- package com.esri.ags.samples
- {
- import com.esri.ags.SpatialReference;
- import com.esri.ags.geometry.Extent;
- import com.esri.ags.geometry.MapPoint;
- import com.esri.ags.layers.supportClasses.LOD;
- import com.esri.ags.layers.supportClasses.TileInfo;
- import com.esri.ags.layers.TiledMapServiceLayer;
- import flash.net.URLRequest;
- /**
- * PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer
- */
- public class PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer extends TiledMapServiceLayer
- {
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Constructor
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Creates a new PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer object.
- */
- public function PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer()
- {
- super();
- buildTileInfo(); // to create our hardcoded tileInfo
- setLoaded(true); // Map will only use loaded layers
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Variables
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- private var _tileInfo:TileInfo = new TileInfo(); // see buildTileInfo()
- private var _baseURL:String = "http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/arcgiscache/Portland_Portland_ESRI_LandBase_AGO/Portland/_alllayers";
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Overridden properties
- // fullExtent()
- // initialExtent()
- // spatialReference()
- // tileInfo()
- // units()
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------
- // fullExtent
- // - required to calculate the tiles to use
- //----------------------------------
- override public function get fullExtent():Extent
- {
- return new Extent(-123.596895130725, 44.297575737946, -121.553757125519, 46.3683237161949, new SpatialReference(4326));
- }
- //----------------------------------
- // initialExtent
- // - needed if Map doesn't have an extent
- //----------------------------------
- override public function get initialExtent():Extent
- {
- return new Extent(-122.539, 45.500, -122.540, 45.501, new SpatialReference(4326));
- }
- //----------------------------------
- // spatialReference
- // - needed if Map doesn't have a spatialReference
- //----------------------------------
- override public function get spatialReference():SpatialReference
- {
- return new SpatialReference(4326);
- }
- //----------------------------------
- // tileInfo
- //----------------------------------
- override public function get tileInfo():TileInfo
- {
- return _tileInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------
- // units
- // - needed if Map doesn't have it set
- //----------------------------------
- override public function get units():String
- {
- return "esriDecimalDegrees";
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Overridden methods
- // getTileURL(level:Number, row:Number, col:Number):URLRequest
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- override protected function getTileURL(level:Number, row:Number, col:Number):URLRequest
- {
- // Use virtual cache directory
- // This assumes the cache's virtual directory is exposed, which allows you access
- // to tile from the Web server via the public cache directory.
- // Example of a URL for a tile retrieved from the virtual cache directory:
- // http://serverx.esri.com/arcgiscache/dgaerials/Layers/_alllayers/L01/R0000051f/C000004e4.jpg
- var url:String = _baseURL
- + "/L" + padString(String(level), 2, "0")
- + "/R" + padString(row.toString(16), 8, "0")
- + "/C" + padString(col.toString(16), 8, "0") + ".png";
- return new URLRequest(url);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Private Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- private function buildTileInfo():void
- {
- _tileInfo.height = 512;
- _tileInfo.width = 512;
- _tileInfo.origin = new MapPoint(-180, 90);
- _tileInfo.spatialReference = new SpatialReference(4326);
- _tileInfo.lods =
- [
- new LOD(0, 0.351562499999999, 147748799.285417),
- new LOD(1, 0.17578125, 73874399.6427087),
- new LOD(2, 0.0878906250000001, 36937199.8213544),
- new LOD(3, 0.0439453125, 18468599.9106772),
- new LOD(4, 0.02197265625, 9234299.95533859),
- new LOD(5, 0.010986328125, 4617149.97766929),
- new LOD(6, 0.0054931640625, 2308574.98883465),
- new LOD(7, 0.00274658203124999, 1154287.49441732),
- new LOD(8, 0.001373291015625, 577143.747208662),
- new LOD(9, 0.0006866455078125, 288571.873604331),
- new LOD(10, 0.000343322753906249, 144285.936802165),
- new LOD(11, 0.000171661376953125, 72142.9684010827),
- new LOD(12, 0.0000858306884765626, 36071.4842005414),
- new LOD(13, 0.0000429153442382813, 18035.7421002707),
- new LOD(14, 0.0000214576721191406, 9017.87105013534),
- new LOD(15, 0.0000107288360595703, 4508.93552506767)
- ];
- }
- private function padString(text:String, size:int, ch:String):String
- {
- while (text.length < size)
- {
- text = ch + text;
- }
- return text;
- }
- }
- }
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
- xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
- xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"
- xmlns:esri="http://www.esri.com/2008/ags"
- xmlns:samples="com.esri.ags.samples.*"
- pageTitle="Extending TiledMapServiceLayer in Flex API">
- <!--
- @@includeFiles com/esri/ags/samples/PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer.as
- This sample shows how tiles can be used without the REST endpoint.
- The ArcGIS API for Flex allows for extending the API
- to access layer types not included as part of the API.
- In this example, tiled layers (TiledMapServiceLayer) is extended
- to access tiles created in 9.2 or above and made accessible
- in the standard virtual directory.
- Steps involved:
- 1. Creating new ActionScript class that extends TiledMapServiceLayer.
- 2. Hardcoding some of the configuration settings:
- fullExtent, initialExtent, spatialReference, tileInfo, and units.
- 3. Overriding the protected function getTileURL() to obtain the appropriate
- tiles and place them accurately on the map.
- 4. Using the extended class with MXML or ActionScript :)
- -->
- <esri:Map id="myMap">
- <samples:PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer id="virtualTiles" fadeInFrameCount="12"/>
- </esri:Map>
- <s:Label width="85%"
- backgroundColor="0xFFFF00"
- color="0x000000"
- fontSize="14"
- fontWeight="bold"
- horizontalCenter="0"
- paddingBottom="10"
- paddingLeft="10"
- paddingRight="10"
- paddingTop="10"
- text="By extending TiledMapServiceLayer, this application can access tiles from an ArcGIS 9.2 (or above) virtual directory. This specific service is in the {virtualTiles.spatialReference.wkid} spatialReference and has {virtualTiles.tileInfo.lods.length} scale levels."/>
- </s:Application>