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  • C#使用表达式树实现对象复制


     1 using Common;
     2 using System;
     4 class Program
     5 {
     6     static void Main(string[] args)
     7     {
     8         TestClassA classA = new TestClassA() { PropA = new TestClass() { Name = "cs1" }, PropB = "c1", PropC = 1 };
     9         TestClassA classB = new TestClassA() { PropA = new TestClass() { Name = "cs2" }, PropB = "c2", PropC = 2 };
    10         FastCopy.Copy(classA, classB, false);
    11         Console.WriteLine(classB.PropA?.Name + ":" + classB.PropB + ":" + classB.PropC);
    13         TestClassA classC = new TestClassA() { PropA = new TestClass() { Name = "cs1" } };
    14         TestClassA classD = new TestClassA() { PropA = new TestClass() { Name = "cs2" }, PropB = "c2", PropC = 2 };
    15         FastCopy.Copy(classC, classD, false);
    16         Console.WriteLine(classD.PropA?.Name + ":" + classD.PropB + ":" + classD.PropC);
    17     }
    18 }
    19 public class TestClassA
    20 {
    21     public TestClass PropA { get; set; }
    22     public string PropB { get; set; }
    23     public int? PropC { get; set; }
    24 }
    25 public class TestClass
    26 {
    27     public string Name { get; set; }
    28 }



      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Concurrent;
      3 using System.Collections.Generic;
      4 using System.Linq;
      5 using System.Linq.Expressions;
      6 using System.Reflection;
      7 using static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression;
      9 namespace Common
     10 {
     11     public static class FastCopy
     12     {
     13         static ConcurrentDictionary<string, object> copiers = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>();
     15         /// <summary>
     16         /// 复制两个对象同名属性值
     17         /// </summary>
     18         /// <typeparam name="S"></typeparam>
     19         /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
     20         /// <param name="source">源对象</param>
     21         /// <param name="target">目标对象</param>
     22         /// <param name="copyNull">源对象属性值为null时,是否将值复制给目标对象</param>
     23         public static void Copy<S, T>(S source, T target, bool copyNull = true)
     24         {
     25             string name = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", typeof(S), typeof(T), copyNull);
     27             object targetCopier;
     28             if (!copiers.TryGetValue(name, out targetCopier))
     29             {
     30                 Action<S, T> copier = CreateCopier<S, T>(copyNull);
     31                 copiers.TryAdd(name, copier);
     32                 targetCopier = copier;
     33             }
     35             Action<S, T> action = (Action<S, T>)targetCopier;
     36             action(source, target);
     37         }
     39         /// <summary>
     40         /// 为指定的两种类型编译生成属性复制委托
     41         /// </summary>
     42         /// <typeparam name="S"></typeparam>
     43         /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
     44         /// <param name="copyNull">源对象属性值为null时,是否将值复制给目标对象</param>
     45         /// <returns></returns>
     46         private static Action<S, T> CreateCopier<S, T>(bool copyNull)
     47         {
     48             ParameterExpression source = Parameter(typeof(S));
     49             ParameterExpression target = Parameter(typeof(T));
     50             var sourceProps = typeof(S).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).Where(p => p.CanRead).ToList();
     51             var targetProps = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).Where(p => p.CanWrite).ToList();
     53             // 查找可进行赋值的属性
     54             var copyProps = targetProps.Where(tProp => sourceProps.Where(sProp => sProp.Name == tProp.Name// 名称一致 且
     55             && (
     56             sProp.PropertyType == tProp.PropertyType// 属性类型一致 或
     57             || sProp.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(tProp.PropertyType) // 源属性类型 为 目标属性类型 的 子类;eg:object target = string source;   或
     58             || (tProp.PropertyType.IsValueType && sProp.PropertyType.IsValueType && // 属性为值类型且基础类型一致,但目标属性为可空类型 eg:int? num = int num;
     59             ((tProp.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments.Length > 0 ? tProp.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0] : tProp.PropertyType) == sProp.PropertyType))
     60             )).Count() > 0);
     62             List<Expression> expressionList = new List<Expression>();
     63             foreach (var prop in copyProps)
     64             {
     65                 if (prop.PropertyType.IsValueType)// 属性为值类型
     66                 {
     67                     PropertyInfo sProp = typeof(S).GetProperty(prop.Name);
     68                     PropertyInfo tProp = typeof(T).GetProperty(prop.Name);
     69                     if (sProp.PropertyType == tProp.PropertyType)// 属性类型一致 eg:int num = int num;    或   int? num = int? num;
     70                     {
     71                         var assign = Assign(Property(target, prop.Name), Property(source, prop.Name));
     72                         expressionList.Add(assign);
     73                     }
     74                     else if (sProp.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments.Length <= 0 && tProp.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments.Length > 0)// 属性类型不一致且目标属性类型为可空类型 eg:int? num = int num;
     75                     {
     76                         var convert = Convert(Expression.Property(source, prop.Name), tProp.PropertyType);
     77                         var cvAssign = Assign(Expression.Property(target, prop.Name), convert);
     78                         expressionList.Add(cvAssign);
     79                     }
     80                 }
     81                 else// 属性为引用类型
     82                 {
     83                     var assign = Assign(Property(target, prop.Name), Property(source, prop.Name));// 编译生成属性赋值语句   target.{PropertyName} = source.{PropertyName};
     84                     var sourcePropIsNull = Equal(Constant(null, prop.PropertyType), Property(source, prop.Name));// 判断源属性值是否为Null;编译生成  source.{PropertyName} == null
     85                     var setNull = IsTrue(Constant(copyNull));// 判断是否复制Null值 编译生成  copyNull == True
     86                     var setNullTest = IfThen(setNull, assign);
     87                     var condition = IfThenElse(sourcePropIsNull, setNullTest, assign);
     89                     /**
     90                      * 编译生成
     91                      * if(source.{PropertyName} == null)
     92                      * {
     93                      *   if(setNull)
     94                      *   {
     95                      *     target.{PropertyName} = source.{PropertyName};
     96                      *   }
     97                      * }
     98                      * else
     99                      * {
    100                      *   target.{PropertyName} = source.{PropertyName};
    101                      * }
    102                      */
    103                     expressionList.Add(condition);
    104                 }
    105             }
    106             var block = Block(expressionList.ToArray());
    107             Expression<Action<S, T>> lambda = Lambda<Action<S, T>>(block, source, target);
    108             return lambda.Compile();
    109         }
    110     }
    111 }


