Your job is, given a positive number N, determine if it is a multiple of eleven.
Input specification
The input is a file such that each line contains a positive number. A line containing the number 0 is the end of the input. The given numbers can contain up to 1000 digits.
Output specification
The output of the program shall indicate, for each input number, if it is a multiple of eleven or not.
Sample input
112233 30800 2937 323455693 5038297 112234 0
Sample output
112233 is a multiple of 11. 30800 is a multiple of 11. 2937 is a multiple of 11. 323455693 is a multiple of 11. 5038297 is a multiple of 11. 112234 is not a multiple of 11.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; bool divEleven(string s) { int carry = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { int d = carry * 10 + s[i] - '0'; carry = d % 11; } if (carry) return false; return true; } void Eleven() { string S; while (cin>>S && "0" != S) { if (divEleven(S)) cout<<S<<" is a multiple of 11. "; else cout<<S<<" is not a multiple of 11. "; } }