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  • 框架搭建与EF常用基类实现

          前两篇简单谈了一些.Net Core的优势以及机构设计的一些思路,这一篇开始,我们将从零开始搭建架构,底层我们将采用EF来访问数据库,所以这篇我们将贴一下EF常用操作的基类。













     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Text;
     5 namespace Data
     6 {
     7     /// <summary>
     8     /// Base class for entities
     9     /// </summary>
    10     ///[Serializable]
    11     public abstract partial class BaseEntity
    12     {
    13         /// <summary>
    14         /// Gets or sets the entity identifier
    15         /// </summary>
    16         public string Id { get; set; }
    17         public virtual Nullable<DateTime> CreateTime { get; set; }
    18         public virtual string CreatePerson { get; set; }
    19         public virtual Nullable<DateTime> UpdateTime { get; set; }
    20         public virtual string UpdatePerson { get; set; }
    22         public BaseEntity()
    23         {
    24             this.Id = GetIdentifier();
    25             this.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
    26             this.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
    27         }
    29         private string GetIdentifier()
    30         {
    31             return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
    32         }
    34         public override bool Equals(object obj)
    35         {
    36             return Equals(obj as BaseEntity);
    37         }
    39         private static bool IsTransient(BaseEntity obj)
    40         {
    41             return obj != null && Equals(obj.Id, default(string));
    42         }
    44         private Type GetUnproxiedType()
    45         {
    46             return GetType();
    47         }
    49         public virtual bool Equals(BaseEntity other)
    50         {
    51             if (other == null)
    52                 return false;
    54             if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
    55                 return true;
    57             if (!IsTransient(this) &&
    58                 !IsTransient(other) &&
    59                 Equals(Id, other.Id))
    60             {
    61                 var otherType = other.GetUnproxiedType();
    62                 var thisType = GetUnproxiedType();
    63                 return thisType.IsAssignableFrom(otherType) ||
    64                         otherType.IsAssignableFrom(thisType);
    65             }
    67             return false;
    68         }
    70         public static bool operator ==(BaseEntity x, BaseEntity y)
    71         {
    72             return Equals(x, y);
    73         }
    75         public static bool operator !=(BaseEntity x, BaseEntity y)
    76         {
    77             return !(x == y);
    78         }
    79     }
    80 }


     1 using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
     2 using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
     3 using System;
     4 using System.Collections.Generic;
     5 using System.Data;
     6 using System.Data.Common;
     7 using System.Data.SqlClient;
     8 using System.Reflection;
     9 using System.Text;
    11 namespace Data
    12 {
    13     public static class DbContextExtensions
    14     {
    15         private static void CombineParams(ref DbCommand command, params object[] parameters)
    16         {
    17             if (parameters != null)
    18             {
    19                 foreach (SqlParameter parameter in parameters)
    20                 {
    21                     if (!parameter.ParameterName.Contains("@"))
    22                         parameter.ParameterName = $"@{parameter.ParameterName}";
    23                     command.Parameters.Add(parameter);
    24                 }
    25             }
    26         }
    29         private static DbCommand CreateCommand(DatabaseFacade facade, string sql, out DbConnection dbConn, params object[] parameters)
    30         {
    31             DbConnection conn = facade.GetDbConnection();
    32             dbConn = conn;
    33             conn.Open();
    34             DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    35             if (facade.IsSqlServer())
    36             {
    37                 cmd.CommandText = sql;
    38                 CombineParams(ref cmd, parameters);
    39             }
    40             return cmd;
    41         }
    43         public static DataTable SqlQuery(this DatabaseFacade facade, string sql, params object[] parameters)
    44         {
    45             DbCommand cmd = CreateCommand(facade, sql, out DbConnection conn, parameters);
    46             DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    47             DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    48             dt.Load(reader);
    49             reader.Close();
    50             conn.Close();
    51             return dt;
    52         }
    54         public static IEnumerable<T> SqlQuery<T>(this DatabaseFacade facade, string sql, params object[] parameters) where T : class, new()
