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  • [网络收集]Hashtable类、Hashtable的使用、


    程序集:mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)

    public class Hashtable : IDictionary, ICollection, IEnumerable, 
    ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback, ICloneable

    当把某个元素添加到 Hashtable 时,将根据键的哈希代码将该元素放入存储桶中。该键的后续查找将使用键的哈希代码只在一个特定存储桶中搜索,这将大大减少为查找一个元素所需的键比较的次数。

    Hashtable 的加载因子确定元素与存储桶的最大比率。加载因子越小,平均查找速度越快,但消耗的内存也增加。默认的加载因子 1.0 通常提供速度和大小之间的最佳平衡。当创建 Hashtable 时,也可以指定其他加载因子。

    当向 Hashtable 添加元素时,Hashtable 的实际加载因子将增加。当实际加载因子达到指定的加载因子时,Hashtable 中存储桶的数目自动增加到大于当前 Hashtable 存储桶数两倍的最小质数。

    Hashtable 中的每个键对象必须提供其自己的哈希函数,可通过调用 GetHash 访问该函数。但是,可将任何实现 IHashCodeProvider 的对象传递到 Hashtable 构造函数,而且该哈希函数用于该表中的所有对象。

    Hashtable 的容量是 Hashtable 可拥有的元素数。Hashtable 的默认初始容量为零。随着向 Hashtable 中添加元素,容量通过重新分配按需自动增加。

    C# 语言中的 foreach 语句(在 Visual Basic 中为 for each)需要集合中每个元素的类型。由于 Hashtable 的每个元素都是一个键/值对,因此元素类型既不是键的类型,也不是值的类型。而是 DictionaryEntry 类型。例如:

    foreach (DictionaryEntry de in myHashtable) {...}

    using System;
    using System.Collections;

    class Example
    public static void Main()
    // Create a new hash table.
    Hashtable openWith = new Hashtable();

    // Add some elements to the hash table. There are no
    // duplicate keys, but some of the values are duplicates.
    openWith.Add("txt", "notepad.exe");
    openWith.Add("bmp", "paint.exe");
    openWith.Add("dib", "paint.exe");
    openWith.Add("rtf", "wordpad.exe");

    // The Add method throws an exception if the new key is
    // already in the hash table.
    openWith.Add("txt", "winword.exe");
    Console.WriteLine("An element with Key = \"txt\" already exists.");

    // The Item property is the default property, so you
    // can omit its name when accessing elements.
    Console.WriteLine("For key = \"rtf\", value = {0}.", openWith["rtf"]);

    // The default Item property can be used to change the value
    // associated with a key.
    openWith["rtf"] = "winword.exe";
    Console.WriteLine("For key = \"rtf\", value = {0}.", openWith["rtf"]);

    // If a key does not exist, setting the default Item property
    // for that key adds a new key/value pair.
    openWith["doc"] = "winword.exe";

    // The default Item property throws an exception if the requested
    // key is not in the hash table.
    Console.WriteLine("For key = \"tif\", value = {0}.", openWith["tif"]);
    Console.WriteLine("Key = \"tif\" is not found.");

    // ContainsKey can be used to test keys before inserting
    // them.
    if (!openWith.ContainsKey("ht"))
    openWith.Add("ht", "hypertrm.exe");
    Console.WriteLine("Value added for key = \"ht\": {0}", openWith["ht"]);

    // When you use foreach to enumerate hash table elements,
    // the elements are retrieved as KeyValuePair objects.
    foreach( DictionaryEntry de in openWith )
    Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}, Value = {1}", de.Key, de.Value);

    // To get the values alone, use the Values property.
    ICollection valueColl = openWith.Values;

    // The elements of the ValueCollection are strongly typed
    // with the type that was specified for hash table values.
    foreach( string s in valueColl )
    Console.WriteLine("Value = {0}", s);

    // To get the keys alone, use the Keys property.
    ICollection keyColl = openWith.Keys;

    // The elements of the KeyCollection are strongly typed
    // with the type that was specified for hash table keys.
    foreach( string s in keyColl )
    Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}", s);

    // Use the Remove method to remove a key/value pair.

    if (!openWith.ContainsKey("doc"))
    Console.WriteLine("Key \"doc\" is not found.");

    /* This code example produces the following output:

    An element with Key = "txt" already exists.
    For key = "rtf", value = wordpad.exe.
    For key = "rtf", value = winword.exe.
    For key = "tif", value = .
    Value added for key = "ht": hypertrm.exe

    Key = dib, Value = paint.exe
    Key = txt, Value = notepad.exe
    Key = ht, Value = hypertrm.exe
    Key = bmp, Value = paint.exe
    Key = rtf, Value = winword.exe
    Key = doc, Value = winword.exe

    Value = paint.exe
    Value = notepad.exe
    Value = hypertrm.exe
    Value = paint.exe
    Value = winword.exe
    Value = winword.exe

    Key = dib
    Key = txt
    Key = ht
    Key = bmp
    Key = rtf
    Key = doc

    Key "doc" is not found.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lushuicongsheng/p/1877235.html
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