mysql:公式:update table_name set field=CONCAT('str',field) where .....
示例:update app_contract_ info set apply_type=CONCAT('123456',apply_type) where cont_code ='HFFQ'
oracle:公式: update table_name set field=field||'str' where .....
示例:update app_contract_ info set apply_type=apply_type||'123456' where cont_code ='HFFQ'
IEnumerable<Tuple3<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>>> join = Linq.asEnumerable(loanList).leftJoin( Linq.asEnumerable(payCardList), x -> Convert.toString(x.get("loanNo")), y -> Convert.toString(y.get("loanNo")), Tuple::create) .leftJoin(Linq.asEnumerable(resultList), x -> Convert.toString(x.getItem1().get("loanNo")), y -> Convert.toString(y.get("loanNo")), (x, y) -> Tuple.create(x.getItem1(), x.getItem2(), y)); for(Tuple3<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>> tuple : join) { Map<String, Object> map1=tuple .getItem1(); Map<String, Object> map2=tuple .getItem2(); Map<String, Object> map3=tuple .getItem3(); }
Map<String, Object> adConfigByModelIdAndSizeType = this.getAdConfigByModelIdAndSizeType(params); if (!HttpUtil.isSuccess(adConfigByModelIdAndSizeType)) { return adConfigByModelIdAndSizeType; } Map<String, Object> body = FormatUtil.getChildMap(adConfigByModelIdAndSizeType, "body"); List<Map<String, Object>> modelList = HCMapUtils.getChildList(body, "modelList"); if (HCCollectionUtils.isEmpty(modelList)) { return fail("99", "没有返回参数列表"); } Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>(2); // 将父级元素获取到 IEnumerable<Map<String, Object>> father = Linq.asEnumerable(modelList).where(item -> "1".equals(item.get("homeLevel"))); // 获取子级元素获取到 IEnumerable<IGrouping<String, Map<String, Object>>> child = Linq.asEnumerable(modelList) .where(item -> "2".equals(item.get("homeLevel"))) .groupBy(x -> Convert.toString(x.get("fatherId"))); IEnumerable<Tuple2<Map<String, Object>, IGrouping<String, Map<String, Object>>>> joinResult = father.leftJoin(child, x -> Convert.toString(x.get("id")), y -> Convert.toString(y.getKey()), Tuple::create); List<Map<String, Object>> childItem = joinResult.select(entry -> { Map<String, Object> left = entry.getItem1(); left.put("child", entry.getItem2().toList()); return left; }).toList(); result.put("modelList", childItem); logger.info("最终结果:" + FormatUtil.toJson(result)); return success(result);
alter table tablename add constraint pk_tablename primary key (column1,column2,...);
select column1 from tablenamed group by column1 having count(column1)>1;
linq 源码
注:此方法的入参File oldFile, File newFile 都是可以new File(path)
public static void compressFile(File oldFile, File newFile, Double scale, Long maxSize, Integer widthMax, Integer heightMax) { Assert.notNull(oldFile, "oldFile can not be null"); Assert.notNull(newFile, "oldFile can not be null"); logger.info(String.format("压缩照片==> srcPath:%s, descPath:%s", oldFile.getAbsolutePath(), newFile.getAbsolutePath())); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Long compressDefaultSize = Convert.defaultLong(CommonProperties.get("file.compressDefaultSize"), 2 * 1024 * 1024);//2M Double compressDefaultScale = Convert.defaultDouble(CommonProperties.get("file.compressDefaultScale"), 0.5); maxSize = Convert.defaultLong(maxSize, compressDefaultSize); scale = Convert.defaultDouble(scale, compressDefaultScale); logger.info(String.format("原照片大小:%s, 压缩标准:%s 单位:byte(B)", oldFile.length(), maxSize)); widthMax = Convert.defaultInteger(widthMax, 4096); heightMax = Convert.defaultInteger(heightMax, 4096); Image srcFile = null; int width; int height; try { srcFile = ImageIO.read(oldFile); width = srcFile.getWidth(null); height = srcFile.getHeight(null); logger.info(String.format("原照片%s, height:%s", width, height)); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(ThrowableUtils.getString(e)); throw new BusinessException(RestUtil.ERROR_INTERNAL_CODE, "压缩文件失败"); } try { int count = 0; while (oldFile.length() > maxSize || width> widthMax || height> heightMax) { logger.info("ompressCount = " + (++count)); int widthNew = (int) (width * scale); // 源图宽度 int heightNew = (int) (height * scale); // 源图高度 String subfix = StringUtils.getFilenameExtension(oldFile.getPath()); BufferedImage buffImg; if (subfix.equals("png")) { buffImg = new BufferedImage(widthNew, heightNew, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); } else { buffImg = new BufferedImage(widthNew, heightNew, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); } Graphics2D graphics = buffImg.createGraphics(); graphics.setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 255)); graphics.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255)); graphics.fillRect(0, 0, widthNew, heightNew); graphics.drawImage(srcFile.getScaledInstance(widthNew, heightNew, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH), 0, 0, null); graphics.dispose(); ImageIO.write(buffImg, subfix, newFile); oldFile = newFile; srcFile = ImageIO.read(oldFile); width = srcFile.getWidth(null); height = srcFile.getHeight(null); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(ThrowableUtils.getString(e)); throw new BusinessException(RestUtil.ERROR_INTERNAL_CODE, "压缩文件失败"); } Long timeSpan = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; logger.debug(String.format("ompressTook:%sms", timeSpan)); logger.info(String.format("照片压缩后大小:%s 单位:byte(B)", newFile.length())); logger.info(String.format("照片压缩后%s, height:%s", width, height)); return; }
public void sortLoanList(List<Map<String, Object>> list) { Map<String, Integer> hm = new HashMap<>(); hm.put("1", 1); hm.put("2", 2); hm.put("3", 3); hm.put("01", 4); hm.put("02", 5); hm.put("03", 6); hm.put("04", 7); hm.put("05", 8); hm.put("06", 9); hm.put("20", 10); hm.put("22", 11); hm.put("23", 12); hm.put("24", 13); hm.put("AA", 14); hm.put("OD", 15); hm.put("WS", 16); hm.put("30", 17); hm.put("31", 18); hm.put("92", 19); hm.put("93", 20); if (list != null) { list.sort((Map<String, Object> s1, Map<String, Object> s2) -> { String outSts1 = Convert.defaultString(s1.get(ServiceConstant.OUTSTS)); String outSts2 = Convert.defaultString(s2.get(ServiceConstant.OUTSTS)); if (hm.containsKey(outSts1) && hm.containsKey(outSts2)) { return hm.get(outSts2) - hm.get(outSts1); } else { return 1; } }); } }
alter table 表名 modify (字段名 varchar2(长度 char));
begin declare cursor c_update is select rowid row_id from 表名 where 字段名 is null; v_counter number := 0; begin for one_row in c_update loop v_counter := v_counter + 1; update 表名 SET 字段名='01' where rowid = one_row.row_id; if (v_counter = 50000) then v_counter := 0; commit; end if; end loop; commit; end; end; /