    55         {
    56             DataTable dt = SqlQuery(facade, sql, parameters);
    57             return dt.ToEnumerable<T>();
    58         }
    60         public static IEnumerable<T> ToEnumerable<T>(this DataTable dt) where T : class, new()
    61         {
    62             PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos = typeof(T).GetProperties();
    63             T[] ts = new T[dt.Rows.Count];
    64             int i = 0;
    65             foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
    66             {
    67                 T t = new T();
    68                 foreach (PropertyInfo p in propertyInfos)
    69                 {
    70                     if (dt.Columns.IndexOf(p.Name) != -1 && row[p.Name] != DBNull.Value)
    71                         p.SetValue(t, row[p.Name], null);
    72                 }
    73                 ts[i] = t;
    74                 i++;
    75             }
    76             return ts;
    77         }
    78     }
    79 }


     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Text;
     5 namespace Data
     6 {
     7     public interface IPagedList<T> : IList<T>
     8     {
     9         int PageIndex { get; }
    10         int PageSize { get; }
    11         int TotalCount { get; }
    12         int TotalPages { get; }
    13         bool HasPreviousPage { get; }
    14         bool HasNextPage { get; }
    15     }
    16 }


     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     6 namespace Data
     7 {
     8     /// <summary>
     9     /// Paged list
    10     /// </summary>
    11     /// <typeparam name="T">T</typeparam>
    12     public class PagedList<T> : List<T>, IPagedList<T>
    13     {
    14         /// <summary>
    15         /// Ctor
    16         /// </summary>
    17         /// <param name="source">source</param>
    18         /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
    19         /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
    20         public PagedList(IQueryable<T> source, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
    21         {
    22             int total = source.Count();
    23             this.TotalCount = total;
    24             this.TotalPages = total / pageSize;
    26             if (total % pageSize > 0)
    27                 TotalPages++;
    29             this.PageSize = pageSize;
    30             this.PageIndex = pageIndex;
    31             this.AddRange(source.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList());
    32         }
    34         /// <summary>
    35         /// Ctor
    36         /// </summary>
    37         /// <param name="source">source</param>
    38         /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
    39         /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
    40         public PagedList(IList<T> source, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
    41         {
    42             TotalCount = source.Count();
    43             TotalPages = TotalCount / pageSize;
    45             if (TotalCount % pageSize > 0)
    46                 TotalPages++;
    48             this.PageSize = pageSize;
    49             this.PageIndex = pageIndex;
    50             this.AddRange(source.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList());
    51         }
    53         /// <summary>
    54         /// Ctor
    55         /// </summary>
    56         /// <param name="source">source</param>
    57         /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
    58         /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
    59         /// <param name="totalCount">Total count</param>
    60         public PagedList(IEnumerable<T> source, int pageIndex, int pageSize, int totalCount)
    61         {
    62             TotalCount = totalCount;
    63             TotalPages = TotalCount / pageSize;
    65             if (TotalCount % pageSize > 0)
    66                 TotalPages++;
    68             this.PageSize = pageSize;
    69             this.PageIndex = pageIndex;
    70             this.AddRange(source);
    71         }
    73         public int PageIndex { get; private set; }
    74         public int PageSize { get; private set; }
    75         public int TotalCount { get; private set; }
    76         public int TotalPages { get; private set; }
    78         public bool HasPreviousPage
    79         {
    80             get { return (PageIndex > 0); }
    81         }
    82         public bool HasNextPage
    83         {
    84             get { return (PageIndex + 1 < TotalPages); }
    85         }
    86     }
    87 }


     1 using System.Collections.Generic;
     2 using System.Linq;
     4 namespace Data
     5 {
     6     public static class IEnumerableExtensions
     7     {
     8         public static PagedList<TSource> ToPageList<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
     9         {
    10             if (pageIndex < 1)
