Hardware Interface Port, here we use PB01, TIM14, Channel 1.
Manchester code comes from TDA5225 receiver PP2 PIN. Carrier frequncy = 315MHz, data baudrate is about 9600 bit/s, However, this firmware we support much wide rate.
See the code here:

1 /******************************************************************************* 2 * @file tda5225_value_tim14.c 3 * @author Milo lu 4 * @brief Capture mancherster code by using tim14 pwm capture/Compare function. 5 * 6 @Versions description: 7 * v1.0.0 8 * 1. adapted,first functional draft 9 */ 10 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 11 #include "tda5225_value_tim14.h" 12 13 /** @addtogroup STM32F0xx_HAL_Examples 14 * @{ 15 */ 16 17 /** @addtogroup Templates 18 * @{ 19 */ 20 21 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ 22 #define MANCHESTER_LENGTH 32 23 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 24 #define COMBINATION_BITS 0xC000 25 /* ____ 26 0 ->10 -> |____ */ 27 #define MANCHESTER_0 0x8000 28 /* ____ 29 1 ->01 -> ____| */ 30 #define MANCHESTER_1 0x4000 31 #define FDEV_ERROR 0x01F4 32 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ 33 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ 34 /* Timer handler declaration */ 35 TIM_HandleTypeDef g_h_tim14; 36 /* Timer Input Capture Configuration Structure declaration */ 37 TIM_IC_InitTypeDef sICConfig; 38 CaptureStepTypeDef CAPTURE_STEP = RFPREAMBLE; 39 40 uint32_t uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val,uwPulseTM_Baseline_DVal; 41 uint16_t uw_Current_Pulse_Tim,uw_Last_Pulse_Tim; 42 uint16_t uwIC1_Start_Val,uwIC1_End_Val,uwPulse_Approximated_Val; 43 uint16_t uwPulseTIM_BUF[8]; 44 uint16_t RF_MANCHESTER_DATA_BUF[MANCHESTER_LENGTH]; 45 uint8_t Manchester_Index; 46 uint8_t RF_DATA_BUF[(MANCHESTER_LENGTH>>1)]; 47 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ 48 HAL_StatusTypeDef manchester_decoding(unsigned int dat,unsigned char *manchester_out); 49 HAL_StatusTypeDef LF_TIM14_PWM_Init(void); 50 HAL_StatusTypeDef RF_Receved_Start(FunctionalState k); 51 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ 52 /**--------------------------- Manchester --------------------------------* 53 * @brief decoding manchester code 54 * @param dat--input manchester code 55 * @param *manchester_out data output 56 * @retval HAL status 57 * byte encoding manchester format 58 * | ____| 59 * 1 ->01 ->|____| | 60 * | | 61 * |____ | 62 * 0 ->10 ->| |____| 63 * | | 64 */ 65 HAL_StatusTypeDef manchester_decoding(unsigned int dat,unsigned char *manchester_out) 66 { 67 unsigned char i; 68 unsigned int k; 69 *manchester_out=0; 70 for(i=0;i<8;i++) 71 { 72 k=dat&COMBINATION_BITS; 73 if(k==MANCHESTER_1) 74 { 75 *manchester_out<<=1; 76 *manchester_out+=1; 77 } 78 else if(k==MANCHESTER_0) 79 { 80 *manchester_out<<=1; 81 } 82 else 83 { 84 return HAL_ERROR; 85 } 86 dat<<=2; 87 } 88 return HAL_OK; 89 } 90 91 /**--------------------------- TIM14 --------------------------------* 92 * 93 * @brief Initializes the TIM1 PWM Time Base according to the specified 94 * parameters in the TIM_HandleTypeDef and create the associated handle. 95 * PWM capture/compare function by using tim14 96 * 5000 CNT * 9600 = 48MHz 97 * @param None 98 * @retval None 99 */ 100 HAL_StatusTypeDef LF_TIM14_PWM_Init(void) 101 { 102 /*##-1- Configure the TIM peripheral #######################################*/ 103 /* TIM14 configuration: Input Capture mode --------------------- 104 The external signal is connected to TIM14 CH1 pin (PB01) 105 The Both edge is used as active edge, 106 The TIM14 CCR2 is used to compute the frequency value 107 ------------------------------------------------------------ */ 108 /*Set TIM14 instance*/ 109 g_h_tim14.Instance = TIM14; 110 /* Initialize TIM14 peripheral as follows: 111 + Period = 0xFFFF 112 + Prescaler = 0 113 + ClockDivision = 0 114 + Counter direction = Up 115 */ 116 g_h_tim14.Init.Period = 0xFFFF; 117 g_h_tim14.Init.Prescaler = 0; 118 g_h_tim14.Init.ClockDivision = 0; 119 g_h_tim14.