使用过Java的朋友,应该知道它有个超好用的HashMap容器类,面试必问的,在Delphi10中有TDictionary类,但Delphi7没得用,所以自己动手,使用数组 + 链表写个类似Java的HashMap类,提供给所有坚守Delphi的朋友们,性能还是相当不错的。
1 {*******************************************************} 2 { } 3 { Delphi HashMap } 4 { } 5 { 版权所有 (C) 2018 hsoft } 6 { } 7 { } 8 { Author: MarkWu Email: 77910086@qq.com } 9 { Date: 2018-01-02 14:17:00 } 10 { Desc: HashMap } 11 {*******************************************************} 12 13 unit uHashMap; 14 15 interface 16 17 uses 18 Windows, SysUtils, StrUtils, Classes, uHashEntry, Variants; 19 20 type 21 // 实体数组类型 22 TEntrySet = array of THashEntry; 23 24 // 排序类型 25 TSortType = ( 26 stKey, // 按Key排序 27 stValue, // 按Value排序 28 stKeyValue // Key=Value排序 29 ); 30 31 THashMap = class 32 private 33 // 临界值 34 FThreshold: Integer; 35 36 // 元素个数 37 FCount: Integer; 38 39 // 扩容次数 40 FResize: Integer; 41 42 FTable: TEntrySet; 43 44 procedure InitTable(); 45 46 // 计算AKey的HashCode 47 function HashCode(AKey: string): Integer; 48 function IndexOf(AKey: string; iLen: Integer = 0): Integer; 49 50 procedure Put(AIndex: Integer; AKey: string; AValue: Variant; AIsObj: Boolean = False); 51 // 加入Key为空 52 procedure PutNullKey(AValue: Variant); 53 54 procedure Resize(capacity: Integer); 55 56 function ToList: TList; 57 58 //扩容时重新计算各元素的index 59 procedure Transfer(ANewTable: TEntrySet); 60 function GetItems(Index: Integer): THashEntry; 61 62 public 63 constructor Create(); 64 destructor Destroy; override; 65 // 添加一个元素 66 procedure Add(AKey: string; AValue: Variant; AIsObj: Boolean = False); overload; 67 procedure Add(AMap: THashMap); overload; 68 procedure AddObject(AKey: string; AValue: TObject); 69 70 function Get(AKey: string): Variant; 71 function GetObject(AKey: string): TObject; 72 function GetNullKey: Variant; 73 function GetEntry(AKey: string): THashEntry; 74 procedure Remove(AKey: string); 75 function ContainsKey(AKey: string): Boolean; 76 procedure Clear; 77 78 function GetEntrySet: TEntrySet; 79 80 function ToString: string; 81 82 // 排序 83 function Sort(ASortType: TSortType = stKeyValue): TEntrySet; 84 85 property Count: Integer read FCount; 86 property Items[Index: Integer]: THashEntry read GetItems; default; 87 end; 88 89 implementation 90 91 92 const 93 //默认初始化大小 16, 数组长度一定是2的次幂 94 DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16; 95 96 //默认负载因子 0.75 97 DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75; 98 99 MAX_SIZE = 1000000; 100 101 { THashMap } 102 103 constructor THashMap.Create; 104 begin 105 InitTable; 106 end; 107 108 destructor THashMap.Destroy; 109 begin 110 Clear; 111 112 SetLength(FTable, 0); 113 FCount := 0; 114 inherited; 115 end; 116 117 118 procedure THashMap.InitTable; 119 begin 120 SetLength(FTable, DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY); 121 FThreshold := Trunc(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY * DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR); 122 FCount := 0; 123 end; 124 125 // 计算AKey的HashCode 126 function THashMap.HashCode(AKey: string): Integer; 127 var 128 I: Integer; 129 begin 130 Result := 0; 131 if (Result = 0) and (Length(AKey) > 0) then 132 begin 133 for I := 1 to Length(AKey) do 134 begin 135 Result := 31 * Result + Ord(AKey[I]); 136 end; 137 end; 138 end; 139 140 function THashMap.IndexOf(AKey: string; iLen: Integer): Integer; 141 begin 142 if iLen = 0 then iLen := Length(FTable); 143 // 根据key的hashcode和table长度取模计算key在table中的位置 144 Result := HashCode(AKey) and (iLen - 1); 145 