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  • Goldengate实现在线数据迁移

    Goldengate的一大卖点就是可以实现在线的数据迁移,这意味着在整个过程中我们无需关闭数据库,甚至于无需停止应用。在<How to create a GoldenGate uni-directional target database in a production database zero downtime>中,大致介绍了实现零下线时间数据迁移所涉及的步骤,包括:
    1. 在source与target主机上完成OGG的初始化配置
    2. 创建extract及exttrail
    3. 创建pump
    4. 启动本地extract和pump
    5. 创建带有HANDLECOLLISIONS参数的replicat,但不启动它
    6. 完成数据的initial load即数据初始化
    7. 启动replicat
    8. 当replicat追上extract后取消replicat的HANDLECOLLISIONS参数
    SQL> conn clinic/clinic
    /* 以clinic为应用用户 */
    SQL> create table tv (t1 int primary key,t2 int,t3 varchar2(30));
    Table created.
    /* 为别在source和target创建该测试用表,在这里我们先不考虑同步DDL*/
    SQL> create sequence seqt1 start with 1 increment by 1;
    Sequence created.
      rnd number(9,2);
       for i in 1..100000 loop
         insert into tv values(seqt1.nextval,i*dbms_random.value,'MACLEAN IS TESTING');
       end loop;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    /* 在源端随机生成10w行数据 */
        delete from tv where rownum=1;
         insert into tv values(seqt1.nextval,200000*dbms_random.value,'MACLEAN IS UPDATING');
    	 insert into tv values(seqt1.nextval,300000*dbms_random.value,'MACLEAN IS UPDATING');
    	update tv set t2=t2+10 where rownum=1;
         end loop;
    /* 以上匿名块可以造成简易的数据变化,它会在每1秒钟删除/更新/插入TV表的部分数据
    以上为测试前提工作,接下来我们正式配置OGG FOR ZERO DOWNTIME MIGRATION:
    GGSCI (rh2.oracle.com) 3> dblogin userid maclean
    Successfully logged into database.
    GGSCI (rh2.oracle.com) 5> add trandata clinic.tv
    Logging of supplemental redo data enabled for table CLINIC.TV.
    /* 通过add trandata命令为tv表加上追加日志 */
    GGSCI (rh2.oracle.com) 6> add extract load2,tranlog,begin now
    EXTRACT added.
    GGSCI (rh2.oracle.com) 7> add rmttrail /s01/new/ze,megabytes 200,extract load2
    RMTTRAIL added.
    GGSCI (rh2.oracle.com) 10> view params load2
    extract load2
    userid maclean, password AACAAAAAAAAAAAHANCUEFHPAVCYDNJVD,encryptkey default
    RMTHOST rh3.oracle.com, MGRPORT 7809
    RMTTRAIL /s01/new/ze
    Table clinic.tv;
    /* 为了让整个过程更简洁,我们在这里不适用pump */
    GGSCI (rh2.oracle.com) 9> start load2
    Sending START request to MANAGER ...
    EXTRACT LOAD2 starting
    GGGSCI (rh2.oracle.com) 11> stats load2
    Sending STATS request to EXTRACT LOAD2 ...
    Start of Statistics at 2010-12-11 20:00:44.
    Output to /s01/new/ze:
    Extracting from CLINIC.TV to CLINIC.TV:
    *** Total statistics since 2010-12-11 20:00:32 ***
            Total inserts                              370.00
            Total updates                              185.00
            Total deletes                              185.00
            Total discards                               0.00
            Total operations                           740.00
    *** Daily statistics since 2010-12-11 20:00:32 ***
            Total inserts                              370.00
            Total updates                              185.00
            Total deletes                              185.00
            Total discards                               0.00
            Total operations                           740.00
    *** Hourly statistics since 2010-12-11 20:00:32 ***
            Total inserts                              370.00
            Total updates                              185.00
            Total deletes                              185.00
            Total discards                               0.00
            Total operations                           740.00
    *** Latest statistics since 2010-12-11 20:00:32 ***
            Total inserts                              370.00
            Total updates                              185.00
            Total deletes                              185.00
            Total discards                               0.00
            Total operations                           740.00
    End of Statistics.