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP; 120 g_h_tim14.Init.RepetitionCounter = 0; 121 g_h_tim14.Init.AutoReloadPreload = TIM_AUTORELOAD_PRELOAD_DISABLE; 122 if(HAL_TIM_IC_Init(&g_h_tim14) != HAL_OK) 123 { 124 /* Configuration Error */ 125 return HAL_ERROR; 126 } 127 /*##-2- Configure the Input Capture channel ################################*/ 128 /* Configure the Input Capture of channel 1 */ 129 sICConfig.ICPolarity = TIM_ICPOLARITY_BOTHEDGE; 130 sICConfig.ICSelection = TIM_ICSELECTION_DIRECTTI; 131 sICConfig.ICPrescaler = TIM_ICPSC_DIV1; 132 sICConfig.ICFilter = 0; 133 if(HAL_TIM_IC_ConfigChannel(&g_h_tim14, &sICConfig, TIM_CHANNEL_1) != HAL_OK) 134 { 135 /* Configuration Error */ 136 return HAL_ERROR; 137 } 138 return HAL_OK; 139 } 140 HAL_StatusTypeDef RF_Receved_Start(FunctionalState k) 141 { 142 /*##-3- Start/Stop the Input Capture in interrupt mode ##########################*/ 143 if(k==ENABLE) 144 { 145 if(HAL_TIM_IC_Start_IT(&g_h_tim14, TIM_CHANNEL_1) != HAL_OK) 146 { 147 /* start Error */ 148 return HAL_ERROR; 149 } 150 } 151 else if(k==DISABLE) 152 { 153 if(HAL_TIM_IC_Stop_IT(&g_h_tim14, TIM_CHANNEL_1) != HAL_OK) 154 { 155 /* stop Error */ 156 return HAL_ERROR; 157 } 158 } 159 return HAL_OK; 160 } 161 /** 162 * @brief Conversion complete callback in non blocking mode 163 * @param htim : hadc handle 164 * @retval None 165 */ 166 void userRF_TIM14_CaptureCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) 167 { 168 static uint8_t preamble_cnt = 0,bits_of_byte; 169 static uint16_t one_byte; 170 171 if ( (htim->Channel == HAL_TIM_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_1)&&(htim->Instance == TIM14)) 172 { 173 /* Get the Input Capture value */ 174 uwIC1_Start_Val = HAL_TIM_ReadCapturedValue(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_1); 175 /* Capture computation */ 176 uw_Current_Pulse_Tim = (uwIC1_Start_Val - uwIC1_End_Val); 177 178 /* get approximated value */ 179 uwPulse_Approximated_Val = uw_Current_Pulse_Tim; 180 switch(CAPTURE_STEP) 181 { 182 case RFPREAMBLE: 183 { 184 if(uw_Current_Pulse_Tim > uw_Last_Pulse_Tim) 185 { 186 if(uw_Current_Pulse_Tim - uw_Last_Pulse_Tim < 200) 187 { 188 /* wait for a stable frequence */ 189 uwPulseTIM_BUF[preamble_cnt ++]= uwPulse_Approximated_Val; 190 } 191 } 192 else if(uw_Last_Pulse_Tim - uw_Current_Pulse_Tim < 200) 193 { 194 /* wait for a stable frequence */ 195 uwPulseTIM_BUF[preamble_cnt ++]= uwPulse_Approximated_Val; 196 } 197 else 198 { 199 preamble_cnt = 0; 200 } 201 uw_Last_Pulse_Tim = uw_Current_Pulse_Tim; 202 203 /* got a stable frequence */ 204 if(preamble_cnt >= 8) 205 { 206 /* Frequency computation: for this example TIMx (TIM14) is clocked by 207 APB1Clk ,Here we do not using frequence value but pulse time*/ 208 /*frequence = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq() / uw_Current_Pulse_Tim;*/ 209 uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val = uwPulseTIM_BUF[0]; 210 uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val += uwPulseTIM_BUF[1]; 211 uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val += uwPulseTIM_BUF[2]; 212 uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val += uwPulseTIM_BUF[3]; 213 uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val += uwPulseTIM_BUF[4]; 214 uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val += uwPulseTIM_BUF[5]; 215 uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val += uwPulseTIM_BUF[6]; 216 uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val += uwPulseTIM_BUF[7]; 217 uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val>>=3; 218 uwPulseTM_Baseline_DVal=(uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val<<1); 219 Manchester_Index = 0; 220 bits_of_byte=0; 221 one_byte=0; 222 CAPTURE_STEP = RFHEADER; 223 } 224 break; 225 } 226 case RFHEADER: 227 { 228 /*uwPulseTIM_BUF[preamble_cnt++]=uwPulse_Approximated_Val;*/ 229 if((uwPulse_Approximated_Val<(uwPulseTM_Baseline_DVal+FDEV_ERROR))&& 230 (uwPulse_Approximated_Val>(uwPulseTM_Baseline_DVal-FDEV_ERROR))) 231 { 232 /* start from high-to-low transition on PB01 */ 233 one_byte<<=1; 234 /* got header */ 235 one_byte+=1; 236 bits_of_byte++; 237 CAPTURE_STEP = RF_DATA_RISING_EDGE; 238 } 239 else if((uwPulse_Approximated_Val<(uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val+FDEV_ERROR))&& 240 (uwPulse_Approximated_Val>(uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val-FDEV_ERROR))) 241 { 242 /*continue waiting for header...*/ 243 } 244 else 245 { 246 /*failed ...repeat*/ 247 one_byte = 0; 248 bits_of_byte = 0; 249 CAPTURE_STEP = RFHEADER; 250 } 251 break; 252 } 253 case RF_DATA_RISING_EDGE:/*Get low time*/ 254 { 255 /*wait for falling edge trigger*/ 256 CAPTURE_STEP = FR_DATA_FALLING_EDGE; 257 /*uwPulseTIM_BUF[preamble_cnt++]=uwPulse_Approximated_Val;*/ 258 if((uwPulse_Approximated_Val<(uwPulseTM_Baseline_DVal+FDEV_ERROR))&& 259 (uwPulse_Approximated_Val>(uwPulseTM_Baseline_DVal-FDEV_ERROR))) 260 { 261 one_byte<<=1; 262 bits_of_byte++; 263 if(bits_of_byte >= 16) 264 { 265 RF_MANCHESTER_DATA_BUF[Manchester_Index++] = one_byte; 266 if(Manchester_Index>=MANCHESTER_LENGTH) 267 { 268 CAPTURE_STEP = RFEND;/*end*/ 269 } 270 one_byte = 0; 271 bits_of_byte = 0; 272 } 273 one_byte<<=1; 274 bits_of_byte++; 275 if(bits_of_byte >= 16) 276 { 277 RF_MANCHESTER_DATA_BUF[Manchester_Index++] = one_byte; 278 if(Manchester_Index>=MANCHESTER_LENGTH) 279 { 280 CAPTURE_STEP = RFEND;/*end*/ 281 } 282 one_byte = 0; 283 bits_of_byte = 0; 284 } 285 } 286 else if((uwPulse_Approximated_Val<(uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val+FDEV_ERROR))&& 287 (uwPulse_Approximated_Val>(uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val-FDEV_ERROR))) 288 { 289 one_byte<<=1; 290 bits_of_byte++; 291 if(bits_of_byte >= 16) 292 { 293 RF_MANCHESTER_DATA_BUF[Manchester_Index++] = one_byte; 294 if(Manchester_Index>=MANCHESTER_LENGTH) 295 { 296 CAPTURE_STEP = RFEND;/*end*/ 297 } 298 one_byte = 0; 299 bits_of_byte = 0; 300 } 301 } 302 break; 303 } 304 case FR_DATA_FALLING_EDGE:/*Get high time*/ 305 { 306 /*wait for rising edge trigger*/ 307 CAPTURE_STEP = RF_DATA_RISING_EDGE; 308 /*uwPulseTIM_BUF[preamble_cnt++]=uwPulse_Approximated_Val;*/ 309 if((uwPulse_Approximated_Val<(uwPulseTM_Baseline_DVal+FDEV_ERROR))&& 310 (uwPulse_Approximated_Val>(uwPulseTM_Baseline_DVal-FDEV_ERROR))) 311 { 312 one_byte<<=1; 313 one_byte+=1; 314 bits_of_byte++; 315 if(bits_of_byte >= 16) 316 { 317 RF_MANCHESTER_DATA_BUF[Manchester_Index++] = one_byte; 318 if(Manchester_Index>=MANCHESTER_LENGTH) 319 { 320 CAPTURE_STEP = RFEND;/*end*/ 321 } 322 one_byte = 0; 323 bits_of_byte = 0; 324 } 325 one_byte<<=1; 326 one_byte+=1; 327 bits_of_byte++; 328 if(bits_of_byte >= 16) 329 { 330 RF_MANCHESTER_DATA_BUF[Manchester_Index++] = one_byte; 331 if(Manchester_Index>=MANCHESTER_LENGTH) 332 { 333 CAPTURE_STEP = RFEND;/*end*/ 334 } 335 one_byte = 0; 336 bits_of_byte = 0; 337 } 338 } 339 else if((uwPulse_Approximated_Val<(uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val+FDEV_ERROR))&& 