定义对象间的一种一对多的依赖关系,当一个对象的状态发生改变时, 所有依赖于它的对象都得到通知并被自动更新。
图1 Observer模式结构图
观察者模式是GoF23种模式中两个不仅融入.NET Framework类库,同时被.NET 语言本身所支持的模式之一(另一个是迭代器模式)。当编写一个Web应用或Windows应用时你常用到事件及事件处理函数。事件和委托是作为类型级语言特性,分别扮演者观察者模式中Subject与Observers的角色。
当一个抽象模型有两个方面, 其中一个方面依赖于另一方面。将这二者封装在独立的对象中以使它们可以各自独立地改变和复用。
当对一个对象的改变需要同时改变其它对象, 而不知道具体有多少对象有待改变。
当一个对象必须通知其它对象,而它又不能假定其它对象是谁。换言之, 你不希望这些对象是紧密耦合的。
DoFactory GoF代码
// Observer pattern // Structural example using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Observer.Structural { // MainApp test application class MainApp { static void Main() { // Configure Observer pattern ConcreteSubject s = new ConcreteSubject(); s.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(s, "X")); s.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(s, "Y")); s.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(s, "Z")); // Change subject and notify observers s.SubjectState = "ABC"; s.Notify(); // Wait for user Console.ReadKey(); } } // "Subject" abstract class Subject { private List<Observer> _observers = new List<Observer>(); public void Attach(Observer observer) { _observers.Add(observer); } public void Detach(Observer observer) { _observers.Remove(observer); } public void Notify() { foreach (Observer o in _observers) { o.Update(); } } } // "ConcreteSubject" class ConcreteSubject : Subject { private string _subjectState; // Gets or sets subject state public string SubjectState { get { return _subjectState; } set { _subjectState = value; } } } // "Observer" abstract class Observer { public abstract void Update(); } // "ConcreteObserver" class ConcreteObserver : Observer { private string _name; private string _observerState; private ConcreteSubject _subject; // Constructor public ConcreteObserver(ConcreteSubject subject, string name) { this._subject = subject; this._name = name; } public override void Update() { _observerState = _subject.SubjectState; Console.WriteLine("Observer {0}'s new state is {1}", _name, _observerState); } // Gets or sets subject public ConcreteSubject Subject { get { return _subject; } set { _subject = value; } } } }
Subject – Stock
ConcreteSubject – IBM
Observer – IInvestor
ConcreteObserver – Investor
// Observer pattern // Real World example using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Observer.RealWorld { // MainApp test application class MainApp { static void Main() { // Create IBM stock and attach investors IBM ibm = new IBM("IBM", 120.00); ibm.Attach(new Investor("Sorros")); ibm.Attach(new Investor("Berkshire")); // Fluctuating prices will notify investors ibm.Price = 120.10; ibm.Price = 121.00; ibm.Price = 120.50; ibm.Price = 120.75; // Wait for user Console.ReadKey(); } } // "Subject" abstract class Stock { private string _symbol; private double _price; private List<IInvestor> _investors = new List<IInvestor>(); // Constructor public Stock(string symbol, double price) { this._symbol = symbol; this._price = price; } public void Attach(IInvestor investor) { _investors.Add(investor); } public void Detach(IInvestor investor) { _investors.Remove(investor); } public void Notify() { foreach (IInvestor investor in _investors) { investor.Update(this); } Console.WriteLine(""); } // Gets or sets the price public double Price { get { return _price; } set { if (_price != value) { _price = value; Notify(); } } } // Gets the symbol public string Symbol { get { return _symbol; } } } // "ConcreteSubject" class IBM : Stock { // Constructor public IBM(string symbol, double price) : base(symbol, price) { } } // "Observer" interface IInvestor { void Update(Stock stock); } // "ConcreteObserver" class Investor : IInvestor { private string _name; private Stock _stock; // Constructor public Investor(string name) { this._name = name; } public void Update(Stock stock) { Console.WriteLine("Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "change to {2:C}", _name, stock.Symbol, stock.Price); } // Gets or sets the stock public Stock Stock { get { return _stock; } set { _stock = value; } } } }
.NET优化的代码实现了与上面例子相同的功能但更多的使用了现代的.NET内置的特性。这个例子使用了.NET多播委托来完成,这是观察者模式的一个实现。委托是类型安全的函数指针,其可以用来调用一个方法。泛型委托可以接受事件处理函数指定的参数,换句话说,名为sender的参数不一定非得是object类型,其可以是任意类型(这个例子中是Stock类型)。多播委托由多个方法组成,这些方法以它们被通过C# +=运算符订阅的顺序依次被调用。例子中也使用了.NET3.0中自动属性和类型初始化器等特性。
