mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=JavaSamples -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
This maven command will create a Java project with the below details:
- groupId will be, representing the package.
- artifactId will be JavaSamples (on the build, JavaSamples.jar will be created)
- archetypeArtifactId is nothing but the template used for creating this Java project.
- interactiveMode is used when the developer is aware of the actual spelling of the artifact id. In the above case maven-archetype-quickstart is the one which is used and it is the proper one. If developer is not aware of this then the interactiveMode is set to be
so that it will scan the remote repositories for all available archetypes. This might take longer time
mvn compile :
mvn clean: 清除编译结果,target 文件夹会被删掉
mvn test:
mvn package: 打包项目