最近写程序,碰到要检测程序是否运行在虚拟机内的问题。在网上找了一下,找到下面两个函数,可以检测程序是否运行在virtual machine中,支持VMWARE 和virtual pc检测. 主要的原理,都是利用virtual machine往往支持一些真实PC不支持的指令.
// IsInsideVPC
DWORD __forceinline IsInsideVPC
PCONTEXT ctx = ep->ContextRecord;
ctx->Ebx = -1; // Not running VPC
ctx->Eip += 4; // skip past the "call VPC" opcodes
// we can safely resume execution since we skipped faulty instruction
// High level language friendly version of IsInsideVPC
bool IsInsideVPC
bool rc = false;
_asm push ebx
_asm mov ebx, 0 // It will stay ZERO if VPC is running
_asm mov eax, 1 // VPC function number
// call VPC
_asm __emit 0Fh
_asm __emit 3Fh
_asm __emit 07h
_asm __emit 0Bh
_asm test ebx, ebx
_asm setz [rc]
_asm pop ebx
// The except block shouldn't get triggered if VPC is running!!
return rc;
}下面是检测virtual PC的.bool IsInsideVMWare()
bool rc = true;
push edx
push ecx
push ebx
mov eax, 'VMXh'
mov ebx, 0 // any
mov ecx, 10 // get VMWare version
mov edx, 'VX' // port number
in eax, dx // read port
// on return EAX returns the VERSION
cmp ebx, 'VMXh' // is it a reply from VMWare?
setz [rc] // set return
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
rc = false;
return rc;