    11                 pageIndex = 1;
    12             int TotalCount = 0;
    13             List<TSource> resultList = new List<TSource>();
    14             resultList = source.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList(); ;
    15             TotalCount = source.Count();
    16             return new PagedList<TSource>(resultList, pageIndex, pageSize, TotalCount);
    17         }
    18     }
    19 }


      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.Linq;
      4 using System.Linq.Expressions;
      6 namespace Data
      7 {
      8     public interface IRepository<T> where T : BaseEntity
      9     {
     10         /// <summary>
     11         /// 通过ID获取单个实体
     12         /// </summary>
     13         /// <param name="id"></param>
     14         /// <returns></returns>
     15         T GetById(object id);
     16         /// <summary>
     17         /// 插入单个实体
     18         /// </summary>
     19         /// <param name="entity">实体</param>
     20         /// <returns></returns>
     21         bool Insert(T entity);
     22         /// <summary>
     23         /// 插入单个实体并返回ID
     24         /// </summary>
     25         /// <param name="entity"></param>
     26         /// <returns></returns>
     27         object InsertAndGetId(T entity);
     28         /// <summary>
     29         /// 批量插入数据集
     30         /// </summary>
     31         /// <param name="entities">数据集</param>
     32         void Insert(IEnumerable<T> entities);
     33         /// <summary>
     34         /// 更新单个实体
     35         /// </summary>
     36         /// <param name="entity">实体</param>
     37         /// <returns></returns>
     38         bool Update(T entity);
     39         /// <summary>
     40         /// 批量更新数据集
     41         /// </summary>
     42         /// <param name="entities"></param>
     43         void Update(IEnumerable<T> entities);
     44         /// <summary>
     45         /// 删除单个实体
     46         /// </summary>
     47         /// <param name="entity"></param>
     48         /// <returns></returns>
     49         bool Delete(T entity);
     50         /// <summary>
     51         /// 批量删除
     52         /// </summary>
     53         /// <param name="entities">删除的数据集</param>
     54         void Delete(IEnumerable<T> entities);
     55         /// <summary>
     56         /// 通过ID删除实体
     57         /// </summary>
     58         /// <param name="id"></param>
     59         /// <returns></returns>
     60         bool DeleteById(object id);
     61         /// <summary>
     62         /// 通过ID(逗号分隔ID)批量删除
     63         /// </summary>
     64         /// <param name="ids"></param>
     65         /// <returns></returns>
     66         bool DeleteByIds(object ids);
     67         /// <summary>
     68         /// 通过Id列表批量删除
     69         /// </summary>
     70         /// <param name="list"></param>
     71         /// <returns></returns>
     72         bool DeleteByIdList(List<object> list);
     73         /// <summary>
     74         /// 分页查询
     75         /// </summary>
     76         /// <param name="pageIndex">当前页</param>
     77         /// <param name="pageSize">每页条数</param>
     78         /// <param name="condition">lambda查询条件where</param>
     79         /// <param name="orderName">排序字段 默认CreateTime</param>
     80         /// <param name="sortOrder">排序方式 asc desc,默认CreateTime desc</param>
     81         /// <returns></returns>
     82         IPagedList<T> GetListForPaging(int pageIndex, int pageSize, Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition = null, string orderName = null, string sortOrder = null);
     83         /// <summary>
     84         /// Linq连表查询专用,获取单表所有数据请使用GetList
     85         /// </summary>
     86         IQueryable<T> Table { get; }
     87         /// <summary>
     88         /// 根据条件查找
     89         /// </summary>
     90         /// <param name="condition">lambda查询条件where</param>
     91         /// <returns></returns>
     92         T GetEntity(Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition);
     93         /// <summary>
     94         /// 分页查询(Linq分页方式)
     95         /// </summary>
     96         /// <param name="pageIndex">当前页</param>
     97         /// <param name="pageSize">页码</param>
     98         /// <param name="condition">lambda查询条件where</param>
     99         /// <<param name="sort">排序key:排序字段,value:bool,true-desc,false-asc 默认:CreateTime desc</param>
    100         /// <returns></returns>
    101         IPagedList<T> GetListForPaging(int pageIndex, int pageSize, Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition = null, Dictionary<string, bool> sort = null);
    102         /// <summary>  
    103         /// 执行原始SQL命令  
    104         /// </summary>  
    105         /// <param name="commandText">SQL命令</param>  
    106         /// <param name="parameters">参数</param>  
    107         /// <returns>影响的记录数</returns>  
    108         IEnumerable<TElement> SqlQuery<TElement>(string sql, params object[] parameters) where TElement : class, new();
