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  • C# Coding Conventions(译)


    C# Coding Conventions C#编码规范

    The C# Language Specification does not define a coding standard. However, the guidelines in this topic are used by Microsoft to develop samples and documentation.


    Coding conventions serve the following purposes:


    • They create a consistent look to the code, so that readers can focus on content, not layout.


    • They enable readers to understand the code more quickly by making assumptions based on previous experience.


    • They facilitate copying, changing, and maintaining the code.


    • They demonstrate C# best practices.


    Naming Conventions 命名规范

    • In short examples that do not include using directives, use namespace qualifications. If you know that a namespace is imported by default in a project, you do not have to fully qualify the names from that namespace. Qualified names can be broken after a dot (.) if they are too long for a single line, as shown in the following example.

      在不包括using指令的短示例中,使用命名空间限定。如果你知道命名空间默认导入项目中,则不必完全限定来自该命名空间的名称。 如果命名空间限定名太长,则可以在点 (.) 后中断限定名称,如下例所示。

    1. var currentPerformanceCounterCategory =newSystem.Diagnostics.
    2. PerformanceCounterCategory();
    • You do not have to change the names of objects that were created by using the Visual Studio designer tools to make them fit other guidelines.

      你不必通过更改 Visual Studio 设计器工具创建的对象的名称以使它们适合其他准则。

    Layout Conventions 布局规范

    Good layout uses formatting to emphasize the structure of your code and to make the code easier to read. Microsoft examples and samples conform to the following conventions:

    好的代码布局用格式来强调代码的结构并使代码易于阅读。 Microsoft 示例和样本遵循以下规范:

    • Use the default Code Editor settings (smart indenting, four-character indents, tabs saved as spaces). For more information, see Options, Text Editor, C#, Formatting.

      使用默认的代码编辑器设置(智能缩进、4 字符缩进、制表符保存为空格)。

    • Write only one statement per line.


    • Write only one declaration per line.


    • If continuation lines are not indented automatically, indent them one tab stop (four spaces).


    • Add at least one blank line between method definitions and property definitions.


    • Use parentheses to make clauses in an expression apparent, as shown in the following code.


    1. if((val1 > val2)&&(val1 > val3))
    2. {
    3.    // Take appropriate action.
    4. }

    Commenting Conventions 注释规范

    • Place the comment on a separate line, not at the end of a line of code.


    • Begin comment text with an uppercase letter.


    • End comment text with a period.


    • Insert one space between the comment delimiter (//) and the comment text, as shown in the following example.


    1. // The following declaration creates a query. It does not run
    2. // the query.
    • Do not create formatted blocks of asterisks around comments.


    Language Guidelines 语言准则

    The following sections describe practices that the C# team follows to prepare code examples and samples.

    以下各节介绍 C# 团队编写示例和样本时遵循的做法。

    String Data Type String数据类型

    • Use the + operator to concatenate short strings, as shown in the following code.


    1. string displayName = nameList[n].LastName+", "+ nameList[n].FirstName;
    • To append strings in loops, especially when you are working with large amounts of text, use a StringBuilder object.


    1. var phrase ="lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala";
    2. var manyPhrases =newStringBuilder();
    3. for(var i =0; i <10000; i++)
    4. {
    5.   manyPhrases.Append(phrase);    
    6. }
    7. //Console.WriteLine("tra" + manyPhrases);

    Implicitly Typed Local Variables 隐式类型的局部变量

    • Use implicit typing for local variables when the type of the variable is obvious from the right side of the assignment, or when the precise type is not important.


    1. // When the type of a variable is clear from the context, use var
    2. // in the declaration.
    3. var var1 ="This is clearly a string.";
    4. var var2 =27;
    5. var var3 =Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
    • Do not use var when the type is not apparent from the right side of the assignment.


    1. // When the type of a variable is not clear from the context, use an
    2. // explicit type.
    3. int var4 =ExampleClass.ResultSoFar();
    • Do not rely on the variable name to specify the type of the variable. It might not be correct.


    1. // Naming the following variable inputInt is misleading.
    2. // It is a string.
    3. var inputInt =Console.ReadLine();
    4. Console.WriteLine(inputInt);
    • Avoid the use of var in place of dynamic.


