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  • python 解析xml 文件: DOM 方式





    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <country name="Liechtenstein">
            <neighbor name="Austria" direction="E"/>
            <neighbor name="Switzerland" direction="W"/>
        <country name="Singapore">
            <neighbor name="Malaysia" direction="N"/>
        <country name="Panama">
            <neighbor name="Costa Rica" direction="W"/>
            <neighbor name="Colombia" direction="E"/>



    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse
    import xml.dom.minidom
    DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse("countries.xml")
    collection = DOMTree.documentElement
    if collection.hasAttribute("data"):
        print ("Root element : %s" % collection.getAttribute("data"))
    countries = collection.getElementsByTagName("country")
    for country in countries:
        print ("*****Country*****")
        if country.hasAttribute("name"):
            print ("Name: %s" % country.getAttribute("name"))
        rank = country.getElementsByTagName('rank')[0]
        print ("Rank: %s" % rank.childNodes[0].data)
        year = country.getElementsByTagName('year')[0]
        print ("Year: %s" % year.childNodes[0].data)
        gdppc = country.getElementsByTagName('gdppc')[0]
        print ("Gdppc: %s" % gdppc.childNodes[0].data)
        neighbors = country.getElementsByTagName('neighbor')
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            print ("Neighbor:", neighbor.getAttribute("name"),neighbor.getAttribute("direction"))


    >python test_DOM.py
    Name: Liechtenstein
    Rank: 1
    Year: 2008
    Gdppc: 141100
    Neighbor: Austria E
    Neighbor: Switzerland W
    Name: Singapore
    Rank: 4
    Year: 2011
    Gdppc: 59900
    Neighbor: Malaysia N
    Name: Panama
    Rank: 68
    Year: 2011
    Gdppc: 13600
    Neighbor: Costa Rica W
    Neighbor: Colombia E


    DOM(Document Object Model)

    DOM是一个W3C的跨语言的API,用来读取和更改 XML 文档。


    参见: https://docs.python.org/2/library/xml.dom.html

    DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse("countries.xml")

    使用 xml.dom.minidom解析器打开 countries.xml 文件,并返回一个 Document对象,也就是树结构。Document 对象代表了整个 XML 文档,包括它的元素、属性、处理指令、备注等。

    参见: https://docs.python.org/2/library/xml.dom.minidom.html

    Return a Document from the given input. filename_or_file may be either a file name, or a file-like object. parser, if given, must be a SAX2 parser object. This function will change the document handler of the parser and activate namespace support; other parser configuration (like setting an entity resolver) must have been done in advance.

    collection = DOMTree.documentElement

    返回 DOMTree的根元素。

    The one and only root element of the document.

    rank = country.getElementsByTagName('rank')[0]

    从country往下寻找所有 tag名为“rank”的元素节点,将找到的第一个节点赋值给 rank。

    Search for all descendants (direct children, children’s children, etc.) with a particular element type name.


    获取并返回 collection 的“data”属性值。如果collection没有“data”属性,则返回一个空的字符串。

    Return the value of the attribute named by name as a string. If no such attribute exists, an empty string is returned, as if the attribute had no value.
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