2,
           last_modify date,
           create_date date,
           click_number number ,
           author_name varchar2,
           article_id out number)
           insert into jun.blog_article values(
            select jun.seq_blog_article_article_id.currval
            into article_id from dual;

            procedure sp_article_delete
            (v_article_id jun.blog_article.article_id%type)
            delete from jun.blog_article
            where article_id =v_article_id;

            procedure sp_article_findall_by_user_id
                      (v_user_id jun.blog_article.user_id%type,
                      mycursor out type_ref_cursor) is
               open mycursor for select *from jun.blog_article where user_id=v_user_id;
               close mycursor;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/loveqin24/p/1998834.html
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