    109         /// <summary>
    110         /// 执行SqlCommand
    111         /// </summary>
    112         /// <param name="sql">sql</param>
    113         /// <param name="parameters">参数</param>
    114         /// <returns></returns>
    115         int ExecuteSqlCommand(string sql, params object[] parameters);
    116         /// <summary>
    117         /// 查询列表,默认返回整个表数据
    118         /// </summary>
    119         /// <param name="condition">lambda查询条件where</param>
    120         /// <returns></returns>
    121         List<T> GetList(Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition = null);
    122     }
    123 }


      1 using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
      2 using System;
      3 using System.Collections.Generic;
      4 using System.Data;
      5 using System.Linq;
      6 using System.Linq.Expressions;
      7 using System.Reflection;
      8 using Tools.Cache;
     10 namespace Data
     11 {
     12     public class EFRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : BaseEntity
     13     {
     14         private DbContext _context;
     15         private DbSet<T> _entities;
     16         private IStaticCacheManager _cacheManager;
     17         public EFRepository(DbContext context, IStaticCacheManager cacheManager)
     18         {
     19             this._context = context;
     20             _cacheManager = cacheManager;
     21         }
     23         private DbSet<T> Entities
     24         {
     25             get
     26             {
     27                 if (_entities == null)
     28                 {
     29                     _entities = this._context.Set<T>();
     30                 }     
     31                 return _entities;
     32             }
     33         }
     34         /// <summary>
     35         /// Linq连表查询专用,获取单表所有数据请使用GetList
     36         /// </summary>
     37         public virtual IQueryable<T> Table
     38         {
     39             get {
     40                 return this.Entities;
     41             }
     42         }
     43         /// <summary>
     44         /// 通过ID获取单个实体
     45         /// </summary>
     46         /// <param name="id"></param>
     47         /// <returns></returns>
     48         public virtual T GetById(object id)
     49         {
     50             var cacheKey = typeof(T).Name+".GetById."+id;
     51             return _cacheManager.Get(cacheKey, ()=>this.Entities.Find(id));
     52         }
     53         /// <summary>
     54         /// 插入单个实体
     55         /// </summary>
     56         /// <param name="entity">实体</param>
     57         /// <returns></returns>
     58         public virtual bool Insert(T entity)
     59         {
     60             if (entity == null)
     61                 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));
     63             try
     64             {
     65                 Entities.Add(entity);
     66                 _context.SaveChanges();
     67                 var cacheContain = typeof(T).Name;
     68                 _cacheManager.RemoveByContain(cacheContain);
     69             }
     70             catch (DbUpdateException exception)
     71             {
     72                 //ensure that the detailed error text is saved in the Log
     73                 throw new Exception(GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(exception), exception);
     74             }
     75             return true;
     76         }
     77         /// <summary>
     78         /// 插入单个实体并返回ID
     79         /// </summary>
     80         /// <param name="entity"></param>
     81         /// <returns></returns>
     82         public virtual object InsertAndGetId(T entity)
     83         {
     84             if (entity == null)
     85                 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));
     86             try
     87             {
     88                 this.Entities.Add(entity);
     89                 this._context.SaveChanges();
     90                 var cacheContain = typeof(T).Name;
     91                 _cacheManager.RemoveByContain(cacheContain);
     92             }
     93             catch (DbUpdateException exception)
     94             {
     95                 //ensure that the detailed error text is saved in the Log
     96                 throw new Exception(GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(exception), exception);
     97             }
     98             return entity.Id;
     99         }
    100         /// <summary>
    101         /// 批量插入数据集
    102         /// </summary>
    103         /// <param name="entities">数据集</param>
    104         public virtual void Insert(IEnumerable<T> entities)
    105         {
    106             if (entities == null)
    107                 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entities));
    109             try
    110             {
    111                 Entities.AddRange(entities);
