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  • 使用ASP.NET来管理IIS

     方法1,在web.config文件中加入这一行<identity impersonate="true" />,不过有风险.

    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.DirectoryServices;

    namespace com.todayisp.iismanager
     /// <summary>
     /// Summary description for IISManager.
     /// </summary>
     public class IISManager
      private DirectoryEntry _iisServer;
      //public int Counter = 10; //限制创建虚拟目录数量

      public string CreateVDir(string WebSiteName,string nameDirectory,int Counter)

       string SiteID = GetSiteID(WebSiteName);
       if (SiteID == null) return "error:该站点不存在.";

       _iisServer = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/" + SiteID);
        DirectoryEntry Web = _iisServer.Children.Find("Root","IIsWebVirtualDir");
        DirectoryEntry VD = Web.Children.Find(nameDirectory,"IIsWebVirtualDir");
        return "error:你要建立的虚拟目录已经存在.";
         DirectoryEntry folderRoot = _iisServer.Children.Find("Root","IIsWebVirtualDir");

         int Thecount=0;
         foreach(DirectoryEntry b1 in folderRoot.Children)
          Thecount = Thecount + 1;

         if (Thecount < Counter)
          string ThePath;
          ThePath=folderRoot.Properties["Path"].Value +"\\" + nameDirectory;

          DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(ThePath);

          DirectoryEntry newVirDir = folderRoot.Children.Add(nameDirectory,"IIsWebVirtualDir");
          // Set Properties
          newVirDir.Properties["Path"].Value = ThePath;
          //Create a Application;Don't use invoke method
          // Save Changes
          return "successful:你已经成功地创建了一个虚拟目录:" + nameDirectory;
          return "error:你的站点的虚拟目录已经满" + Counter + "个,所以不能再创建.";
        catch(Exception e)
         return "error:尝试进入该站点失败." + e.Message;

      public string DelVirtualDirectory(string WebSiteName,string nameDirectory)
        string SiteID = GetSiteID(WebSiteName);
        if (SiteID == null) return "error:该站点不存在.";

        DirectoryEntry deRoot= new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/" + SiteID + "/ROOT");
         DirectoryEntry deVDir = deRoot.Children.Find(nameDirectory, "IIsWebVirtualDir");
         deVDir = deRoot.Children.Find(nameDirectory, "IIsWebVirtualDir");
         deVDir.Invoke("AppDelete", null);
         return "successful:删除虚拟目录" + nameDirectory + "成功!";
         return "error:该虚拟目录不存在.";
       catch(Exception e)
        return "error:删除目录失败." + e.Message;

      public string GetSiteID(string WebSiteName)
       DirectoryEntry root = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC");
        string SiteID= null;
        string hostname;
        foreach(DirectoryEntry bb in root.Children)
          //if(Convert.ToInt32(bb.Name.Trim()) < 0) continue;
          PropertyValueCollection pvc = bb.Properties["ServerBindings"];

          String[] srvBindings = ((string)pvc[0]).Split(new char[] {':'});
          hostname = srvBindings[2].Trim();

          //if (WebSiteName == bb.Properties["ServerComment"].Value.ToString()) SiteID=bb.Name; 
          if (WebSiteName == hostname) SiteID=bb.Name;
          // Clear Variable
          hostname = "";
        if (SiteID == null) return null;
        return SiteID;
        return null;

      public bool RenameVirtualDirectory(string WebSiteName,string nameDirectory,string NewName)
        DirectoryEntry root = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC");
        string SiteID="";
        string hostname;
        foreach(DirectoryEntry bb in root.Children)
          //if(Convert.ToInt32(bb.Name.Trim()) < 0) continue;
          PropertyValueCollection pvc = bb.Properties["ServerBindings"];
          String[] srvBindings = ((string)pvc[0]).Split(new char[] {':'});
          hostname = srvBindings[2].Trim();
          if(hostname.Equals("")) hostname = "localhost";

          //if (WebSiteName == bb.Properties["ServerComment"].Value.ToString()) SiteID=bb.Name; 
          if (WebSiteName == hostname) SiteID=bb.Name;
          // Clear Variable
          hostname = "";
        DirectoryEntry deRoot= new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/" + SiteID + "/ROOT");
        DirectoryEntry deVDir = deRoot.Children.Find(nameDirectory, "IIsWebVirtualDir");
        deVDir = deRoot.Children.Find(nameDirectory, "IIsWebVirtualDir");
        return true;
        return false;

