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  • Dynamic CRM常用代码记录

    Dynamic CRM 查询实体记录 被共享给了 哪个用户

     --客户表名"new_customer"  SELECT u.FullName AS 被共享人,a.new_name AS 客户名称,sup.SystemUserid AS 共享人ID,POA.ObjectId AS 共享记录ID FROM PrincipalObjectAccess  POA inner  join SystemUserPrincipals sup on POA.PrincipalId = sup.PrincipalId  inner join SystemUserBase u  on sup.SystemUserId=u.SystemUserId inner join dbo.new_customer a  on a.new_customerId=POA.ObjectId WHERE POA.ObjectId IN (SELECT new_customerId FROM dbo.new_customer)

    --查询实体信息,实体名称:account select * from MetadataSchema.Entity where name= 'account'

    查询窗体信息,ObjectTypeCode: 实体的code select * from systemform where ObjectTypeCode = 1

    查询视图信息: --查询视图信息,ReturnedTypeCode:实体的code select * from SavedQuerybase where ReturnedTypeCode = 1 

    查询字段信息: --查询字段信息 with attr as(    select * from MetadataSchema.Attribute as a    where a.EntityId in (select entityid from MetadataSchema.Entity     where name = 'new_member') and a.IsCustomField = 1 )  select a.attributeid,a.Name,label.Label,ty.Description, (select top 1 name from MetadataSchema.Entity where EntityId in ( select ship.ReferencedEntityId from MetadataSchema.Relationship as ship where ship.ReferencingAttributeId = a.AttributeId)) as 'lookName'  from attr as a inner join MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel as label on a.attributeid = label.objectid inner join MetadataSchema.AttributeTypes as ty on a.AttributeTypeId = ty.AttributeTypeId where label.objectcolumnname = 'DisplayName' and a.validforcreateapi = 1

    查询关系信息: select * from MetadataSchema.Relationship where ReferencingEntityId in (select top 1 entityid from MetadataSchema.Entity where name = 'new_store')

    实体ID查询方法:  SELECT ObjectTypeCode from Entity  where  name='实体名称' 调用函数方法: select getpicklist('字段名称',字段值,实体ID)

    --@AttributeName 字段名称 --@AttributeValue 字段值 --@ObjectTypeCode 实体ID create function GetPickList( @AttributeName varchar(100), @AttributeValue int, @ObjectTypeCode int ) returns varchar(100) as begin declare @value varchar(100)  SELECT @value=Value FROM StringMap  where  AttributeName=@AttributeName AND AttributeValue=@AttributeValue and ObjectTypeCode=@ObjectTypeCode  return @value end

    查询 picklist的方法:

       select    a.AttributeValue   ,a.Value    from StringMap a    where a.ObjectTypeCode=1  and a.AttributeName='new_acc_type' and Attributevalue=100000000

    Microsoft Dynamics CRM 解决数据大于5000时,页面上只能导出5000+数据。

    页面显示: update [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[DeploymentProperties] set IntColumn=10000 --调整成10000+   页面导出:   一、在CRM2011中如果想要导出超过10000记录数据,做法如下:针对CRM2011导出Excel 时,默认只能导出10000的限制在CRM2011产品中的MSCRM 对应的组织数据库中,找到名为organizationbase的表, 修改列名为maxrecordsforexporttoexcel的值即可。此处可不要随便将值设置为-1 。   二、在 CRM2011中如果想要显示5000+之后的具体记录数,做法如下: 针对全局的显示记录数最大值设置在CRM2011产品中的后台MSCRM_Config数据库中表名为DeploymentProperties的系统级的参数设定表,找到ColumnName为 PagingLimt的记录,将IntColumn更改为最大的记录限制数如50000,如果更改为无限制(有多少记录显示多数记录数)则可设置为-1,修改完成后重启IIS (iisreset)生效针对用户每页显示记录条数的设置 在MSCRM中可通过个人选项设置单页的最大显示记录条数,但最大值为250, 多么好的一个数值,但往往很多客户都想要超越这一值, 通过修改后台表参数也可以达到修改的目的。此 表在MSCRM对应的组织数据库中,如组织名为Sky,则此表在sky_mscrm下,表名为UserSettings ,修改列名为PagingLimt的值即可,此处可不要随便将值设置为-1 。  三,代码只能查出5000+数据方法 update OrganizationBase set MaxRecordsForExportToExcel = 99999999

    CRM 数据密钥 忘记 解决方案

    UPDATE EmailServerProfile SET IncomingPassword=null UPDATE EmailServerProfile SET OutgoingPassword=null UPDATE Mailbox SET Password=null UPDATE Queue SET EmailPassword=null UPDATE UserSettings SET EmailPassword=null

    netsh http show urlacl

    netsh http del urlacl https://+:443/adfs/

    netsh http del urlacl https://+:443/FederationMetadata/2007-06/


    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell $ifd = Get-CrmSetting -SettingType "IfdSettings"

    $ifd.Enabled = 1

    $ifd.DiscoveryWebServiceRootDomain = "devurl"  //auth.servername:446

    $ifd.ExternalDomain ="https://authurl"  //  https://auth.server:446

    $ifd.OrganizationWebServiceRootDomain= "domain+port" // domain+port

    $ifd.WebApplicationRootDomain ="zenner.com.cn:446" //serverurl

    Set-CrmSetting $ifd iisreset  

    Set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust –TargetName "server" –TokenLifetime 500      //单位 分钟  server:  anth url

    Set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust –TargetName "CRM Claims Relying Party" –TokenLifetime 500

    ifd XRMTool 工具链接字符串

    Username=dominusername; Password=password

    ADFS 证书 验证 设置

    Set-AdfsProperties -AutoCertificateRollover $true

    Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -targetname "IFD Access" -signingcertificaterevocationcheck none

     Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -targetname "IFD Access" -encryptioncertificaterevocationcheck none 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lsysunbow/p/7243089.html
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