    /* 以上完成了extract的配置和启动,接下来我们配置target上的replicat */
    GGSCI (rh3.oracle.com) 39> add replicat rep2,begin now,exttrail /s01/new/ze,checkpointtable maclean.checkpoint
    REPLICAT added.
    GGSCI (rh3.oracle.com) 42> view params rep2
    replicat rep2
    userid maclean,password maclean
    discardfile /s01/discard/clinic.log,append,megabytes 10
    map clinic.tv, target clinic.tv;
    /* 注意为replicat加上HANDLECOLLISIONS参数,
        用以处理可能的deplicate records和missed records;
    /* 注意在配置完replicat后,不要去启动它;直到完成initial load才能启动*/
    /* 接下来要配置initial load使用的extract和replicat */
    GGSCI (rh2.oracle.com) 14> add extract einit,sourceistable
    EXTRACT added.
    /* 以sourceistable选项创建extract */
    GGSCI (rh2.oracle.com) 17> view params einit
    extract einit
    userid maclean, password maclean
    RMTHOST rh3.oracle.com, MGRPORT 7809
    RMTFILE /s01/new/clinictv
    Table clinic.tv;
    /* 之后我们需要在命令行界面下调用该extract */
    [maclean@rh2 gg]$ pwd
    [maclean@rh2 gg]$ extract paramfile dirprm/einit.prm
    2010-12-11 20:03:06  INFO    OGG-01017  Wildcard resolution set to IMMEDIATE because SOURCEISTABLE is used.
                     Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle
                         Version Build 078
       Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 10 on Jul 28 2010 15:39:00
     Copyright (C) 1995, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                        Starting at 2010-12-11 20:03:06
    Operating System Version:
    Version #1 SMP Mon Mar 29 22:10:29 EDT 2010, Release 2.6.18-194.el5
    Node: rh2.oracle.com
    Machine: x86_64
                             soft limit   hard limit
    Address Space Size   :    unlimited    unlimited
    Heap Size            :    unlimited    unlimited
    File Size            :    unlimited    unlimited
    CPU Time             :    unlimited    unlimited
    Process id: 21399
    **            Running with the following parameters                  **
    extract einit
    2010-12-11 20:03:06  INFO    OGG-01017  Wildcard resolution set to IMMEDIATE because SOURCEISTABLE is used.
    userid maclean, password *******
    RMTHOST rh3.oracle.com, MGRPORT 7809
    RMTFILE /s01/new/clinictv
    Table clinic.tv;
    Using the following key columns for source table CLINIC.TV: T1.
    CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)
    CACHEBUFFERSIZE:                         64K
    CACHESIZE:                                8G
    CACHEBUFFERSIZE (soft max):               4M
    CACHEPAGEOUTSIZE (normal):                4M
    PROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min):          16G
    CACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk):  13.99G
    Database Version:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Database Language and Character Set:
    NLS_LANG environment variable specified has invalid format, default value will be used.
    NLS_LANG environment variable not set, using default value AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII.
    Warning: your NLS_LANG setting does not match database server language setting.
    Please refer to user manual for more information.
    2010-12-11 20:03:06  INFO    OGG-01478  Output file /s01/new/clinictv is using format RELEASE 10.4/11.1.
    2010-12-11 20:03:11  INFO    OGG-01226  Socket buffer size set to 27985 (flush size 27985).
    Processing table CLINIC.TV
    *                   ** Run Time Statistics **                         *
    Report at 2010-12-11 20:03:12 (activity since 2010-12-11 20:03:06)
    Output to /s01/new/clinictv:
    From Table CLINIC.TV:
           #                   inserts:    100780
           #                   updates:         0
           #                   deletes:         0
           #                  discards:         0
    /* 以上extract操作在target上RMTFILE指定的路径生成了导出文件*/
    [maclean@rh3 new]$ pwd
    [maclean@rh3 new]$ file clinictv
    clinictv: data
    [maclean@rh3 new]$ strings clinictv |head -20
    ##1 SMP Mon Mar 29 22:10:29 EDT 20104
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Version Build 0784
    /* 接下来我们要在target上配置initial load使用的replicat,以导入之前的EXTFILE */
    GGSCI (rh3.oracle.com) 12> add replicat rinit,specialrun
    REPLICAT added.