// Observer pattern // .NET Optimized example using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Observer.NETOptimized { class MainApp { static void Main() { // Create IBM stock and attach investors var ibm = new IBM(120.00); // Attach 'listeners', i.e. Investors ibm.Attach(new Investor { Name = "Sorros" }); ibm.Attach(new Investor { Name = "Berkshire" }); // Fluctuating prices will notify listening investors ibm.Price = 120.10; ibm.Price = 121.00; ibm.Price = 120.50; ibm.Price = 120.75; // Wait for user Console.ReadKey(); } } // Custom event arguments public class ChangeEventArgs : EventArgs { // Gets or sets symbol public string Symbol { get; set; } // Gets or sets price public double Price { get; set; } } // "Subject" abstract class Stock { protected string _symbol; protected double _price; // Constructor public Stock(string symbol, double price) { this._symbol = symbol; this._price = price; } // Event public event EventHandler<ChangeEventArgs> Change; // Invoke the Change event public virtual void OnChange(ChangeEventArgs e) { if (Change != null) { Change(this, e); } } public void Attach(IInvestor investor) { Change += investor.Update; } public void Detach(IInvestor investor) { Change -= investor.Update; } // Gets or sets the price public double Price { get { return _price; } set { if (_price != value) { _price = value; OnChange(new ChangeEventArgs { Symbol = _symbol, Price = _price }); Console.WriteLine(""); } } } } // "ConcreteSubject" class IBM : Stock { // Constructor - symbol for IBM is always same public IBM(double price) : base("IBM", price) { } } // "Observer" interface IInvestor { void Update(object sender, ChangeEventArgs e); } // "ConcreteObserver" class Investor : IInvestor { // Gets or sets the investor name public string Name { get; set; } // Gets or sets the stock public Stock Stock { get; set; } public void Update(object sender, ChangeEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "change to {2:C}", Name, e.Symbol, e.Price); } } }
public class Microsoft { private Investor _investor; private String _symbol; private double _price; public void Update() { _investor.SendData(this); } public Investor Investor { get { return _investor; } set { _investor = value; } } public String Symbol { get { return _symbol; } set { _symbol = value; } } public double Price { get { return _price; } set { _price = value; } } } public class Investor { private string _name; public Investor(string name) { this._name = name; } public void SendData(Microsoft ms) { Console.WriteLine("Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "change to {2:C}", _name, ms.Symbol, ms.Price); } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Investor investor = new Investor("Jom"); Microsoft ms = new Microsoft(); ms.Investor = investor; ms.Symbol = "Microsoft"; ms.Price = 120.00; ms.Update(); Console.ReadLine(); } }
Notified Jom of Microsoft's change to ¥120
public class Mobile { private string _no; public Mobile(string No) { this._no = No; } public void SendData(Microsoft ms) { Console.WriteLine("Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "change to {2:C}", _no, ms.Symbol, ms.Price); } }
public class Microsoft { private Investor _investor; private Mobile _mobile; private String _symbol; private double _price; public void Update() { _investor.SendData(this); _mobile.SendData(this); } public Mobile Mobile { get { return _mobile; } set { _mobile = value; } } public Investor Investor { get { return _investor; } set { _investor = value; } } public String Symbol { get { return _symbol; } set { _symbol = value; } } public double Price { get { return _price; } set { _price = value; } } }
public interface IObserver { void SendData(Microsoft ms); } public class Investor : IObserver { private string _name; public Investor(string name) { this._name = name; } public void SendData(Microsoft ms) { Console.WriteLine("Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "change to {2:C}", _name, ms.Symbol, ms.Price); } } public class Microsoft { private IObserver _investor; private String _symbol; private double _price; public void Update() { _investor.SendData(this); } public String Symbol { get { return _symbol; } set { _symbol = value; } } public double Price { get { return _price; } set { _price = value; } } public IObserver Investor { get { return _investor; } set { _investor = value; } } }
