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  • POJ2632Crashing Robots


      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<iostream>
      4 using namespace std ;
      5 int len,high;
      6 int a,b,j ;
      7 struct node
      8 {
      9     int x;
     10     int y ;
     11     int dire;
     12 } s[10001];
     13 int judge(int k)
     14 {
     15     int i;
     16     if(s[k].x > len||s[k].x< 1||s[k].y>high||s[k].y<1)
     17     {
     18         printf("Robot %d crashes into the wall
     19         return 0;
     20     }
     21     for(i = 1 ; i <= a ; i++)
     22     {
     23         if(i == k)
     24             continue;
     25         if(s[i].x == s[k].x&&s[i].y == s[k].y)
     26         {
     27             printf("Robot %d crashes into robot %d
     28             return 0 ;
     29         }
     30     }
     31     return 1 ;
     32 }
     33 int main()
     34 {
     35     int n ;
     36     cin>>n;
     37     for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)
     38     {
     39         cin>>len>>high;
     40         cin>>a>>b ;
     41         char dire ;
     42         for(j = 1 ; j <= a ; j++)
     43         {
     44             cin>>s[j].x>>s[j].y>>dire;
     45             if(dire == 'N')
     46                 s[j].dire = 0 ;
     47             if(dire == 'W')
     48                 s[j].dire = 1 ;
     49             if(dire == 'S')
     50                 s[j].dire = 2 ;
     51             if(dire == 'E')
     52                 s[j].dire = 3 ;
     53         }
     54         int num,repeat,flag = 1 ;
     55         char order ;
     56         for(j = 1 ; j <= b ; j++)
     57         {
     58             cin>>num>>order>>repeat ;
     59             for(int h = 1 ; h <= repeat ; h++ )//把这个放在外边是为了底下的左右指令时比较好处理
     60             {
     61                 if(order == 'F')
     62                 {
     63                     if(s[num].dire == 3)
     64                     {
     65                         s[num].x++ ;
     66                         if(!judge(num))
     67                         {
     68                             flag = 0 ;
     69                             break ;
     70                         }
     71                     }
     72                     if(s[num].dire == 1)
     73                     {
     74                         s[num].x--;
     75                         if(!judge(num))
     76                         {
     77                             flag = 0 ;
     78                             break ;
     79                         }
     80                     }
     81                     if(s[num].dire == 0)
     82                     {
     83                         s[num].y++ ;
     84                         if(!judge(num))
     85                         {
     86                             flag = 0 ;
     87                             break ;
     88                         }
     89                     }
     90                     if(s[num].dire == 2)
     91                     {
     92                         s[num].y--;
     93                         if(!judge(num))
     94                         {
     95                             flag = 0 ;
     96                             break ;
     97                         }
     98                     }
     99                 }
    101                 if(order == 'L')
    102                     s[num].dire = (1+s[num].dire)%4 ;
    103                 if(order == 'R')
    104                     s[num].dire = (s[num].dire-1+4)%4;
    105             }
    106             if(flag == 0)
    107                 break ;
    108         }
    109         if(j < b)
    110             for(++j ; j <= b ; j++)
    111             {
    112                 cin>>num>>order>>repeat ;
    113             }
    114         if(flag == 1)
    115             printf("OK
    116     }
    117     return  0 ;
    118 }
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