    GGSCI (rh3.oracle.com) 17> view params rinit
    replicat rinit
    userid maclean,password maclean
    EXTFILE /s01/new/clinictv
    map clinic.tv, target clinic.tv;
    / *之后我们在命令行上调用该replicat */
    [maclean@rh3 gg]$ replicat paramfile dirprm/rinit.prm 
                     Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle
                         Version Build 078
       Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 10 on Jul 28 2010 15:58:11
    Copyright (C) 1995, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                        Starting at 2010-12-11 20:06:14
    Operating System Version:
    Version #1 SMP Mon Mar 29 22:22:00 EDT 2010, Release 2.6.18-194.el5xen
    Node: rh3.oracle.com
    Machine: x86_64
                             soft limit   hard limit
    Address Space Size   :    unlimited    unlimited
    Heap Size            :    unlimited    unlimited
    File Size            :    unlimited    unlimited
    CPU Time             :    unlimited    unlimited
    Process id: 18554
    **            Running with the following parameters                  **
    replicat rinit
    userid maclean,password *******
    EXTFILE /s01/new/clinictv
    map clinic.tv, target clinic.tv;
    CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)
    CACHEBUFFERSIZE:                         64K
    CACHESIZE:                              512M
    CACHEBUFFERSIZE (soft max):               4M
    CACHEPAGEOUTSIZE (normal):                4M
    PROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min):           1G
    CACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk):    881M
    Database Version:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Database Language and Character Set:
    NLS_LANG environment variable specified has invalid format, default value will be used.
    NLS_LANG environment variable not set, using default value AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII.
    Warning: your NLS_LANG setting does not match database server language setting.
    Please refer to user manual for more information.
    **                     Run Time Messages                             **
    Opened trail file /s01/new/clinictv at 2010-12-11 20:06:14
    MAP resolved (entry CLINIC.TV):
      map CLINIC.TV, target clinic.tv;
    Using following columns in default map by name:
      T1, T2, T3
    Using the following key columns for target table CLINIC.TV: T1.
    *                   ** Run Time Statistics **                         *
    Last record for the last committed transaction is the following:
    Trail name :  /s01/new/clinictv
    Hdr-Ind    :     E  (x45)     Partition  :     .  (x04)
    UndoFlag   :     .  (x00)     BeforeAfter:     A  (x41)
    RecLength  :    52 (x0034)    IO Time    : 2010-12-11 20:03:10.969955
    IOType     :     5  (x05)     OrigNode   :   255  (xff)
    TransInd   :     .  (x03)     FormatType :     R  (x52)
    SyskeyLen  :     0  (x00)     Incomplete :     .  (x00)
    AuditRBA   :          0       AuditPos   : 0
    Continued  :     N  (x00)     RecCount   :     1  (x01)
    2010-12-11 20:03:10.969955 Insert             Len    52 RBA 11244940
    Name: CLINIC.TV
    Reading /s01/new/clinictv, current RBA 11245052, 100780 records
    Report at 2010-12-11 20:06:54 (activity since 2010-12-11 20:06:14)
    From Table CLINIC.TV to CLINIC.TV:
           #                   inserts:    100780
           #                   updates:         0
           #                   deletes:         0
           #                  discards:         0
    Last log location read:
         FILE:      /s01/new/clinictv
         RBA:       11245052
         TIMESTAMP: 2010-12-11 20:03:10.969955
         EOF:       NO
         READERR:   400
    SQL> select count(*) from tv;
    /* 以上完成了initial load所要求的工作,接着我们打开同步使用的replicat*/
    GGSCI (rh3.oracle.com) 3> start rep2
    Sending START request to MANAGER ...
    REPLICAT REP2 starting
    GGSCI (rh3.oracle.com) 7> lag rep2
    Sending GETLAG request to REPLICAT REP2 ...
    Last record lag: 4 seconds.
    At EOF, no more records to process.
    GGSCI (rh3.oracle.com) 9> stats rep2
    Sending STATS request to REPLICAT REP2 ...
    Start of Statistics at 2010-12-11 20:10:15.