    112                 _context.SaveChanges();
    113                 var cacheContain = typeof(T).Name;
    114                 _cacheManager.RemoveByContain(cacheContain);
    115             }
    116             catch (DbUpdateException exception)
    117             {
    118                 //ensure that the detailed error text is saved in the Log
    119                 throw new Exception(GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(exception), exception);
    120             }
    121         }
    122         /// <summary>
    123         /// 更新单个实体
    124         /// </summary>
    125         /// <param name="entity">实体</param>
    126         /// <returns></returns>
    127         public virtual bool Update(T entity)
    128         {
    129             if (entity == null)
    130                 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));
    131             try
    132             {
    133                 this._context.Set<T>().Attach(entity);
    134                 Type _type = typeof(T);
    135                 PropertyInfo[] _properties = _type.GetProperties();
    136                 var entry = _context.Entry(entity);
    137                 foreach (PropertyInfo item in _properties)
    138                 {
    139                     if ("Id" == item.Name || "CreateTime" == item.Name || "CreatePerson" == item.Name)
    140                     {
    141                         continue;
    142                     }
    144                     entry.Property(item.Name).IsModified = true;
    145                 }
    146                 this._context.SaveChanges();
    147                 var cacheContain = typeof(T).Name;
    148                 _cacheManager.RemoveByContain(cacheContain);
    149             }
    150             catch (DbUpdateException exception)
    151             {
    152                 //ensure that the detailed error text is saved in the Log
    153                 throw new Exception(GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(exception), exception);
    154             }
    155             return true;
    156         }
    157         /// <summary>
    158         /// 批量更新数据集
    159         /// </summary>
    160         /// <param name="entities"></param>
    161         public virtual void Update(IEnumerable<T> entities)
    162         {
    163             if (entities == null)
    164                 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entities));
    166             try
    167             {
    168                 // Entities.UpdateRange(entities);
    169                 this._context.Set<T>().AttachRange(entities);
    170                 foreach (var entity in entities)
    171                 {
    172                     Type _type = typeof(T);
    173                     PropertyInfo[] _properties = _type.GetProperties();
    174                     var entry = _context.Entry(entity);
    175                     foreach (PropertyInfo item in _properties)
    176                     {
    177                         if ("Id" == item.Name || "CreateTime" == item.Name || "CreatePerson" == item.Name)
    178                         {
    179                             continue;
    180                         }
    182                         entry.Property(item.Name).IsModified = true;
    183                     }
    184                 }
    186                 _context.SaveChanges();
    187                 var cacheContain = typeof(T).Name;
    188                 _cacheManager.RemoveByContain(cacheContain);
    189             }
    190             catch (DbUpdateException exception)
    191             {
    192                 //ensure that the detailed error text is saved in the Log
    193                 throw new Exception(GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(exception), exception);
    194             }
    195         }
    196         /// <summary>
    197         /// 删除单个实体
    198         /// </summary>
    199         /// <param name="entity"></param>
    200         /// <returns></returns>
    201         public virtual bool Delete(T entity)
    202         {
    203             if (entity == null)
    204                 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));
    206             try
    207             {
    208                 Entities.Remove(entity);
    209                 _context.SaveChanges();
    210                 var cacheContain = typeof(T).Name;
    211                 _cacheManager.RemoveByContain(cacheContain);
    212             }
    213             catch (DbUpdateException exception)
    214             {
    215                 //ensure that the detailed error text is saved in the Log
    216                 throw new Exception(GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(exception), exception);
    217             }
    218             return true;
    219         }
    220         /// <summary>
    221         /// 批量删除
    222         /// </summary>