end; 146 147 procedure THashMap.Add(AKey: string; AValue: Variant; AIsObj: Boolean); 148 var 149 index: Integer; 150 entry: THashEntry; 151 begin 152 // key为''时,需要特殊处理 153 if AKey = '' then 154 begin 155 PutNullKey(AValue); 156 Exit; 157 end; 158 159 if Length(FTable) = 0 then 160 InitTable; 161 162 index := IndexOf(AKey); 163 // 遍历index位置的Entry, 若找到重复key,则更新对应entry的值,再返回 164 entry := FTable[index]; 165 while entry <> nil do 166 begin 167 if (HashCode(entry.Key) = HashCode(AKey)) and (SameText(entry.Key, AKey)) then 168 begin 169 //entry.Value := Unassigned; 170 entry.Value := AValue; 171 Exit; 172 end; 173 entry := entry.Next; 174 end; 175 // 如果index位置没有找到或者未找到重复的Key, 则将新Key添加到table的index位置 176 Put(index, AKey, AValue, AIsObj); 177 end; 178 179 procedure THashMap.PutNullKey(AValue: Variant); 180 var 181 entry: THashEntry; 182 begin 183 entry := FTable[0]; 184 while entry <> nil do 185 begin 186 // 如果找到Key为空的对象时,则覆盖它 187 if entry.Key = '' then 188 begin 189 entry.Value := AValue; 190 Exit; 191 end; 192 193 entry := entry.Next; 194 end; 195 Put(0, '', AValue); 196 end; 197 198 procedure THashMap.Put(AIndex: Integer; AKey: string; AValue: Variant; AIsObj: Boolean = False); 199 var 200 entry: THashEntry; 201 begin 202 // 将新的entry放到table的index位置第一个, 如果原来有值则以链表存放 203 entry := THashEntry.Create(AKey, AValue, FTable[AIndex], AIsObj); 204 FTable[AIndex] := entry; 205 // 若达到临界值, 则进行扩容,将table的capacity翻倍 206 Inc(FCount); 207 208 if FThreshold >= MAX_SIZE then 209 begin 210 FThreshold := MAX_SIZE; 211 Exit; 212 end; 213 214 if FCount >= FThreshold then 215 begin 216 Resize(Length(FTable) * 2); 217 end; 218 end; 219 220 procedure THashMap.Resize(capacity: Integer); 221 var 222 I, index: Integer; 223 newTable: TEntrySet; 224 begin 225 if capacity <= Length(FTable) then Exit; 226 227 228 SetLength(newTable, capacity); 229 230 Transfer(newTable); 231 FTable := nil; 232 FTable := newTable; 233 234 //修改临界值 235 FThreshold := Trunc(Length(FTable) * DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR); 236 Inc(FResize); 237 end; 238 239 //重新计算index 240 procedure THashMap.Transfer(ANewTable: TEntrySet); 241 var 242 I, newIndex: Integer; 243 iNewCapacity: Integer; 244 e, tmpNext: THashEntry; 245 begin 246 iNewCapacity := Length(ANewTable); 247 // 循环Table,重新计算各元素索引位置, 再把旧数组数据Copy到新数组中 248 for I := Low(FTable) to High(FTable) do 249 begin 250 e := FTable[I]; 251 while e <> nil do 252 begin 253 tmpNext := e.Next; 254 // 计算出新的索引 255 newIndex := IndexOf(e.Key, iNewCapacity); 256 // 把当前旧entry.next链指向新的索引位置,ANewTable[newIndex]可能为nil, 也可能是entry链, 257 // 如果是entry链,就直接在链表头插入 258 e.Next := ANewTable[newIndex]; 259 ANewTable[newIndex] := e; 260 261 e := tmpNext; 262 end; 263 end; 264 end; 265 266 function THashMap.Get(AKey: string): Variant; 267 var 268 entry: THashEntry; 269 begin 270 Result := NULL; 271 if (AKey = '') then 272 begin 273 Result := GetNullKey; 274 Exit; 275 end; 276 277 entry := GetEntry(AKey); 278 if entry = nil then 279 Result := NULL 280 else 281 Result := entry.Value; 282 end; 283 284 function THashMap.GetNullKey: Variant; 285 var 286 e: THashEntry; 287 begin 288 if FCount = 0 then 289 begin 290 Result := Null; 291 Exit; 292 end; 293 294 //在FTable[0]的链表上查找key为''的键值对,因为''默认是存在FTable[0]的桶里 295 e := FTable[0]; 296 while e <> nil do 297 begin 298 if e.Key = '' then 299 begin 300 Result := e.Value; 301 Break; 302 end; 303 e := e.Next; 304 end; 305 end; 306 307 308 function THashMap.GetEntry(AKey: string): THashEntry; 