Given a target number and an integer array A sorted in ascending order, find the index i
in A such that A[i] is closest to the given target.
Return -1 if there is no element in the array.
There can be duplicate elements in the array, and we can return any of the indices with same value.
Given [1, 2, 3]
and target = 2
, return 1
Given [1, 4, 6]
and target = 3
, return 1
Given [1, 4, 6]
and target = 5
, return 1
or 2
Given [1, 3, 3, 4]
and target = 2
, return 0
or 1
or 2
O(logn) time complexity.
1 public class Solution { 2 /* 3 * @param A: an integer array sorted in ascending order 4 * @param target: An integer 5 * @return: an integer 6 */ 7 public int closestNumber(int[] A, int target) { 8 if(A == null || A.length == 0) { 9 return -1; 10 } 11 int low = 0, high = A.length - 1; 12 while(low + 1 < high) { 13 int mid = low + (high - low) / 2; 14 if(A[mid] == target) { 15 return mid; 16 } 17 //numbers after index mid are >= A[mid] > target, which means they can't be closer to 18 //the target value than A[mid] is, so we can safely get rid of the bigger half. 19 else if(A[mid] > target) { 20 high = mid; 21 } 22 //numbers before index mid are <= A[mid] < target, which means they can't be closer to 23 //the target value than A[mid] is, so we can safely get rid of the smaller half. 24 else { 25 low = mid; 26 } 27 } 28 if(Math.abs(A[low] - target) <= Math.abs(A[high] - target)) { 29 return low; 30 } 31 return high; 32 } 33 }
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