Centos 6.4上面用Shell脚本一键安装vsftpd
#!/bin/bash if [ `uname -m` == "x86_64" ];then machine=x86_64 else machine=i686 fi ifrpm=$(cat /proc/version | grep -E "redhat|centos") ifdpkg=$(cat /proc/version | grep -Ei "ubuntu|debian") ifcentos=$(cat /proc/version | grep centos) if [ "$ifrpm" != "" ];then yum -y install vsftpd cp -f ./config-ftp/rpm_ftp/* /etc/vsftpd/ else apt-get -y install vsftpd if cat /etc/shells | grep /sbin/nologin ;then echo "" else echo /sbin/nologin >> /etc/shells fi cp -fR ./config-ftp/apt_ftp/* /etc/ fi if [ ! -f '/etc/vsftpd' ];then mkdir -p /etc/vsftpd fi if [ "$ifcentos" != "" ] && [ "$machine" == "i686" ];then rm -rf /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf cp -f ./config-ftp/vsftpdcentosi686.conf /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf fi if [ ! -f '/storage/vsftpd' ];then mkdir -p /storage/vsftpd fi result="`grep '^vsftpd' /etc/passwd | wc -l`" if [ "$result" == "0" ];then groupadd vsftpd useradd -g vsftpd -s /sbin/nologin vsftpd fi /etc/init.d/vsftpd start chown -R vsftpd:vsftpd /storage/vsftpd #bug kill: '500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()' chmod a-w /storage/vsftpd MATRIX="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" LENGTH="9" while [ "${n:=1}" -le "$LENGTH" ] do PASS="$PASS${MATRIX:$(($RANDOM%${#MATRIX})):1}" let n+=1 done if [ "$ifrpm" != "" ];then echo $PASS | passwd --stdin vsftpd else echo "vsftpd:$PASS" | chpasswd fi sed -i s/'ftp_password'/${PASS}/g account.log