     1 using System;
     2 using System.Linq;
     3 using System.Linq.Expressions;
     4 using System.Reflection;
     6 namespace Common
     7 {
     8     public static class FastCopy<S, T>
     9     {
    10         static Action<S, T> action = CreateCopier();
    11         /// <summary>
    12         /// 复制两个对象同名属性值
    13         /// </summary>
    14         /// <typeparam name="S"></typeparam>
    15         /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    16         /// <param name="source">源对象</param>
    17         /// <param name="target">目标对象</param>
    18         /// <param name="copyNull">源对象属性值为null时,是否将值复制给目标对象</param>
    19         public static void Copy(S source, T target, bool copyNull = true)
    20         {
    21             action(source, target);
    22         }
    24         /// <summary>
    25         /// 为指定的两种类型编译生成属性复制委托
    26         /// </summary>
    27         /// <typeparam name="S"></typeparam>
    28         /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    29         /// <param name="copyNull">源对象属性值为null时,是否将值复制给目标对象</param>
    30         /// <returns></returns>
    31         private static Action<S, T> CreateCopier()
    32         {
    33             ParameterExpression source = Expression.Parameter(typeof(S));
    34             ParameterExpression target = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
    35             var sourceProps = typeof(S).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).Where(p => p.CanRead).ToList();
    36             var targetProps = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).Where(p => p.CanWrite).ToList();
    38             // 查找可进行赋值的属性
    39             var copyProps = targetProps.Where(tProp => sourceProps.Where(sProp => sProp.Name == tProp.Name// 名称一致 且
    40             && (
    41             sProp.PropertyType == tProp.PropertyType// 属性类型一致
    42             )).Count() > 0);
    44             var block = Expression.Block(from p in copyProps select Expression.Assign(Expression.Property(target, p.Name), Expression.Property(source, p.Name)));
    45             Expression<Action<S, T>> lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<S, T>>(block, source, target);
    46             return lambda.Compile();
    47         }
    48     }
    49 }





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