public class Microsoft { private List<IObserver> observers = new List<IObserver>(); private String _symbol; private double _price; public void Update() { foreach (IObserver ob in observers) { ob.SendData(this); } } public void AddObserver(IObserver observer) { observers.Add(observer); } public void RemoveObserver(IObserver observer) { observers.Remove(observer); } public String Symbol { get { return _symbol; } set { _symbol = value; } } public double Price { get { return _price; } set { _price = value; } } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { IObserver investor1 = new Investor("Jom"); IObserver investor2 = new Investor("TerryLee"); Microsoft ms = new Microsoft(); ms.Symbol = "Microsoft"; ms.Price = 120.00; ms.AddObserver(investor1); ms.AddObserver(investor2); ms.Update(); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public abstract class Stock { private List<IObserver> observers = new List<IObserver>(); private String _symbol; private double _price; public Stock(String symbol, double price) { this._symbol = symbol; this._price = price; } public void Update() { foreach (IObserver ob in observers) { ob.SendData(this); } } public void AddObserver(IObserver observer) { observers.Add(observer); } public void RemoveObserver(IObserver observer) { observers.Remove(observer); } public String Symbol { get { return _symbol; } } public double Price { get { return _price; } } } public class Microsoft : Stock { public Microsoft(String symbol, double price) : base(symbol, price) { } } public interface IObserver { void SendData(Stock stock); } public class Investor : IObserver { private string _name; public Investor(string name) { this._name = name; } public void SendData(Stock stock) { Console.WriteLine("Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "change to {2:C}", _name, stock.Symbol, stock.Price); } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Stock ms = new Microsoft("Microsoft", 120.00); ms.AddObserver(new Investor("Jom")); ms.AddObserver(new Investor("TerryLee")); ms.Update(); Console.ReadLine(); } }
对于发布-订阅模型,大家都很容易能想到推模式与拉模式,用SQL Server做过数据库复制的朋友对这一点很清楚。在Observer模式中同样区分推模式和拉模式,我先简单的解释一下两者的区别:推模式是当有消息时,把消息信息以参数的形式传递(推)给所有观察者,而拉模式是当有消息时,通知消息的方法本身并不带任何的参数,是由观察者自己到主体对象那儿取回(拉)消息。知道了这一点,大家可能很容易发现上面我所举的例子其实是一种推模式的Observer模式。我们先看看这种模式带来了什么好处:当有消息时,所有的观察者都会直接得到全部的消息,并进行相应的处理程序,与主体对象没什么关系,两者之间的关系是一种松散耦合。但是它也有缺陷,第一是所有的观察者得到的消息是一样的,也许有些信息对某个观察者来说根本就用不上,也就是观察者不能"按需所取";第二,当通知消息的参数有变化时,所有的观察者对象都要变化。鉴于以上问题,拉模式就应运而生了,它是由观察者自己主动去取消息,需要什么信息,就可以取什么,不会像推模式那样得到所有的消息参数。OK,说到这儿,你是否对于推模式和拉模式有了一点了解呢?我把前面的例子修改为了拉模式,供大家参考,可以看到通知方法是没有任何参数的:
public abstract class Stock { private List<IObserver> observers = new List<IObserver>(); private String _symbol; private double _price; public Stock(String symbol, double price) { this._symbol = symbol; this._price = price; } public void Update() { foreach (IObserver ob in observers) { ob.SendData(); } } public void AddObserver(IObserver observer) { observers.Add(observer); } public void RemoveObserver(IObserver observer) { observers.Remove(observer); } public String Symbol { get { return _symbol; } } public double Price { get { return _price; } } } public class Microsoft : Stock { public Microsoft(String symbol, double price) : base(symbol, price) { } } public interface IObserver { void SendData(); } public class Investor : IObserver { private string _name; private Stock _stock; public Investor(string name, Stock stock) { this._name = name; this._stock = stock; } public void SendData() { Console.WriteLine("Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "change to {2:C}", _name, _stock.Symbol, _stock.Price); } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Stock ms = new Microsoft("Microsoft", 120.00); ms.AddObserver(new Investor("Jom", ms)); ms.AddObserver(new Investor("TerryLee", ms)); ms.Update(); Console.ReadLine(); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DoFactory.HeadFirst.Observer.WeatherStation { class WeatherStationHeatIndex { static void Main(string[] args) { var weatherData = new WeatherData(); var currentDisplay = new CurrentConditionsDisplay(weatherData); var statisticsDisplay = new StatisticsDisplay(weatherData); var forecastDisplay = new ForecastDisplay(weatherData); var heatIndexDisplay = new HeatIndexDisplay(weatherData); weatherData.SetMeasurements(80, 65, 30.4f); weatherData.SetMeasurements(82, 70, 29.2f); weatherData.SetMeasurements(78, 90, 29.2f); // Wait for user Console.ReadKey(); } } #region Subject public interface ISubject { void RegisterObserver(IObserver observer); void RemoveObserver(IObserver observer); void NotifyObservers(); } public class WeatherData : ISubject { private List<IObserver> _observers = new List<IObserver>(); private float _temperature; private float _humidity; private float _pressure; public void RegisterObserver(IObserver observer) { _observers.Add(observer); } public void RemoveObserver(IObserver observer) { _observers.Remove(observer); } public void NotifyObservers() { foreach (IObserver observer in _observers) { observer.Update(_temperature, _humidity, _pressure); } } public void MeasurementsChanged() { NotifyObservers(); } public void