340 (uwPulse_Approximated_Val>(uwPulseTM_Baseline_Val-FDEV_ERROR))) 341 { 342 /* Rising edge = 1 */ 343 one_byte<<=1; 344 one_byte+=1; 345 bits_of_byte++; 346 if(bits_of_byte >= 16) 347 { 348 RF_MANCHESTER_DATA_BUF[Manchester_Index++] = one_byte; 349 if(Manchester_Index>=MANCHESTER_LENGTH) 350 { 351 CAPTURE_STEP = RFEND;/*end*/ 352 } 353 one_byte = 0; 354 bits_of_byte = 0; 355 } 356 } 357 else 358 { 359 one_byte = 0; 360 bits_of_byte = 0; 361 CAPTURE_STEP = RFEND;/*end*/ 362 } 363 break; 364 } 365 case RFEND: 366 { 367 for(uint8_t i = 0;i < Manchester_Index;i++) 368 { 369 if(manchester_decoding(RF_MANCHESTER_DATA_BUF[i],&RF_DATA_BUF[i]) != HAL_OK) 370 { 371 break; 372 } 373 } 374 if((RF_DATA_BUF[0]==0x2A)&&(RF_DATA_BUF[1]==0x1D) || (RF_DATA_BUF[0]==0x6D)) 375 { 376 userSirenPwmPulsesOutput(10); 377 } 378 379 for(uint8_t i = 0; i < Manchester_Index; i++) 380 { 381 RF_DATA_BUF[i] = 0; 382 } 383 preamble_cnt = 0; 384 CAPTURE_STEP = RFPREAMBLE; 385 break; 386 } 387 default: 388 { 389 break; 390 } 391 } 392 393 uwIC1_End_Val = uwIC1_Start_Val; 394 } 395 } 396 /** 397 * @} 398 */ 399 400 /** 401 * @} 402 */ 403 404 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/

1 /** 2 ****************************************************************************** 3 * @file rf_spi2_setup.h 4 * @author MCD Application Team 5 * @brief Header for main.c module 6 ****************************************************************************** 7 * @attention 8 * 9 * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics</center></h2> 10 * 11 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, 12 * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 13 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 14 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 15 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 16 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 17 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 18 * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors 19 * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software 20 * without specific prior written permission. 21 * 22 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" 23 * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 24 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE 25 * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 26 * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 27 * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR 28 * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 29 * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, 30 * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE 31 * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 32 * 33 ****************************************************************************** 34 */ 35 36 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ 37 #ifndef _TDA5225_VALUE_TIM14_H 38 #define _TDA5225_VALUE_TIM14_H 39 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 40 #include "stm32f0xx_hal.h" 41 #include <stdio.h> 42 #include <string.h> 43 44 #include "sr_tim2_setup.h" 45 46 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 47 typedef enum 48 { 49 RFPREAMBLE = 0, 50 RFHEADER, 51 RF_DATA_RISING_EDGE, 52 FR_DATA_FALLING_EDGE, 53 RFEND, 54 }CaptureStepTypeDef; 55 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ 56 /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 57 /* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */ 58 HAL_StatusTypeDef LF_TIM14_PWM_Init(void); 59 HAL_StatusTypeDef RF_Receved_Start(FunctionalState k); 60 #endif /* __MAIN_H */ 61 62 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
Thanks, Enjoy.