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  • JPG BMP TIF PNG 图像编码压缩率和编解码时间比较

    Test picture compression format .bmp:
    Time of reading : 28.68 ms
    Time of writing : 6.79 ms
    Time of decoding : 3.98 ms
    Time of encoding : 4.82 ms
    Encode radio : 100.00%
    Psnr : 361.20

    Test picture compression format .jpg:
    Time of reading : 0.99 ms
    Time of writing : 0.54 ms
    Time of decoding : 19.51 ms
    Time of encoding : 20.15 ms
    Encode radio : 5.77%
    Psnr : 39.71

    Test picture compression format .tif:
    Time of reading : 8.79 ms
    Time of writing : 2.85 ms
    Time of decoding : 70.26 ms
    Time of encoding : 97.59 ms
    Encode radio : 38.89%
    Psnr : 361.20

    Test picture compression format .png:
    Time of reading : 5.53 ms
    Time of writing : 2.38 ms
    Time of decoding : 76.55 ms
    Time of encoding : 216.28 ms
    Encode radio : 32.01%
    Psnr : 361.20


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "m_tools.h"
    #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
    #include <fstream>
    using namespace std;
    int calPsnr(const string filepath, const char * _ext, double& t_read, double& t_write, double& t_decode, double& t_encode, double& encode_ratio, double & psnr)
        long long t0 = _getTickCount();
        cv::Mat src_bmp = cv::imread(filepath);
        long long t1 = _getTickCount();
        int w = src_bmp.cols;
        int h = src_bmp.rows;
        const std::string ext = _ext;
        vector<int> opts;
        if( ext == ".png" ){
            opts.push_back( 9);
        }else if ( ext == ".jpg" ){
            opts.push_back( 90);
        }else if ( ext == ".bmp" ){
        std::vector<uchar> pkg_buff;
        cv::imencode(ext, src_bmp, pkg_buff, opts);
        long long t2 = _getTickCount();
        cv::Mat src_png = cv::imdecode(pkg_buff,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
        long long t3 = _getTickCount();
            FILE* file = fopen((string("dst")+ext).c_str(), "w" );
            fwrite(&pkg_buff[0],1, pkg_buff.size(), file );
        long long t4 = _getTickCount();
            std::ifstream f(string("dst")+ext);
            std::string s;
            while (f>>s)
        long long t5 = _getTickCount();
        double _psnr= cv::PSNR( src_bmp, src_png );
        psnr += _psnr;
        //printf("Psnr of %dx%d%s and %s is %.2f ",  w, h, filepath.c_str(), ext.c_str(), _psnr);
        float src_kb = w*h*3/1024.0;
        float dst_kb = pkg_buff.size()/1024.0;
        encode_ratio += dst_kb*100.0/src_kb;
        //printf("In=%.2fKB Out=%.2fKB Compression ratio=%.2f%
    ", src_kb, dst_kb, dst_kb*100.0/src_kb);
        t_read += (t5-t4)/_getTickFrequency();
        t_write += (t4-t3) /_getTickFrequency();
        t_decode += (t3-t2) /_getTickFrequency();
        t_encode += (t2 - t1) /_getTickFrequency();
        return 0;
    int main( int argc, char ** argv )
        int max_test_loops = 100;
        vector<string> paths = getFiles(argv[1]);
        max_test_loops = paths.size() < max_test_loops? paths.size() : max_test_loops;
        double t_read=0, t_write=0,  t_decode=0,  t_encode=0,  encode_ratio=0,  psnr=0;
        for( int i=0;i!=max_test_loops; ++i ){
            calPsnr(paths[i], argv[2], t_read, t_write,  t_decode,  t_encode,  encode_ratio,  psnr);
        printf("Test picture compression format %s:
    ", argv[2]);
        printf("Time of reading  : %.2lf ms
    ", 1000.0*t_read/max_test_loops);
        printf("Time of writing  : %.2lf ms
    ", 1000.0*t_write/max_test_loops);
        printf("Time of decoding : %.2lf ms
    ", 1000.0*t_decode/max_test_loops);
        printf("Time of encoding : %.2lf ms
    ", 1000.0*t_encode/max_test_loops);
        printf("Encode radio     : %.2lf%% 
    ", encode_ratio/max_test_loops);
        printf("Psnr : %.2lf 
    ", psnr/max_test_loops);
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/luoyinjie/p/13691808.html
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