309 var 310 entry: THashEntry; 311 begin 312 entry := FTable[IndexOf(AKey)]; 313 try 314 while (entry <> nil) do 315 begin 316 if (HashCode(entry.Key) = HashCode(AKey)) and SameText(entry.Key, AKey) then 317 begin 318 Result := entry; 319 Exit; 320 end; 321 entry := entry.Next; 322 end; 323 Result := entry; 324 except 325 Result := nil; 326 end; 327 end; 328 329 procedure THashMap.Remove(AKey: string); 330 var 331 index: Integer; 332 pre, entry: THashEntry; 333 begin 334 if AKey = '' then Exit; 335 336 index := IndexOf(AKey); 337 pre := nil; 338 entry := FTable[index]; 339 while entry <> nil do 340 begin 341 if (HashCode(entry.Key) = HashCode(AKey)) and SameText(entry.Key, AKey) then 342 begin 343 if pre = nil then 344 FTable[index] := entry.Next 345 else 346 pre.Next := entry.Next; 347 348 Dec(FCount); 349 Exit; 350 end; 351 pre := entry; 352 entry := entry.Next; 353 end; 354 end; 355 356 357 function THashMap.ContainsKey(AKey: string): Boolean; 358 begin 359 Result := False; 360 if AKey = '' then Exit; 361 Result := GetEntry(aKey) <> nil; 362 end; 363 364 procedure THashMap.Clear; 365 var 366 I: Integer; 367 firstEntry, pre, Entry: THashEntry; 368 begin 369 for I := 0 to Length(FTable) - 1 do 370 begin 371 firstEntry := FTable[I]; 372 if firstEntry <> nil then 373 begin 374 // 有链表 375 pre := nil; 376 entry := firstEntry.Next; 377 while entry <> nil do 378 begin 379 pre := Entry; 380 Entry := pre.Next; 381 pre.Next := nil; 382 FreeAndNil(pre); 383 end; 384 FreeAndNil(firstEntry); 385 FTable[I] := nil; 386 end; 387 end; 388 389 SetLength(FTable, 0); 390 FCount := 0; 391 end; 392 393 function THashMap.ToString(): string; 394 var 395 I, iPadLeft: Integer; 396 entry: THashEntry; 397 sValue: string; 398 begin 399 if not Assigned(FTable) then Exit; 400 Result := Format('Size: %d, capacity: %d, Resize: %d;'#10#13, [FCount, Length(FTable), FResize]); 401 Result := Result + #13#10; 402 for I := 0 to Length(FTable) - 1 do 403 begin 404 entry := FTable[I]; 405 if entry = nil then 406 Result := Result + Format('a[%d] = nil'#13#10, [I]) 407 else 408 Result := Result + Format('a[%d] ', [I]); 409 410 iPadLeft := Length(Format('a[%d] ', [I])) + 1; 411 while entry <> nil do 412 begin 413 case TVarData(entry.Value).VType of 414 varString: sValue := '''' + entry.Value + ''''; 415 else 416 sValue := VarToStrDef(entry.Value, ''); 417 end; 418 419 420 if entry <> FTable[I] then 421 Result := Result + DupeString(' ', iPadLeft) + ' -> ' + entry.Key + ' = ' + sValue 422 else 423 Result := Result + entry.Key + ' = ' + sValue; 424 425 entry := entry.Next; 426 Result := Result + #13#10; 427 end; 428 end; 429 end; 430 431 function THashMap.ToList: TList; 432 var 433 I: Integer; 434 e: THashEntry; 435 begin 436 Result := nil; 437 if Length(FTable) = 0 then 438 begin 439 Exit; 440 end; 441 442 Result := TList.Create; 443 for I := Low(FTable) to High(FTable) do 444 begin 445 e := FTable[I]; 446 while e <> nil do 447 begin 448 Result.Add(e); 449 e := e.Next; 450 end; 451 end; 452 end; 453 454 function THashMap.GetEntrySet: TEntrySet; 455 var 456 I: Integer; 457 e: THashEntry; 458 aList: TList; 459 begin 460 Result := nil; 461 if Length(FTable) = 0 then 462 begin 463 Exit; 464 end; 465 466 try 467 // 1、先获取到数组和链表中所有Entry对象 468 aList := ToList; 469 // 2、把得到的Entry对象加入到TEntrySet中 470 SetLength(Result, aList.Count); 471 for I := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do 472 begin 473 Result[I] := aList[I]; 474 end; 475 