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  • CMDB学习之八,完成所有资产采集信息的收集

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    import traceback
    from .base import BasePlugin
    from lib.response import BaseResponse
    from lib.log import logger
    class Basic(BasePlugin):
        def os_platform(self,handler, hostname):
            output = handler.cmd('uname',hostname)
            return output.strip()
        def os_version(self,handler, hostname):
            output = handler.cmd('cat /etc/issue',hostname)
            result = output.strip().split('
            return result
        def os_hostname(self,handler, hostname):
            output = handler.cmd('hostname',hostname)
            return output.strip()
        def win(self, handler, hostname):
            raise NotImplementedError('win must be implemented ')
        def linux(self, handler, hostname):
            response = BaseResponse()
                if self.debug:
                    ret = {
                    ret = {
                        'os_platform': self.os_platform(handler, hostname),
                        'os_version': self.os_version(handler, hostname),
                        'hostname': self.os_hostname(handler, hostname),
                response.data = ret
            except Exception as e:
                msg = traceback.format_exc()
                response.status = False
                response.error = msg
            return response.dict
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    import os
    import traceback
    from .base import BasePlugin
    from lib.response import BaseResponse
    from lib.log import logger
    class MainBoard(BasePlugin):
        def win(self, handler, hostname):
            raise NotImplementedError('win must be implemented ')
        def linux(self, handler, hostname):
            response = BaseResponse()
                if self.debug:
                    output = open(os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'files','board.out'), 'r').read()
                    shell_command = "sudo dmidecode -t1"
                    output = handler.cmd(shell_command,hostname)
                response.data = self.parse(output)
            except Exception as e:
                msg = traceback.format_exc()
                response.status = False
                response.error = msg
            return response.dict
        def parse(self, content):
            result = {}
            key_map = {
                'Manufacturer': 'manufacturer',
                'Product Name': 'model',
                'Serial Number': 'sn',
            for item in content.split('
                row_data = item.strip().split(':')
                if len(row_data) == 2:
                    if row_data[0] in key_map:
                        result[key_map[row_data[0]]] = row_data[1].strip() if row_data[1] else row_data[1]
            return result
    # !/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    from .base import BasePlugin
    import os,re
    import traceback
    from lib.response import BaseResponse
    from lib.log import logger
    class Disk(BasePlugin):
        def win(self,handler,hostname):
            ret = handler.cmd('wmic diskdrive',hostname)[0:10]
            return ret
        # def linux(self,handler,hostname):
        #     '''
        #     执行命令拿到结果-磁盘
        #     :return:
        #     '''
        #     print("执行Linux方法")
        #     ret = handler.cmd('df -h',hostname)[0:10]
        #     return ret
        def linux(self, handler, hostname):
            :param handler:
            :param hostname:
            #实现错误信息记录,标记,post 提交到服务端,首先定义一个字典如下:
            # result = {'status':True,'error':None,'data':None}
            #字典的形式使用比较麻烦,所有这里在lib 文件中定义一个类来使用,看起比较高端些,使用方法是
            这里是在 lib 文件实现的
            class BaseReponse():
        def __init__(self):
            self.status = True
            self.error = None
            self.data = None
        #调用内部方法 静态方法属性
        def dict(self):
            return self.__dict__
            reponse = BaseResponse()
            try :
                if self.debug:
                    output = open(os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'files', 'disk.out'), 'r').read()
                    shell_command = "sudo MegaCli  -PDList -aALL" #根据执行的命令
                    output = handler.cmd(shell_command, hostname)
                reponse.data = self.parse(output)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = traceback.format_exc()
                reponse.status = False
                reponse.error = error_msg
                # 记录错误日志
            return reponse.dict
        def parse(self, content):
            :param content: shell 命令结果
            response = {}
            result = []
            for row_line in content.split("
            for item in result:
                temp_dict = {}
                for row in item.split('
                    if not row.strip():
                    if len(row.split(':')) != 2:
                    key, value = row.split(':')
                    name = self.mega_patter_match(key)
                    if name:
                        if key == 'Raw Size':
                            raw_size = re.search('(d+.d+)', value.strip())
                            if raw_size:
                                temp_dict[name] = raw_size.group()
                                raw_size = '0'
                            temp_dict[name] = value.strip()
                if temp_dict:
                    response[temp_dict['slot']] = temp_dict
            return response
        def mega_patter_match(needle):
            grep_pattern = {'Slot': 'slot', 'Raw Size': 'capacity', 'Inquiry': 'model', 'PD Type': 'pd_type'}
            for key, value in grep_pattern.items():
                if needle.startswith(key):
                    return value
            return False
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    from .base import BasePlugin
    from lib.response import BaseResponse
    import traceback
    import os,re
    from lib.log import logger
    class CPU(BasePlugin):
        def win(self,handler,hostname):
            ret = handler.cmd('wmic cpu',hostname)[0:10]
            return ret
        def linux(self,handler,hostname):
            reponse = BaseResponse()
                if self.debug:
                    output = open(os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'files','cpuinfo.out'), 'r').read()
                    shell_command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo"
                    output = handler.cmd(shell_command, hostname)
                reponse.data = self.parse(output)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = traceback.format_exc()
                reponse.status = False
                reponse.error = error_msg
                # 记录错误日志
            return reponse.dict
        def parse(content):
            :param content: shell 命令结果
            response = {'cpu_count': 0, 'cpu_physical_count': 0, 'cpu_model': ''}
            cpu_physical_set = set()
            content = content.strip()
            for item in content.split('
                for row_line in item.split('
                    key, value = row_line.split(':')
                    key = key.strip()
                    if key == 'processor':
                        response['cpu_count'] += 1
                    elif key == 'physical id':
                    elif key == 'model name':
                        if not response['cpu_model']:
                            response['cpu_model'] = value
            response['cpu_physical_count'] = len(cpu_physical_set)
            return response
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    import os
    from .base import BasePlugin
    from lib import convert
    from lib.response import BaseResponse
    import traceback
    from lib.log import logger
    class Memory(BasePlugin):
        def win(self,handler,hostname):
            ret = handler.cmd('wmic memphysical list brief',hostname)[0:10]
            return ret
        # def linux(self,handler,hostname):
        #     '''
        #     执行命令拿到结果-内存
        #     :return:
        #     '''
        #     print("执行Linux方法")
        #     ret = handler.cmd('free',hostname)[0:10]
        #     return ret
        def linux(self, handler, hostname):
            reponse = BaseResponse()
                if self.debug:
                    output = open(os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'files', 'memory.out'), 'r').read()
                    shell_command = "sudo dmidecode  -q -t 17 2>/dev/null"
                    output = handler.cmd(shell_command, hostname)
                reponse.data = self.parse(output)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = traceback.format_exc()
                reponse.status = False
                reponse.error = error_msg
                # 记录错误日志
            return reponse.dict
        def parse(self, content):
            :param content: shell 命令结果
            ram_dict = {}
            key_map = {
                'Size': 'capacity',
                'Locator': 'slot',
                'Type': 'model',
                'Speed': 'speed',
                'Manufacturer': 'manufacturer',
                'Serial Number': 'sn',
            devices = content.split('Memory Device')
            for item in devices:
                item = item.strip()
                if not item:
                if item.startswith('#'):
                segment = {}
                lines = item.split('
                for line in lines:
                    if len(line.split(':')) > 1:
                        key, value = line.split(':')
                        key = line.split(':')[0]
                        value = ""
                    if key in key_map:
                        if key == 'Size':
                            segment[key_map['Size']] = convert.convert_mb_to_gb(value, 0)
                            segment[key_map[key.strip()]] = value.strip()
                ram_dict[segment['slot']] = segment
            return ram_dict
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    import os,re
    from .base import BasePlugin
    from lib.response import BaseResponse
    import traceback
    from lib.log import logger
    class Network(BasePlugin):
        def win(self,handler,hostname):
            ret = handler.cmd('ipconfig',hostname)[0:10]
            return ret
        # def linux(self,handler,hostname):
        #         '''
        #         执行命令拿到结果-网卡
        #         :return:
        #         '''
        #         print("执行Linux方法")
        #         ret = handler.cmd('ifconfig',hostname)[0:10]
        #         return ret
        def linux(self, handler, hostname):
            reponse = BaseResponse()
                if self.debug:
                    output = open(os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'files', 'nic.out'), 'r').read()
                    interfaces_info = self._interfaces_ip(output)
                    interfaces_info = self.linux_interfaces(handler)
                reponse.data = interfaces_info
                # reponse.data = self.standard(interfaces_info)
                # print(reponse.data)
            except Exception as e:
                error_msg = traceback.format_exc()
                reponse.status = False
                reponse.error = error_msg
            return reponse.dict
        def linux_interfaces(self, handler):
            Obtain interface information for *NIX/BSD variants
            ifaces = dict()
            ip_path = 'ip'
            if ip_path:
                cmd1 = handler.cmd('sudo {0} link show'.format(ip_path))
                cmd2 = handler.cmd('sudo {0} addr show'.format(ip_path))
                ifaces = self._interfaces_ip(cmd1 + '
    ' + cmd2)
            return ifaces
        def which(self, exe):
            def _is_executable_file_or_link(exe):
                # check for os.X_OK doesn't suffice because directory may executable
                return (os.access(exe, os.X_OK) and
                        (os.path.isfile(exe) or os.path.islink(exe)))
            if exe:
                if _is_executable_file_or_link(exe):
                    # executable in cwd or fullpath
                    return exe
                # default path based on busybox's default
                default_path = '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin'
                search_path = os.environ.get('PATH', default_path)
                path_ext = os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '.EXE')
                ext_list = path_ext.split(';')
                search_path = search_path.split(os.pathsep)
                if True:
                    # Add any dirs in the default_path which are not in search_path. If
                    # there was no PATH variable found in os.environ, then this will be
                    # a no-op. This ensures that all dirs in the default_path are
                    # searched, which lets salt.utils.which() work well when invoked by
                    # salt-call running from cron (which, depending on platform, may
                    # have a severely limited PATH).
                            x for x in default_path.split(os.pathsep)
                            if x not in search_path
                for path in search_path:
                    full_path = os.path.join(path, exe)
                    if _is_executable_file_or_link(full_path):
                        return full_path
            return None
        def _number_of_set_bits_to_ipv4_netmask(self, set_bits):  # pylint: disable=C0103
            Returns an IPv4 netmask from the integer representation of that mask.
            Ex. 0xffffff00 -> ''
            return self.cidr_to_ipv4_netmask(self._number_of_set_bits(set_bits))
        def cidr_to_ipv4_netmask(self, cidr_bits):
            Returns an IPv4 netmask
                cidr_bits = int(cidr_bits)
                if not 1 <= cidr_bits <= 32:
                    return ''
            except ValueError:
                return ''
            netmask = ''
            for idx in range(4):
                if idx:
                    netmask += '.'
                if cidr_bits >= 8:
                    netmask += '255'
                    cidr_bits -= 8
                    netmask += '{0:d}'.format(256 - (2 ** (8 - cidr_bits)))
                    cidr_bits = 0
            return netmask
        def _number_of_set_bits(self, x):
            Returns the number of bits that are set in a 32bit int
            # Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/a/4912729. Many thanks!
            x -= (x >> 1) & 0x55555555
            x = ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333) + (x & 0x33333333)
            x = ((x >> 4) + x) & 0x0f0f0f0f
            x += x >> 8
            x += x >> 16
            return x & 0x0000003f
        def _interfaces_ip(self, out):
            Uses ip to return a dictionary of interfaces with various information about
            each (up/down state, ip address, netmask, and hwaddr)
            ret = dict()
            right_keys = ['name', 'hwaddr', 'up', 'netmask', 'ipaddrs']
            def parse_network(value, cols):
                Return a tuple of ip, netmask, broadcast
                based on the current set of cols
                brd = None
                if '/' in value:  # we have a CIDR in this address
                    ip, cidr = value.split('/')  # pylint: disable=C0103
                    ip = value  # pylint: disable=C0103
                    cidr = 32
                if type_ == 'inet':
                    mask = self.cidr_to_ipv4_netmask(int(cidr))
                    if 'brd' in cols:
                        brd = cols[cols.index('brd') + 1]
                return (ip, mask, brd)
            groups = re.compile('
            for group in groups:
                iface = None
                data = dict()
                for line in group.splitlines():
                    if ' ' not in line:
                    match = re.match(r'^d*:s+([w.-]+)(?:@)?([w.-]+)?:s+<(.+)>', line)
                    if match:
                        iface, parent, attrs = match.groups()
                        if 'UP' in attrs.split(','):
                            data['up'] = True
                            data['up'] = False
                        if parent and parent in right_keys:
                            data[parent] = parent
                    cols = line.split()
                    if len(cols) >= 2:
                        type_, value = tuple(cols[0:2])
                        iflabel = cols[-1:][0]
                        if type_ in ('inet',):
                            if 'secondary' not in cols:
                                ipaddr, netmask, broadcast = parse_network(value, cols)
                                if type_ == 'inet':
                                    if 'inet' not in data:
                                        data['inet'] = list()
                                    addr_obj = dict()
                                    addr_obj['address'] = ipaddr
                                    addr_obj['netmask'] = netmask
                                    addr_obj['broadcast'] = broadcast
                                if 'secondary' not in data:
                                    data['secondary'] = list()
                                ip_, mask, brd = parse_network(value, cols)
                                    'type': type_,
                                    'address': ip_,
                                    'netmask': mask,
                                    'broadcast': brd,
                                del ip_, mask, brd
                        elif type_.startswith('link'):
                            data['hwaddr'] = value
                if iface:
                    if iface.startswith('pan') or iface.startswith('lo') or iface.startswith('v'):
                        del iface, data
                        ret[iface] = data
                        del iface, data
            return ret
        def standard(self, interfaces_info):
            for key, value in interfaces_info.items():
                ipaddrs = set()
                netmask = set()
                if not 'inet' in value:
                    value['ipaddrs'] = ''
                    value['netmask'] = ''
                    for item in value['inet']:
                    value['ipaddrs'] = '/'.join(ipaddrs)
                    value['netmask'] = '/'.join(netmask)
                    del value['inet']

    到此 资产采集所有信息完成

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/michael2018/p/10505228.html
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