    Replicating from CLINIC.TV to CLINIC.TV:
    *** Total statistics since 2010-12-11 20:09:54 ***
            Total inserts                              204.00
            Total updates                              102.00
            Total deletes                              102.00
            Total discards                               0.00
            Total operations                           408.00
    *** Daily statistics since 2010-12-11 20:09:54 ***
            Total inserts                              204.00
            Total updates                              102.00
            Total deletes                              102.00
            Total discards                               0.00
            Total operations                           408.00
    *** Hourly statistics since 2010-12-11 20:09:54 ***
            Total inserts                              204.00
            Total updates                              102.00
            Total deletes                              102.00
            Total discards                               0.00
            Total operations                           408.00
    *** Latest statistics since 2010-12-11 20:09:54 ***
            Total inserts                              204.00
            Total updates                              102.00
            Total deletes                              102.00
            Total discards                               0.00
            Total operations                           408.00
    End of Statistics.
    /* 当replicat追上extract后,需要取消HANDLECOLLISIONS参数 */
    GGSCI (rh3.oracle.com) 11> view params rep2
    replicat rep2
    userid maclean,password maclean
    discardfile /s01/discard/clinic.log,append,megabytes 10
    map clinic.tv, target clinic.tv;
    GGSCI (rh3.oracle.com) 12> stop rep2
    Sending STOP request to REPLICAT REP2 ...
    Request processed.
    GGSCI (rh3.oracle.com) 13> start rep2
    Sending START request to MANAGER ...
    REPLICAT REP2 starting
    接下来停止模拟的在线业务,进行数据对比。首先使用Goldengate veridata创建group及compare pair等配置: 接着生成job,并执行: Job运行的结果界面: 对比发现同步正常的报告:
                      Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server
                                  Build 002
    Copyright (C) 2004, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                       Starting at 2010-12-11 20:15:58
    Unexpected Windows major version
    Process id: 6340, Thread id : 6392
    Group: clinic (1) Compare Pairs
    Performing 1 comparisons ...
            Compare pair: TV=TV
    2010-12-11 20:15:58. Submitted (1 of 1) Compare Pair (TV=TV) RunId (runid=(1007, 1, 1)).
    2010-12-11 20:16:00. Completed in-sync. Compare Pair (TV=TV). (0) Remaining
                   Compare Pairs with Errors: 0
              Compare Pairs with Out-Of-Sync: 0
           Compare Pairs without Out-Of-Sync: 1
                     Compare Pairs Cancelled: 0
    Group terminated normally.
        delete from tv where rownum=1;
         insert into tv values(seqt1.nextval,200000*dbms_random.value,'MACLEAN IS UPDATING');
    	 insert into tv values(seqt1.nextval,300000*dbms_random.value,'MACLEAN IS UPDATING');
    	update tv set t2=t2+10 where rownum=1;
         end loop;
    /* 在源端打开模拟的应用程序 */
    /* 在target插入一条额外的纪录 */
    SQL> insert into tv values(99993242,1213,'OUT OF SYNC');
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    再次运行Goldengate veridata中相关的job,可以在job相关的日志中看到详细的out-of-sync纪录信息:
    Profile: newp
         Out-Of-Sync Output Format: binary
              Maximum Size of Each
      Out-Of-Sync XML Chunk (Rows): 500
        Output in-sync rows to OOS
                              file: false
    Output in-sync after in-flight
                  rows to OOS file: true
     Report in-sync rows to report
                              file: false
    Report in-sync after in-flight
               rows to report file: false
              Sorting Method:
                   Sort Data Using: database
         Maximum Memory Usage (MB): 50
      Number Of Concurrent Threads: 4
       Temporary Storage Directory
                   for Source Data:
       Temporary Storage Directory
                   for Target Data:
          NSort Memory Retry Limit: 0
    NSort Memory Retry Wait Interval: 0
    Initial Compare (General):
         Max Concurrent Comparison
                           Threads: 4
    Terminate when Maximum Records
                       Out-Of-Sync: 100000
         Output Out-Of-Sync Record
            Details to Report File: false
          Update Report file Every
                         (seconds): 0
          Update Report file Every
                           Threads: 0
    Terminate when Maximum Records
                       Out-Of-Sync: 100000
         Output Out-Of-Sync Record
            Details to Report File: false
          Update Report file Every
                         (seconds): 0
          Update Report file Every
                         (records): 0
        Limit Number of Input Rows: 0
         Delta processsing enabled: false
    Initial Compare (Event Reporting):
                 Generate Messages: both
     Generate Warning Messages For
            Out-Of-Sync Rows After