finally 476 FreeAndNil(aList); 477 end; 478 end; 479 480 procedure THashMap.Add(AMap: THashMap); 481 var 482 I: Integer; 483 e: THashEntry; 484 aSet: TEntrySet; 485 begin 486 aSet := AMap.GetEntrySet; 487 for I := 0 to Length(aSet) - 1 do 488 begin 489 Add(aSet[I].Key, aSet[I].Value); 490 end; 491 end; 492 493 // 插入对象 494 procedure THashMap.AddObject(AKey: string; AValue: TObject); 495 begin 496 Add(AKey, Integer(AValue), True); 497 end; 498 499 function THashMap.GetObject(AKey: string): TObject; 500 begin 501 Result := TObject(Integer(Get(AKey))); 502 end; 503 504 505 // key排序 506 function SortCompareByKey(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer; 507 begin 508 Result := AnsiCompareStr(THashEntry(item1).Key, THashEntry(Item2).Key); 509 end; 510 511 // Value排序 512 function SortCompareByValue(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer; 513 begin 514 Result := AnsiCompareStr(THashEntry(item1).Value, THashEntry(Item2).Value); 515 end; 516 517 // KeyValue排序 518 function SortCompareByKeyValue(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer; 519 begin 520 Result := AnsiCompareStr(THashEntry(item1).Key + VarToStrDef(THashEntry(item1).Value, '') 521 , THashEntry(item2).Key + VarToStrDef(THashEntry(Item2).Value, '')); 522 end; 523 524 function THashMap.Sort(ASortType: TSortType): TEntrySet; 525 var 526 I: Integer; 527 aSortCompare: TListSortCompare; 528 aList: TList; 529 begin 530 aList := ToList; 531 try 532 case ASortType of 533 stKey: 534 aSortCompare := SortCompareByKey; 535 stValue: 536 aSortCompare := SortCompareByValue; 537 else 538 aSortCompare := SortCompareByKeyValue; 539 end; 540 aList.Sort(aSortCompare); 541 542 SetLength(Result, aList.Count); 543 for I := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do 544 begin 545 Result[I] := aList[I]; 546 end; 547 finally 548 FreeAndNil(aList); 549 end; 550 end; 551 552 553 554 function THashMap.GetItems(Index: Integer): THashEntry; 555 begin 556 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then 557 begin 558 Result := nil; 559 Exit; 560 end; 561 Result := FTable[Index]; 562 end; 563 564 end.
1 {*******************************************************} 2 { } 3 { Delphi HashMap } 4 { } 5 { 版权所有 (C) 2018 hsoft } 6 { } 7 { } 8 { Author: MarkWu Email: 77910086@qq.com } 9 { Date: 2018-01-02 14:17:00 } 10 { Desc: HashMap } 11 {*******************************************************} 12 13 unit uHashEntry; 14 15 interface 16 17 uses 18 Variants; 19 20 type 21 THashEntry = class 22 private 23 FKey: string; 24 FValue: Variant; 25 FNext: THashEntry; 26 FIsObj: Boolean; 27 procedure SetValue(const Value: Variant); 28 function GetValue: Variant; 29 public 30 constructor Create(AKey: string; AValue: Variant; ANext: THashEntry; AIsObj: Boolean = False); 31 32 function ToString(): string; 33 function HashCode: Integer; 34 35 property Key: string read FKey write FKey; 36 property Value: Variant read GetValue write SetValue; 37 property Next: THashEntry read FNext write FNext; 38 property IsObj: Boolean read FIsObj; 39 end; 40 41 implementation 42 43 { THashEntry } 44 45 constructor THashEntry.Create(AKey: string; AValue: Variant; ANext: THashEntry; AIsObj: Boolean); 46 begin 47 FKey := AKey; 48 FValue := AValue; 49 FIsObj := AIsObj; 50 FNext := ANext; 51 end; 52 53 function THashEntry.HashCode: Integer; 54 begin 55 Result := Integer(Self); 56 end; 57 58 function THashEntry.GetValue: Variant; 59 begin 60 Result := FValue; 61 end; 62 63 procedure THashEntry.SetValue(const Value: Variant); 64 begin 65 FValue := Value; 66 end; 67 68 function THashEntry.ToString: string; 69 begin 70 Result := FKey + '=' + VarToStrDef(FValue, ''); 71 end; 72 73 end.