      public bool CreateWebSite(string siteName,string Path,string Port)
        DirectoryEntry root = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC");
        // Find unused ID value for new web site
        int siteID = 1;
        foreach(DirectoryEntry ef in root.Children)
         if(ef.SchemaClassName == "IIsWebServer")
          int ID = Convert.ToInt32(ef.Name);
          if(ID >= siteID)
           siteID = ID+1;
        }// Create web site
        DirectoryEntry site = (DirectoryEntry)root.Invoke("Create", "IIsWebServer", siteID);
        site.Invoke("Put", "ServerComment", siteName);
        site.Invoke("Put", "KeyType", "IIsWebServer");
        site.Invoke("Put", "ServerBindings", ":" + Port + ":");
        site.Invoke("Put", "ServerState", 2);
        site.Invoke("Put", "FrontPageWeb", 1);
        site.Invoke("Put", "DefaultDoc", "Default.aspx");
        site.Invoke("Put", "SecureBindings", ":443:");
        site.Invoke("Put", "ServerAutoStart", 1);
        site.Invoke("Put", "ServerSize", 1);
        // Create application virtual
        DirectoryEntry siteVDir = site.Children.Add("Root", "IISWebVirtualDir");
        siteVDir.Properties["AppIsolated"][0] = 2;
        siteVDir.Properties["Path"][0] = Path;
        siteVDir.Properties["AccessFlags"][0] = 513;
        siteVDir.Properties["FrontPageWeb"][0] = 1;
        siteVDir.Properties["AppRoot"][0] = "/LM/W3SVC/"+siteID+"/Root";
        siteVDir.Properties["AppFriendlyName"][0] = "Root";
        return true;
       return false;

      public string DirAll(string WebSiteName,string VDirName,string Path)
       DirectoryEntry root = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC");
       string SiteID="";
       string hostname;
       foreach(DirectoryEntry bb in root.Children)
         //if(Convert.ToInt32(bb.Name.Trim()) < 0) continue;
         PropertyValueCollection pvc = bb.Properties["ServerBindings"];
         String[] srvBindings = ((string)pvc[0]).Split(new char[] {':'});
         hostname = srvBindings[2].Trim();
         if(hostname.Equals("")) hostname = "localhost";

         //if (WebSiteName == bb.Properties["ServerComment"].Value.ToString()) SiteID=bb.Name; 
         if (WebSiteName == hostname) SiteID=bb.Name;
         // Clear Variable
         hostname = "";

       DirectoryEntry deRoot= new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/" + SiteID + "/ROOT");

       if (VDirName == null)
        string RealPath = deRoot.Properties["Path"].Value.ToString();
        string VPath = deRoot.Path;
         string AllDir = "";
         string cc = "<br>";

         foreach(DirectoryEntry a in deRoot.Children)
          AllDir = AllDir + "<a href=?sitename=" + WebSiteName + "&vdir=" + a.Name + ">" + a.Name + "<br>";
         DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(RealPath);
         DirectoryInfo[] subdirectoryEntries = di.GetDirectories();
         foreach(DirectoryInfo subdirectory in subdirectoryEntries)
          cc = cc + subdirectory.Name + "<br>";


         return AllDir;
        return "END";
        DirectoryEntry subRoot = deRoot.Children.Find(VDirName,"IIsWebVirtualDir");
        string RealPath = subRoot.Properties["Path"].Value.ToString() + "\\" + Path + "\\";
         string cc = "<br>";
         string filename = "<br>";

         DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(RealPath);
         DirectoryInfo[] subdirectoryEntries = di.GetDirectories();
         foreach(DirectoryInfo subdirectory in subdirectoryEntries)
          cc = cc + "<a href='?sitename=" + WebSiteName + "&VDir=" + VDirName + "&Path=" + Path + @"\" + subdirectory.Name + "'>" + subdirectory.Name + "</a><br>";

         // Create an array representing the files in the current directory.
         FileInfo[] fi = di.GetFiles();
         foreach (FileInfo fiTemp in fi)
          filename = filename + fiTemp.Name + "<br>";

         return cc + filename;
         return "NO" + Path;


    使用方法如下: 在IISManager.aspx文件中

    <%@ Page language="c#" AutoEventWireup="false"%>
    //<%@ Import Namespace= "com.todayisp.identity"%>
    <%@ Import Namespace= "com.todayisp.iismanager"%>
    string WebSite = Request.Params["WebSite"];
    string VDir = Request.Params["VDir"];
    string ManageType = Request.Params["ManageType"];
    int Counter = 2; //限制创建虚拟目录数量
    //string UserName = Request.Params["UserName"];
    //string Password = Request.Params["Password"];

    if (WebSite == null && VDir == null)

    /*if (UserName == null && Password == null)

     IDEN Key = new IDEN();
     string PasswordKey = Key.ChangeKey(Password);
     if (PasswordKey == null) return;

     { /*
      IDEN Identity = new IDEN();
      bool In = Identity.ChangeRoleIN(UserName,PasswordKey);
      if (!In){

      IISManager isMang = new IISManager();
      string test="";
       case "Del":
        test = isMang.DelVirtualDirectory(WebSite,VDir);
       case "Create":
        test = isMang.CreateVDir(WebSite,VDir,Counter);

    catch(Exception e){
      Response.Write("error:" + e.Message);



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/meiproject/p/1059058.html
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