                     (differences): 9999
    Initial Compare (Agent):
     Use Static Listening Port For
         For Agent During Row Hash
                         On Source: 0
     Use Static Listening Port For
         For Agent During Row Hash
                         On Target: 0
    Initial Compare (NonStop Process):
      Source Process Name Starting
         Source Process CPU Number: -1
           Source Process Priority: 0
      Target Process Name Starting
         Target Process CPU Number: -1
           Target Process Priority: 0
    Confirm-Out-Of-Sync (General):
       Perform Confirm Out-Of-Sync
                              Step: true
             Run Concurrently With
                   Initial Compare: true
         Delay Confirm-Out-Of-Sync
                      By (seconds): 0
    Terminate when Maximum Records
                       Out-Of-Sync: 100000
         Output Out-Of-Sync Record
            Details to Report File: true
                Update Report file
                   Every (seconds): 0
                Update Report file
                   Every (records): 0
    Confirm-Out-Of-Sync (Event Reporting):
                 Generate Messages: both
     Generate Warning Messages For
              For Out-Of-Sync Rows
               After (differences): 9999
    Confirm-Out-Of-Sync (Agent):
     Use Static Listening Port For
             Agent During Row Hash
                         On Source: 0
     Use Static Listening Port For
             Agent During Row Hash
                         On Target: 0
    Confirm-Out-Of-Sync (NonStop Process):
      Source Process Name Starting
         Source Process CPU Number: -1
           Source Process Priority: 0
      Target Process Name Starting
         Target Process CPU Number: -1
           Target Process Priority: 0
    Starting  Veriagt session for source rowhash at 2010-12-11 20:32:25.
    Initial Compare Source Agent Information:
                           ORACLE_HOME : /s01/10gdb
           NLS_LANG (from environment) :
                              ORA_SDTZ :
                  NLS_LANG (from DBMS) : AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
                  NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS : BYTE
                       SESSIONTIMEZONE : -05:00
                            Process ID : 21473
                      Operating System : Linux
                          Architecture : x86_64
                           Report File : /home/maclean/veridata/agent/dirver/report/maclean_PC_4150_000010110000000100000001___source_rh.rpt
                            Trace File : /home/maclean/veridata/agent/dirver/trace/maclean_PC_4150_000010110000000100000001___source_rh.trc
    Starting  Veriagt session for target rowhash at 2010-12-11 20:32:26.
    Initial Compare Target Agent Information:
                           ORACLE_HOME : /s01/db_1
           NLS_LANG (from environment) :
                              ORA_SDTZ :
                  NLS_LANG (from DBMS) : AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
                  NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS : BYTE
                       SESSIONTIMEZONE : +08:00
                            Process ID : 18639
                      Operating System : Linux
                          Architecture : x86_64
                           Report File : /home/maclean/veridata/agent/dirver/report/maclean_PC_4150_000010110000000100000001___target_rh.rpt
                            Trace File : /home/maclean/veridata/agent/dirver/trace/maclean_PC_4150_000010110000000100000001___target_rh.trc
    Processing first rowhash block from source at 2010-12-11 20:32:26.
    Processing first rowhash block from target at 2010-12-11 20:32:27.
    Comparing first row at 2010-12-11 20:32:27.
    Starting  Veriagt session for source COOS at 2010-12-11 20:32:27.
    Performance Statistics for source Rowhash at 2010-12-11 20:32:27.
                         rows: 103959
              duration (secs): 00:00:02
                     rows/sec: 51979.50
                    row bytes: 4345147
                row bytes/sec: 2172573
                    bytes/row: 41
                 rh bytes/row: 23
                 rows skipped: 0
               blocks skipped: 0
               hash comp rate: 0.55
              total comp rate: 0.23
            pct time fetching: 15.44
             pct time waiting: 5.91
         time until first row: 00:00:00
                     ipc msgs: 12
                    ipc bytes: 2809974
                    bytes/msg: 234164
         compressed bytes/msg: 99262
                    bytes/sec: 1404987
         compressed bytes/sec: 595572
        msg compression ratio: 0.42
    *** Summarizing Initial Row Comparison Step ***
                              Time: 2010-12-11 20:32:27.
                      Elapsed Time: 00:00:00
             Comparisons performed: 103961
                   Rows per second: 169593
                  Rows out-of-sync: 11
                           inserts: 9
                           updates: 0
                           deletes: 2
    Performance Statistics for target Rowhash at 2010-12-11 20:32:27.