    • Use implicit typing to determine the type of the loop variable in for and foreach loops.


    The following example uses implicit typing in a for statement.


    1. var syllable ="ha";
    2. var laugh ="";
    3. for(var i =0; i <10; i++)
    4. {
    5.   laugh += syllable;
    6.   Console.WriteLine(laugh);
    7. }

    The following example uses implicit typing in a foreach statement.


    1. foreach(var ch in laugh)
    2. {
    3.   if(ch =='h')
    4.     Console.Write("H");
    5.   else
    6.     Console.Write(ch);
    7. }
    8. Console.WriteLine();

    Unsigned Data Type 无符号类型

    • In general, use int rather than unsigned types. The use of int is common throughout C#, and it is easier to interact with other libraries when you use int.

      通常,使用 int 而不是无符号类型。 int 的使用在整个 C# 中都很常见,并且当你使用 int 时,更易于与其他库交互。

    Arrays 数组

    • Use the concise syntax when you initialize arrays on the declaration line.


    1. // Preferred syntax. Note that you cannot use var here instead of string[].
    2. string[] vowels1 ={"a","e","i","o","u"};
    3. // If you use explicit instantiation, you can use var.
    4. var vowels2 =new string[]{"a","e","i","o","u"};
    5. // If you specify an array size, you must initialize the elements one at a time.
    6. var vowels3 =new string[5];
    7. vowels3[0]="a";
    8. vowels3[1]="e";
    9. // And so on.

    Delegates 委托

    • Use the concise syntax to create instances of a delegate type.


    1. // First, in class Program, define the delegate type and a method that
    2. // has a matching signature.
    3. // Define the type.
    4. public delegate void Del(string message);
    5. // Define a method that has a matching signature.
    6. public static void DelMethod(string str)
    7. {
    8.   Console.WriteLine("DelMethod argument: {0}", str);
    9. }
    1. // In the Main method, create an instance of Del.
    2. // Preferred: Create an instance of Del by using condensed syntax.
    3. Del exampleDel2 =DelMethod;
    4. // The following declaration uses the full syntax.
    5. Del exampleDel1 =new Del(DelMethod);

    try-catch and using Statements in Exception Handling 异常处理中的 try-catch 和 using 语句

    • Use a try-catch statement for most exception handling.

      对大多数异常处理使用 try-catch 语句。

    1. staticstringGetValueFromArray(string[] array,int index)
    2. {
    3.   try
    4.   {
    5.     return array[index];
    6.   }
    7.   catch(System.IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
    8.   {
    9.     Console.WriteLine("Index is out of range: {0}", index);
    10.     throw;
    11.   }
    12. }
    • Simplify your code by using the C# using statement. If you have a try-finally statement in which the only code in the finally block is a call to theDispose method, use a using statement instead.

      如果你异常处理 finally 块中的唯一代码是调用 Dispose 方法,请改用 using。

    1. // This try-finally statement only calls Dispose in the finally block.
    2. Font font1 =newFont("Arial",10.0f);
    3. try
    4. {
    5.   byte charset = font1.GdiCharSet;
    6. }
    7. finally
    8. {
    9.   if(font1 !=null)
    10.   {
    11.     ((IDisposable)font1).Dispose();
    12.   }
    13. }
    14. // You can do the same thing with a using statement.
    15. using(Font font2 =newFont("Arial",10.0f))
    16. {
    17.   byte charset = font2.GdiCharSet;
    18. }

    && and || Operators

    • To avoid exceptions and increase performance by skipping unnecessary comparisons, use && instead of & and || instead of | when you perform comparisons, as shown in the following example.

      若要通过跳过不必要的比较来避免异常或提高性能,请在执行比较时使用 && 来代替 &,使用 || 来代替 | ,如下例所示。

    1. Console.Write("Enter a dividend: ");
    2. var dividend =Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
    3. Console.Write("Enter a divisor: ");
    4. var divisor =Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
    5. // If the divisor is 0, the second clause in the following condition
    6. // causes a run-time error. The && operator short circuits when the
    7. // first expression is false. That is, it does not evaluate the
    8. // second expression. The & operator evaluates both, and causes
    9. // a run-time error when divisor is 0.
    10. if((divisor !=0)&&(dividend / divisor >0))
    11. {
    12.   Console.WriteLine("Quotient: {0}", dividend / divisor);
    13. }
    14. else
    15. {
    16.   Console.WriteLine("Attempted division by 0 ends up here.");
    17. }

    New Operator New 运算符

    • Use the concise form of object instantiation, with implicit typing, as shown in the following declaration.