HashMap, StringList, HashedStringList的性能比较, HashMap的性能比较稳定,保持O(1), 而HashedStringList第1次查找时很慢,后面就稳定了,不知啥原因,没有去跟踪它代码。
object Form1: TForm1 Left = 263 Top = 169 Width = 787 Height = 518 Caption = 'HashMap Demo -- Author: MarkWu QQ:77910086' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False OnCreate = FormCreate PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Label1: TLabel Left = 237 Top = 90 Width = 18 Height = 13 Caption = 'Key' end object Label2: TLabel Left = 237 Top = 119 Width = 27 Height = 13 Caption = 'Value' end object Label3: TLabel Left = 231 Top = 168 Width = 34 Height = 13 Caption = 'Serach' end object Label4: TLabel Left = 240 Top = 348 Width = 14 Height = 13 Caption = 'N: ' end object Label5: TLabel Left = 365 Top = 347 Width = 17 Height = 13 Caption = 'Get' end object Button1: TButton Left = 257 Top = 11 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = #21021#22987#21270'Map' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = Button1Click end object Memo1: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 225 Height = 480 Align = alLeft ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 end object Button2: TButton Left = 364 Top = 163 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'Get' TabOrder = 8 OnClick = Button2Click end object Edit1: TEdit Left = 268 Top = 164 Width = 85 Height = 21 TabOrder = 9 end object Button3: TButton Left = 364 Top = 97 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'Put' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = Button3Click end object edt_key: TEdit Left = 268 Top = 85 Width = 85 Height = 21 TabOrder = 5 end object edt_value: TEdit Left = 268 Top = 117 Width = 85 Height = 21 TabOrder = 7 end object Button4: TButton Left = 364 Top = 11 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'Destory Map' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = Button4Click end object btnSortKey: TButton Left = 241 Top = 236 Width = 97 Height = 25 Caption = 'Sort Key' TabOrder = 12 OnClick = btnSortKeyClick end object PutMap: TButton Left = 241 Top = 203 Width = 97 Height = 25 Caption = 'PutMap' TabOrder = 10 OnClick = PutMapClick end object Button5: TButton Left = 257 Top = 51 Width = 184 Height = 25 Caption = #25171#21360'Map'#20869#23481 TabOrder = 4 OnClick = Button5Click end object btnSortValue: TButton Left = 241 Top = 270 Width = 97 Height = 25 Caption = 'Sort Value' TabOrder = 13 OnClick = btnSortValueClick end object btnSortKeyValue: TButton Left = 241 Top = 303 Width = 97 Height = 25 Caption = 'Sort KeyValue' TabOrder = 14 OnClick = btnSortKeyValueClick end object btnHashMap10000: TButton Left = 241 Top = 379 Width = 122 Height = 25 Caption = 'HashMap '#22686#21152'N'#26465 TabOrder = 17 OnClick = btnHashMap10000Click end object btnStringList10000: TButton Left = 241 Top = 408 Width = 122 Height = 25 Caption = 'StringList '#22686#21152'N'#26465 TabOrder = 19 OnClick = btnStringList10000Click end object edt_N: TEdit Left = 259 Top = 345 Width = 104 Height = 21 TabOrder = 15 Text = '10000' end object btn_hashMap_get: TButton Left = 373 Top = 379 Width = 100 Height = 25 Caption = 'hashMap_get' TabOrder = 18 OnClick = btn_hashMap_getClick end object btn_stringList_get: TButton Left = 373 