    223         /// <param name="entities">删除的数据集</param>
    224         public virtual void Delete(IEnumerable<T> entities)
    225         {
    226             if (entities == null)
    227                 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entities));
    229             try
    230             {
    231                 Entities.RemoveRange(entities);
    232                 _context.SaveChanges();
    233                 var cacheContain = typeof(T).Name;
    234                 _cacheManager.RemoveByContain(cacheContain);
    235             }
    236             catch (DbUpdateException exception)
    237             {
    238                 //ensure that the detailed error text is saved in the Log
    239                 throw new Exception(GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(exception), exception);
    240             }
    241         }
    242         /// <summary>
    243         /// 通过ID删除实体
    244         /// </summary>
    245         /// <param name="id"></param>
    246         /// <returns></returns>
    247         public virtual bool DeleteById(object id)
    248         {
    249             try
    250             {
    251                 var item = this.Entities.Find(id);
    252                 if (item == null)
    253                 {
    254                     return false;
    255                 }
    256                 this.Entities.Remove(item);
    257                 this._context.SaveChanges();
    258                 var cacheContain = typeof(T).Name;
    259                 _cacheManager.RemoveByContain(cacheContain);
    260             }
    261             catch (DbUpdateException exception)
    262             {
    263                 //ensure that the detailed error text is saved in the Log
    264                 throw new Exception(GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(exception), exception);
    265             }
    266             return true;
    267         }
    268         /// <summary>
    269         /// 通过ID(逗号分隔ID)批量删除
    270         /// </summary>
    271         /// <param name="ids"></param>
    272         /// <returns></returns>
    273         public virtual bool DeleteByIds(object ids)
    274         {
    275             try
    276             {
    277                 var idArray = ids.ToString().Split(',');
    278                 for (int i = 0; i < idArray.Length; i++)
    279                 {
    280                     var item = this.Entities.Find(idArray[i]);
    281                     if (item == null)
    282                     {
    283                         continue;
    284                     }
    285                     this.Entities.Remove(item);
    286                 }
    287                 this._context.SaveChanges();
    288                 var cacheContain = typeof(T).Name;
    289                 _cacheManager.RemoveByContain(cacheContain);
    290             }
    291             catch (DbUpdateException exception)
    292             {
    293                 //ensure that the detailed error text is saved in the Log
    294                 throw new Exception(GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(exception), exception);
    295             }
    296             return true;
    297         }
    298         /// <summary>
    299         /// 通过Id列表批量删除
    300         /// </summary>
    301         /// <param name="list"></param>
    302         /// <returns></returns>
    303         public virtual bool DeleteByIdList(List<object> list)
    304         {
    305             try
    306             {
    307                 for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
    308                 {
    309                     var item = this.Entities.Find(list[i]);
    310                     if (item == null)
    311                     {
    312                         continue;
    313                     }
    314                     this.Entities.Remove(item);
    315                 }
    316                 this._context.SaveChanges();
    317                 var cacheContain = typeof(T).Name;
    318                 _cacheManager.RemoveByContain(cacheContain);
    319             }
    320             catch (DbUpdateException exception)
    321             {
    322                 //ensure that the detailed error text is saved in the Log
    323                 throw new Exception(GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(exception), exception);
    324             }
    325             return true;
    326         }
    328         /// <summary>
    329         /// 根据条件查找
    330         /// </summary>
    331         /// <param name="condition">lambda查询条件where</param>
    332         /// <returns></returns>
    333         public virtual T GetEntity(Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition)
    334         {
    335             var cacheKey = typeof(T) + "GetSingleOrDefault.Condition."+ condition.ToString();
    336             return _cacheManager.Get(cacheKey,()=>this.Entities.Where(condition).SingleOrDefault());
