tech road one step
1. Tech
1. Architecture
- <EIP> 温习理解,结合 EIS 思考消息传递系统的设计
- <rabbitMQ in depth> 温习理解MQ
- <rabbimtMQ in action> 温习理解MQ
- <spring boot2 reciple> 温习 Spring boot rabbitMQ
- <企业应用架构设计> 多用户访问资源控制,结合EIS思考
- <Java 应用架构设计> 温习, chapter 8, 结合EIS 依赖解耦思考
- <MS Arc DP> 学习 ms architecture dp
- <DDD implict> 学习 DDD 设计思想,context
2. Design pattern
- Bob PPP chapter19 学习实践
- <design pattern explain> factory 系列
3. Framework
- Spring web async process
- Gson parse, JS pg
4. Java
- FP, Stream data process
- Aysnc
- <effect java> notation
5. build
- Gradle CI/CD
- Groovy programming
6. Data
- Hibernate with spring boot
- DB
1. EIS (platform)
- Present data, interface programming with backend responsibility
- Present function, js business programming
- Present UI, thymeleaf
- Present UI, Jquery UI design
- Present UI, JqGrid treeTable
- Global exception process
- log process
2. EIS (brms)
- extension unit programming
- exception process, with MQ.
- global exception process,
- log process.
3. EIS (MQ)
- MQ issues fix. ack
- MQ system log.
- 思考压测.