Top = 408 Width = 100 Height = 25 Caption = 'stringList_get' TabOrder = 20 OnClick = btn_stringList_getClick end object edt_Get: TEdit Left = 387 Top = 345 Width = 104 Height = 21 TabOrder = 16 end object Button6: TButton Left = 364 Top = 203 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'AddObject' TabOrder = 11 OnClick = Button6Click end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 504 Top = 0 Width = 267 Height = 480 Align = alRight BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 object Label6: TLabel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 267 Height = 16 Align = alTop Caption = 'HashMap'#20869#23384#20998#24067 end object Memo2: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 16 Width = 267 Height = 464 Align = alClient ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 end end object btn_HashStringList1000: TButton Left = 241 Top = 439 Width = 122 Height = 25 Caption = 'HashStringList '#22686#21152'N'#26465 TabOrder = 21 OnClick = btn_HashStringList1000Click end object btn_HashStringList_get: TButton Left = 373 Top = 439 Width = 100 Height = 25 Caption = 'HashStringList_Get' TabOrder = 22 OnClick = btn_HashStringList_getClick end end
{*******************************************************} { } { Delphi HashMap test } { } { 版权所有 (C) 2018 hsoft } { } { } { Author: MarkWu Email: 77910086@qq.com } { Date: 2018-01-02 14:17:00 } { Desc: HashMap } {*******************************************************} unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, uHashMap, StdCtrls, StrUtils, ExtCtrls, IniFiles; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; Button2: TButton; Edit1: TEdit; Button3: TButton; edt_key: TEdit; edt_value: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Button4: TButton; btnSortKey: TButton; PutMap: TButton; Button5: TButton; btnSortValue: TButton; btnSortKeyValue: TButton; btnHashMap10000: TButton; btnStringList10000: TButton; Label4: TLabel; edt_N: TEdit; btn_hashMap_get: TButton; btn_stringList_get: TButton; Label5: TLabel; edt_Get: TEdit; Button6: TButton; Panel1: TPanel; Label6: TLabel; Memo2: TMemo; btn_HashStringList1000: TButton; btn_HashStringList_get: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btnSortKeyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure PutMapClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Button5Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btnSortValueClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnSortKeyValueClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnHashMap10000Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btnStringList10000Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_hashMap_getClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_stringList_getClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Button6Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_HashStringList1000Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_HashStringList_getClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } aHashMap: THashMap; FMap: THashMap; FList: TStringList; FHashList: THashedStringList; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses uHashEntry; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin aHashMap := THashMap.Create; FMap := THashMap.Create; FList := TStringList.Create; FHashList := THashedStringList.Create; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin //caption := IntToStr(aHashMap.HashCode('123')); //caption := IntToStr(5 mod 3); aHashMap.Add('中国', '中华人民共和国'); aHashMap.Add('中國', '中華人民共和國'); aHashMap.Add('吴wu', 'MarkWu'); aHashMap.Add('b', 2); aHashMap.Add('c', 3); aHashMap.Add('d', 'dd'); aHashMap.Add('e', 'ee'); aHashMap.Add('f', 'ff'); aHashMap.Add('g', 'ggg'); aHashMap.Add('h', 11.1); aHashMap.Add('i', 22.2); aHashMap.Add('j', 33.3); aHashMap.Add('k', 44.4); aHashMap.Add('l', True); aHashMap.Add('aa', 'a1'); aHashMap.Add('ca', 'c2'); aHashMap.Add('', '0000000000'); aHashMap.Add('', '1111111111'); // aHashMap.Put('m', VarArrayOf([1, 2, 'a', 'b'])); Memo1.Lines.Add(aHashMap.ToString); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; aMap: THashMap; aSet: TEntrySet; begin { aMap := THashMap.Create; aMap.Put('h1', 'h1'); aMap.Put('h2', 2); aMap.Put('h3', 33); aMap.Put('中1', 81); aMap.Put('中2', 82); aMap.Put('中2', 83); aMap.Put(aHashMap); } //Memo2.Lines.Add(aMap.ToString); Memo2.Lines.Add('---------------Get-----------------'); Memo2.Lines.Add(VarToStrDef( aHashMap.Get(Edit1.Text), '')); //aMap.Free; end; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin aHashMap.Add(edt_key.Text, edt_value.Text); end; procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin FreeAndNil(aHashMap); end; procedure TForm1.btnSortKeyClick(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; aSet: TEntrySet; begin Memo2.Lines.Add('---------------Sort Key-----------------'); aSet := aHashMap.Sort(stKey); for I := 0 to Length(aSet) - 1 do begin Memo2.Lines.Add(aSet[I].Key + '=' + VarToStrDef(aSet[I].Value, 'NULL') ); end; end; procedure TForm1.btnSortValueClick(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; aSet: TEntrySet; begin Memo2.Lines.Add('---------------Sort Value-----------------'); aSet := aHashMap.Sort(stValue); for I := 0 to Length(aSet) - 1 do begin Memo2.Lines.Add(aSet[I].Key + '=' + VarToStrDef(aSet[I].Value, 'NULL') ); end; end; procedure TForm1.btnSortKeyValueClick(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; aSet: TEntrySet; begin Memo2.Lines.Add('---------------Sort KeyValue-----------------'); aSet := aHashMap.Sort(stKeyValue); for I := 0 to Length(aSet) - 1 do begin Memo2.Lines.Add(aSet[I].Key + '=' + VarToStrDef(aSet[I].Value, 'NULL') ); end; end; procedure TForm1.PutMapClick(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; aMap: THashMap; aSet: TEntrySet; begin aMap := THashMap.Create; aMap.Add('h1', 'h1'); aMap.Add('h2', 2); aMap.Add('h3', 33); aMap.Add('中1', 81); aMap.Add('中2', 82); aMap.Add('中2', 83); //aMap.Put(aHashMap); aHashMap.Add(aMap); //Memo2.Lines.Add(aMap.ToString); Memo2.Lines.Add('-------------------PutMap-------------------'); aSet := aHashMap.GetEntrySet; for I := 0 to Length(aSet) - 1 do begin Memo2.Lines.Add(aSet[I].Key + '=' + VarToStrDef(aSet[I].Value, '') ); end; aMap.Free; end; procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo2.Lines.Add('------------------ToString----------------------'); Memo2.Lines.Add(aHashMap.ToString); end; procedure TForm1.btnHashMap10000Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; iBegin, iEnd: Cardinal; map: THashMap; begin FMap.Clear; iBegin := GetTickCount; map := FMap; for I := 0 to StrToInt(edt_N.Text) - 1 do begin map.Add( IntToStr(I), I); //'m' + end; iEnd := (GetTickCount - iBegin); Memo2.Lines.Add(Format('-------------------- %s ToString--------------------', [btnHashMap10000.Caption])); Memo2.Lines.Add(Format('HashMap 增加%d条, 总共花了%d ms', [StrToIntDef(edt_N.Text, 