SetMeasurements(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure) { this._temperature = temperature; this._humidity = humidity; this._pressure = pressure; MeasurementsChanged(); } } #endregion #region Observer public interface IObserver { void Update(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure); } public interface IDisplayElement { void Display(); } public class CurrentConditionsDisplay : IObserver, IDisplayElement { private float _temperature; private float _humidity; private ISubject _weatherData; public CurrentConditionsDisplay(ISubject weatherData) { this._weatherData = weatherData; weatherData.RegisterObserver(this); } public void Update(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure) { this._temperature = temperature; this._humidity = humidity; Display(); } public void Display() { Console.WriteLine("Current conditions: " + _temperature + "F degrees and " + _humidity + "% humidity"); } } public class ForecastDisplay : IObserver, IDisplayElement { private float _currentPressure = 29.92f; private float _lastPressure; private WeatherData _weatherData; public ForecastDisplay(WeatherData weatherData) { this._weatherData = weatherData; weatherData.RegisterObserver(this); } public void Update(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure) { _lastPressure = _currentPressure; _currentPressure = pressure; Display(); } public void Display() { Console.Write("Forecast: "); if (_currentPressure > _lastPressure) { Console.WriteLine("Improving weather on the way!"); } else if (_currentPressure == _lastPressure) { Console.WriteLine("More of the same"); } else if (_currentPressure < _lastPressure) { Console.WriteLine("Watch out for cooler, rainy weather"); } } } public class HeatIndexDisplay : IObserver, IDisplayElement { private float _heatIndex = 0.0f; private WeatherData _weatherData; public HeatIndexDisplay(WeatherData weatherData) { this._weatherData = weatherData; weatherData.RegisterObserver(this); } public void Update(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure) { _heatIndex = ComputeHeatIndex(temperature, humidity); Display(); } private float ComputeHeatIndex(float t, float rh) { float heatindex = (float) ( (16.923 + (0.185212 * t)) + (5.37941 * rh) - (0.100254 * t * rh) + (0.00941695 * (t * t)) + (0.00728898 * (rh * rh)) + (0.000345372 * (t * t * rh)) - (0.000814971 * (t * rh * rh)) + (0.0000102102 * (t * t * rh * rh)) - (0.000038646 * (t * t * t)) + (0.0000291583 * (rh * rh * rh)) + (0.00000142721 * (t * t * t * rh)) + (0.000000197483 * (t * rh * rh * rh)) - (0.0000000218429 * (t * t * t * rh * rh)) + (0.000000000843296 * (t * t * rh * rh * rh)) - (0.0000000000481975 * (t * t * t * rh * rh * rh))); return heatindex; } public void Display() { Console.WriteLine("Heat index is " + _heatIndex + " "); } } public class StatisticsDisplay : IObserver, IDisplayElement { private float _maxTemp = 0.0f; private float _minTemp = 200; private float _tempSum = 0.0f; private int _numReadings; private WeatherData _weatherData; public StatisticsDisplay(WeatherData weatherData) { this._weatherData = weatherData; weatherData.RegisterObserver(this); } public void Update(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure) { _tempSum += temperature; _numReadings++; if (temperature > _maxTemp) { _maxTemp = temperature; } if (temperature < _minTemp) { _minTemp = temperature; } Display(); } public void Display() { Console.WriteLine("Avg/Max/Min temperature = " + (_tempSum / _numReadings) + "/" + _maxTemp + "/" + _minTemp); } } #endregion }
正如上文提到的,.NET事件模型使用观察者模式来实现,并且贯穿整个.NET Framwork – 包括.NET语言和.NET类库。
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Stock stock = new Stock("Microsoft", 120.00); Investor investor = new Investor("Jom"); stock.NotifyEvent += new NotifyEventHandler(investor.SendData); stock.Update(); Console.ReadLine(); } } public delegate void NotifyEventHandler(object sender); public class Stock { public NotifyEventHandler NotifyEvent; private String _symbol; private double _price; public Stock(String symbol, double price) { this._symbol = symbol; this._price = price; } public void Update() { OnNotifyChange(); } public void OnNotifyChange() { if (NotifyEvent != null) { NotifyEvent(this); } } public String Symbol { get { return _symbol; } } public double Price { get { return _price; } } } public class Investor { private string _name; public Investor(string name) { this._name = name; } public void SendData(object obj) { if (obj is Stock) { Stock stock = (Stock)obj; Console.WriteLine("Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "change to {2:C}", _name, stock.Symbol, stock.Price); } } }