    337         }
    338         /// <summary>
    339         /// 分页查询(Linq分页方式)
    340         /// </summary>
    341         /// <param name="pageIndex">当前页</param>
    342         /// <param name="pageSize">页码</param>
    343         /// <param name="condition">lambda查询条件where</param>
    344         /// <param name="sort">排序key:排序字段,value:bool,true-desc,false-asc,默认:CreateTime desc</param>
    345         /// <returns></returns>
    346         public virtual IPagedList<T> GetListForPaging(int pageIndex, int pageSize, Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition = null, Dictionary<string, bool> sort = null)
    347         {
    348             if (pageIndex < 1)
    349                 pageIndex = 1;
    350             var cacheKey = typeof(T).Name;
    351             cacheKey = cacheKey + ".GetList";
    352             List<T> data = null;
    354             if (condition != null)
    355             {
    356                 cacheKey = cacheKey+ ".Condition." + condition.ToString();
    357             }
    359             data = _cacheManager.Get<List<T>>(cacheKey);
    361             if(data != null)
    362             {
    363                 if (sort != null)
    364                 {
    365                     foreach (var item in sort)
    366                     {
    367                         data = data.AsQueryable().OrderBy(item.Key, item.Value).ToList();
    368                     }
    369                 }
    370                 else
    371                 {
    372                     data = data.AsQueryable().OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateTime).ToList();
    373                 }
    374             }
    375             else
    376             {
    377                 if(condition!=null)
    378                 {
    379                     data = this.Entities.Where(condition).ToList();
    380                 }
    381                 else
    382                 {
    383                     data = this.Entities.ToList();
    384                 }
    385                 _cacheManager.Set(cacheKey, data, 60);
    387                 data = data.AsQueryable().OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateTime).ToList();//无缓存默认返回排序后数据
    388             }
    390             return new PagedList<T>(data, pageIndex, pageSize);
    391         }
    393         /// <summary>  
    394         /// 执行原始SQL命令  
    395         /// </summary>  
    396         /// <param name="commandText">SQL命令</param>  
    397         /// <param name="parameters">参数</param>  
    398         /// <returns>影响的记录数</returns>  
    399         public virtual IEnumerable<TElement> SqlQuery<TElement>(string sql, params object[] parameters) where TElement : class, new()
    400         {
    401             DataTable dt = this._context.Database.SqlQuery(sql, parameters);
    402             return dt.ToEnumerable<TElement>();
    404         }
    405         /// <summary>
    406         /// 分页查询
    407         /// </summary>
    408         /// <param name="pageIndex">当前页</param>
    409         /// <param name="pageSize">每页条数</param>
    410         /// <param name="condition">lambda查询条件where</param>
    411         /// <param name="orderName">排序字段 默认CreateTime</param>
    412         /// <param name="sortOrder">排序方式 asc desc,默认CreateTime desc</param>
    413         /// <returns></returns>
    414         public virtual IPagedList<T> GetListForPaging(int pageIndex, int pageSize, Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition = null, string orderName = null, string sortOrder = null)
    415         {
    416             var cachekey = typeof(T).Name;
    417             if (pageIndex < 1)
    418                 pageIndex = 1;
    419             if (orderName == null)
    420             {
    421                 orderName = "CreateTime";
    422             }
    423             bool isDesc = true;
    424             if(sortOrder!=null&&sortOrder.ToLower() == "asc")
    425             {
    426                 isDesc = false;
    427             }
    429             cachekey = cachekey + ".GetList";
    431             if(condition!=null)
    432             {
    433                 cachekey = cachekey + ".Condition." + condition.ToString();
    434             }
    436             List<T> resultList = null;
    438             var cacheData = _cacheManager.Get<List<T>>(cachekey);
    439             if (cacheData != null)
    440             {
    441                 resultList = cacheData.AsQueryable().OrderBy(orderName, isDesc).ToList();
    442             }
    443             else
    444             {
    445                 if (condition == null)
    446                 {
    447                     resultList = Entities.ToList();
    448                 }
    449                 else
    450                 {
    451                     resultList = Entities.Where(condition).ToList();
    452                 }