1), iEnd])); //Memo2.Lines.Add(map.ToString); end; procedure TForm1.btnStringList10000Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; iBegin, iEnd: Cardinal; str: string; aList: TStringList; begin FList.Clear; iBegin := GetTickCount; aList := FList; //TStringList.Create; for I := 0 to StrToInt(edt_N.Text) -1 do begin aList.Add( IntToStr(I) + '=' + IntToStr(I)); end; iEnd := GetTickCount - iBegin; Memo2.Lines.Add(Format('-------------------- %s ToString--------------------', [btnStringList10000.Caption])); //Memo2.Lines.Add(btnStringList10000.Caption + ' 总共花了' + Inttostr(iEnd)); Memo2.Lines.Add(Format('StringList 增加%d条, 总共花了%d ms', [StrToIntDef(edt_N.Text, 1), iEnd])); { str := ''; for I := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do begin str := str + #13#10 + aList[I]; end; Memo2.Lines.Add(str); } end; procedure TForm1.btn_hashMap_getClick(Sender: TObject); var iBegin, iEnd: Cardinal; sValue: string; begin try if Trim(edt_Get.Text) = '' then begin if edt_Get.CanFocus then edt_Get.SetFocus; ShowMessage('请输入要查询的key'); Abort; end; iBegin := GetTickCount; sValue := FMap.Get(edt_Get.Text); iEnd := GetTickCount - iBegin; Memo2.Lines.Add('------------------hashMap Get-----------------'); Memo2.Lines.Add(sValue + '--->' + IntToStr(iEnd) + 'ms'); except end; end; procedure TForm1.btn_stringList_getClick(Sender: TObject); var iBegin, iEnd: Cardinal; sValue: string; begin try if Trim(edt_Get.Text) = '' then begin if edt_Get.CanFocus then edt_Get.SetFocus; ShowMessage('请输入要查询的key'); Abort; end; iBegin := GetTickCount; sValue := FList.Values[edt_Get.Text]; //FList.ValueFromIndex(Flist.); iEnd := GetTickCount - iBegin; Memo2.Lines.Add('------------------StringList Get-----------------'); Memo2.Lines.Add(sValue + '--->' + IntToStr(iEnd) + 'ms'); except end; end; procedure TForm1.Button6Click(Sender: TObject); var v: Variant; map: THashMap; begin //map := THashMap.Create; map := aHashMap; try v := Integer(Self); map.AddObject('form1', Self); //ShowMessage(map.Get('form1').Value); ShowMessage(TForm1(map.GetObject('form1')).Caption); finally //FreeAndNil(map); end; end; procedure TForm1.btn_HashStringList1000Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; iBegin, iEnd: Cardinal; str: string; aList: THashedStringList; begin FHashList.Clear; iBegin := GetTickCount; aList := FHashList; //TStringList.Create; for I := 0 to StrToInt(edt_N.Text) -1 do begin aList.Add(IntToStr(I) + '=' + IntToStr(I)); end; iEnd := GetTickCount - iBegin; Memo2.Lines.Add(Format('-------------------- %s ToString--------------------', [btn_HashStringList1000.Caption])); //Memo2.Lines.Add(btnStringList10000.Caption + ' 总共花了' + Inttostr(iEnd)); Memo2.Lines.Add(Format('HashStringList 增加%d条, 总共花了%d ms', [StrToIntDef(edt_N.Text, 1), iEnd])); { str := ''; for I := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do begin str := str + #13#10 + aList[I]; end; Memo2.Lines.Add(str); } end; procedure TForm1.btn_HashStringList_getClick(Sender: TObject); var iBegin, iEnd: Cardinal; sValue: string; begin try if Trim(edt_Get.Text) = '' then begin if edt_Get.CanFocus then edt_Get.SetFocus; ShowMessage('请输入要查询的key'); Abort; end; iBegin := GetTickCount; sValue := FHashList.Values[edt_Get.Text]; //sValue := FHashList.ValueFromIndex[ FHashList.IndexOfName(edt_Get.Text) ]; iEnd := GetTickCount - iBegin; Memo2.Lines.Add('------------------HashedStringList Get-----------------'); Memo2.Lines.Add(sValue + '--->' + IntToStr(iEnd) + 'ms'); except end; end; end.