                         rows: 103952
              duration (secs): 00:00:01
                     rows/sec: 103952.00
                    row bytes: 4344826
                row bytes/sec: 4344826
                    bytes/row: 41
                 rh bytes/row: 23
                 rows skipped: 0
               blocks skipped: 0
               hash comp rate: 0.55
              total comp rate: 0.23
            pct time fetching: 20.51
             pct time waiting: 17.15
         time until first row: 00:00:00
                     ipc msgs: 12
                    ipc bytes: 2809779
                    bytes/msg: 234148
         compressed bytes/msg: 99256
                    bytes/sec: 2809779
         compressed bytes/sec: 1191076
        msg compression ratio: 0.42
    COOS source Agent Information:
                           ORACLE_HOME : /s01/10gdb
           NLS_LANG (from environment) :
                              ORA_SDTZ :
                  NLS_LANG (from DBMS) : AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
                  NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS : BYTE
                       SESSIONTIMEZONE : -05:00
                            Process ID : 21475
                      Operating System : Linux
                          Architecture : x86_64
                           Report File : /home/maclean/veridata/agent/dirver/report/maclean_PC_4150_000010110000000100000001___source_coos.rpt
                            Trace File : /home/maclean/veridata/agent/dirver/trace/maclean_PC_4150_000010110000000100000001___source_coos.trc
    Starting  Veriagt session for target COOS at 2010-12-11 20:32:28.
    COOS target Agent Information:
                           ORACLE_HOME : /s01/db_1
           NLS_LANG (from environment) :
                              ORA_SDTZ :
                  NLS_LANG (from DBMS) : AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
                  NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS : BYTE
                       SESSIONTIMEZONE : +08:00
                            Process ID : 18641
                      Operating System : Linux
                          Architecture : x86_64
                           Report File : /home/maclean/veridata/agent/dirver/report/maclean_PC_4150_000010110000000100000001___target_coos.rpt
                            Trace File : /home/maclean/veridata/agent/dirver/trace/maclean_PC_4150_000010110000000100000001___target_coos.trc
    Persistent out of sync row (optype: insert)
      source row values:
                      T1  K     0     6  107913
               GGROWHASH        1     8  0x0E8563AC22AA9C0F
                      T2  H     2     5  55512
                      T3  H     3    19  MACLEAN IS UPDATING
    Persistent out of sync row (optype: insert)
      source row values:
                      T1  K     0     6  107914
               GGROWHASH        1     8  0xAAB002BF5C1B3233
                      T2  H     2     6  255834
                      T3  H     3    19  MACLEAN IS UPDATING
    Persistent out of sync row (optype: insert)
      source row values:
                      T1  K     0     6  107917
               GGROWHASH        1     8  0xC0723BE324DC032D
                      T2  H     2     6  197710
                      T3  H     3    19  MACLEAN IS UPDATING
    Persistent out of sync row (optype: insert)
      source row values:
                      T1  K     0     6  107918
               GGROWHASH        1     8  0x8A63DA5F06C3A12C
                      T2  H     2     6  194628
                      T3  H     3    19  MACLEAN IS UPDATING
    Persistent out of sync row (optype: delete)
      target row values:
                      T1  K     0     8  99993242
               GGROWHASH        1     8  0x958B6304CEC4BAD3
                      T2  H     2     4  1213
                      T3  H     3    11  OUT OF SYNC
    *** Summarizing Confirm Out-of-Sync Step ***
                              Time: 2010-12-11 20:32:29.
                      Elapsed Time: 00:00:01
                    Rows confirmed: 11
                   Rows per second: 11
    *** Summarizing Persistently Out-of-Sync Rows ***
                  Rows out-of-sync: 5
                           inserts: 4
                           updates: 0
                           deletes: 1
    *** Summarizing In-Sync-after-In-Flight Rows ***
      Rows in-sync-after-in-flight: 6
                           inserts: 5
                           updates: 0
                           deletes: 1
    *** Summarizing Still-Changing Rows ***
                    Rows in-flight: 0
                           inserts: 0
                           updates: 0
                           deletes: 0
    Comparison terminated normally.
  • 相关阅读:
    Java 跨系统开发隐患(一)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/macleanoracle/p/2967607.html
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