    453                 _cacheManager.Set(cachekey, resultList, 60);
    454             }
    456             return new PagedList<T>(resultList, pageIndex, pageSize);
    457         }
    458         /// <summary>
    459         /// 执行SqlCommand
    460         /// </summary>
    461         /// <param name="sql">sql</param>
    462         /// <param name="parameters">参数</param>
    463         /// <returns></returns>
    464         public virtual int ExecuteSqlCommand(string sql, params object[] parameters)
    465         {
    466             var result = this._context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, parameters);
    467             return result;
    468         }
    469         /// <summary>
    470         /// 查询列表,默认返回整个表数据
    471         /// </summary>
    472         /// <param name="condition">lambda查询条件where</param>
    473         /// <returns></returns>
    474         public virtual List<T> GetList(Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition = null)
    475         {
    476             var cacheKey = typeof(T).Name+ ".GetList";
    477             List<T> entities = null;
    478             if (condition != null)
    479             {
    480                 cacheKey = cacheKey + ".Condition." + condition.ToString();
    481                 entities = _cacheManager.Get(cacheKey,()=>this.Entities.Where(condition).ToList());
    482             }
    483             else
    484             {
    485                 entities = _cacheManager.Get(cacheKey,()=>this.Entities.ToList());
    486             }
    487             return entities;
    488         }
    489         #region Utilities
    491         /// <summary>
    492         /// Rollback of entity changes and return full error message
    493         /// </summary>
    494         /// <param name="exception">Exception</param>
    495         /// <returns>Error message</returns>
    496         protected string GetFullErrorTextAndRollbackEntityChanges(DbUpdateException exception)
    497         {
    498             //rollback entity changes
    499             if (_context is DbContext dbContext)
    500             {
    501                 var entries = dbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries()
    502                     .Where(e => e.State == EntityState.Added || e.State == EntityState.Modified).ToList();
    504                 entries.ForEach(entry =>
    505                 {
    506                     try
    507                     {
    508                         entry.State = EntityState.Unchanged;
    509                     }
    510                     catch (InvalidOperationException)
    511                     {
    512                         // ignored
    513                     }
    514                 });
    515             }
    517             try
    518             {
    519                 _context.SaveChanges();
    520                 return exception.ToString();
    521             }
    522             catch (Exception ex)
    523             {
    524                 //if after the rollback of changes the context is still not saving,
    525                 //return the full text of the exception that occurred when saving
    526                 return ex.ToString();
    527             }
    528         }
    530         #endregion
    532     }
    533 }
    534 public static class QueryableExtensions
    535 {
    536     public static IQueryable<T> OrderBy<T>(this IQueryable<T> queryable, string propertyName)
    537     {
    538         return QueryableHelper<T>.OrderBy(queryable, propertyName, false);
    539     }
    540     public static IQueryable<T> OrderBy<T>(this IQueryable<T> queryable, string propertyName, bool desc)
    541     {
    542         return QueryableHelper<T>.OrderBy(queryable, propertyName, desc);
    543     }
    544     static class QueryableHelper<T>
    545     {
    546         private static Dictionary<string, LambdaExpression> cache = new Dictionary<string, LambdaExpression>();
    547         public static IQueryable<T> OrderBy(IQueryable<T> queryable, string propertyName, bool desc)
    548         {
    549             dynamic keySelector = GetLambdaExpression(propertyName);
    550             return desc ? Queryable.OrderByDescending(queryable, keySelector) : Queryable.OrderBy(queryable, keySelector);
    551         }
    552         private static LambdaExpression GetLambdaExpression(string propertyName)
    553         {
    554             if (cache.ContainsKey(propertyName)) return cache[propertyName];
    555             var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
    556             var body = Expression.Property(param, propertyName);
    557             var keySelector = Expression.Lambda(body, param);
    558             cache[propertyName] = keySelector;
    559             return keySelector;
    560         }
    561     }
    562 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/minghon/p/11808912.html
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