Operation system services: UI, program execution, i/o, fs operation, communication, error detection
Functions of OS: resource allcation, accounting, protection and security
CLI: by kernel/by sys program, fetch cmd and execute, cmds are built-in or names of programs
Syscalls: programming interface to service provided by the OS, wrapped with API (portability, easy)
each syscall has a number
How to perform privileged operation? Syscalls
How to execute syscall? Trap/trap-handler/return-from-trap
How to restore context? Kernel stack
Separation of Policy from Mechanism: flexibility (if policy are to be change later)
Simple: most functionality in least space, not well separated
Layered: each on top of lower layers, 0 is hardware, n is UI
Microkernel: move as much from kernel into user space (message passing) easy to extend/port, reliable, secure, communication overhead
Modules: loadable kernel modules (separate, more flexible)