    1. var instance1 =newExampleClass();

    The previous line is equivalent to the following declaration.


    1. ExampleClass instance2 =newExampleClass();
    • Use object initializers to simplify object creation.


    1. // Object initializer.
    2. var instance3 =newExampleClass{Name="Desktop", ID =37414,
    3. Location="Redmond",Age=2.3};
    4. // Default constructor and assignment statements.
    5. var instance4 =newExampleClass();
    6. instance4.Name="Desktop";
    7. instance4.ID =37414;
    8. instance4.Location="Redmond";
    9. instance4.Age=2.3;

    Event Handling 事件处理

    • If you are defining an event handler that you do not need to remove later, use a lambda expression.


    1. publicForm2()
    2. {
    3.   // You can use a lambda expression to define an event handler.
    4.   this.Click+=(s, e)=>
    5.   {
    6.     MessageBox.Show(
    7.       ((MouseEventArgs)e).Location.ToString());
    8.   };
    9. }
    1. // Using a lambda expression shortens the following traditional definition.
    2. publicForm1()
    3. {
    4.   this.Click+=newEventHandler(Form1_Click);
    5. }
    6. voidForm1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
    7. {
    8.   MessageBox.Show(((MouseEventArgs)e).Location.ToString());
    9. }

    Static Members 静态成员

    • Call static members by using the class name: ClassName.StaticMember. This practice makes code more readable by making static access clear. Do not qualify a static member defined in a base class with the name of a derived class. While that code compiles, the code readability is misleading, and the code may break in the future if you add a static member with the same name to the derived class.


    LINQ Queries LINQ查询

    • Use meaningful names for query variables. The following example uses seattleCustomers for customers who are located in Seattle.


    1. var seattleCustomers =
    2.             from cust in customers
    3.             where cust.City=="Seattle"
    4.             select cust.Name;
    • Use aliases to make sure that property names of anonymous types are correctly capitalized, using Pascal casing.


      • Pascal(帕斯卡): 所有单词首字母大写。例如 WriteLine
      • Camel(驼峰式): 第一个单词首字母小写,其他单词首字母大写。例如 secondField
    1. var localDistributors =
    2.            from customer in customers
    3.            join distributor in distributors on customer.City equals distributor.City
    4.            select new{Customer= customer,Distributor= distributor };
    • Rename properties when the property names in the result would be ambiguous. For example, if your query returns a customer name and a distributor ID, instead of leaving them as Name and ID in the result, rename them to clarify that Name is the name of a customer, and ID is the ID of a distributor.


    1. var localDistributors2 =
    2.            from cust in customers
    3.            join dist in distributors on cust.City equals dist.City
    4.            select new{CustomerName= cust.Name,DistributorID= dist.ID };
    • Use implicit typing in the declaration of query variables and range variables.


    1. var seattleCustomers =
    2.            from cust in customers
    3.            where cust.City=="Seattle"
    4.            select cust.Name;
    • Align query clauses under the from clause, as shown in the previous examples.


    • Use where clauses before other query clauses to ensure that later query clauses operate on the reduced, filtered set of data.


    1. var seattleCustomers2 =
    2.                from cust in customers
    3.                where cust.City=="Seattle"
    4.                orderby cust.Name
    5.                select cust;
    • Use multiple from clauses instead of a join clause to access inner collections. For example, a collection of Student objects might each contain a collection of test scores. When the following query is executed, it returns each score that is over 90, along with the last name of the student who received the score.


    1. // Use a compound from to access the inner sequence within each element.
    2. var scoreQuery =
    3.           from student in students
    4.           from score in student.Scores
    5.           where score >90
    6.           select new{Last= student.LastName, score };

    Security 安全性

    Follow the guidelines in Secure Coding Guidelines.


  • 相关阅读:

  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/moonache/p/6692101.html
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