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    // Copyright © 2011-12 Qtrac Ltd.
    // This program or package and any associated files are licensed under the
    // Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use these files
    // except in compliance with the License. You can get a copy of the License
    // at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
    // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    // limitations under the License.
    // The data structure is a left-leaning red-black tree based on Robert
    // Sedgewick's implementations as described in
    // http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rs/talks/LLRB/LLRB.pdf and
    // http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rs/talks/LLRB/RedBlack.pdf, with some of
    // the code based on Lee Stanza's C++ code at
    // http://www.teachsolaisgames.com/articles/balanced_left_leaning.html
    // Thanks also to Russ Cox for many useful suggestions.
    // Package omap implements an efficient key-ordered map.
    // Keys and values may be of any type, but all keys must be comparable
    // using the less than function that is passed in to the omap.New()
    // function, or the less than function provided by the omap.New*()
    // construction functions.
    package omap
    import "strings"
    // NewStringKeyed returns an empty Map that accepts case-sensitive
    // string keys.
    func NewStringKeyed() *Map {
        return &Map{less: func(a, b interface{}) bool {
            return a.(string) < b.(string)
    // NewCaseFoldedKeyed returns an empty Map that accepts case-insensitive
    // string keys.
    func NewCaseFoldedKeyed() *Map {
        return &Map{less: func(a, b interface{}) bool {
            return strings.ToLower(a.(string)) < strings.ToLower(b.(string))
    // NewIntKeyed returns an empty Map that accepts int keys.
    func NewIntKeyed() *Map {
        return &Map{less: func(a, b interface{}) bool {
            return a.(int) < b.(int)
    // NewFloat64Keyed returns an empty Map that accepts float64 keys.
    func NewFloat64Keyed() *Map {
        return &Map{less: func(a, b interface{}) bool {
            return a.(float64) < b.(float64)
    // New returns an empty Map that uses the given less than function to
    // compare keys. For example:
    //      type Point { X, Y int }
    //      pointMap := omap.New(func(a, b interface{}) bool {
    //              α, β := a.(Point), b.(Point)
    //              if α.X != β.X {
    //                  return α.X < β.X
    //              }
    //              return α.Y < β.Y
    //          })
    func New(less func(interface{}, interface{}) bool) *Map {
        return &Map{less: less}
    // Map is a key-ordered map.
    // The zero value is an invalid map! Use one of the construction functions
    // (e.g., New()), to create a map for a specific key type.
    type Map struct {
        root   *node
        less   func(interface{}, interface{}) bool
        length int
    type node struct {
        key, value  interface{}
        red         bool
        left, right *node
    // Insert inserts a new key-value into the Map and returns true; or
    // replaces an existing key-value pair's value if the keys are equal and
    // returns false. For example:
    //      inserted := myMap.Insert(key, value).
    func (m *Map) Insert(key, value interface{}) (inserted bool) {
        m.root, inserted = m.insert(m.root, key, value)
        m.root.red = false
        if inserted {
        return inserted
    // Find returns the value and true if the key is in the Map or nil and
    // false otherwise. For example:
    //      value, found := myMap.Find(key).
    func (m *Map) Find(key interface{}) (value interface{}, found bool) {
        root := m.root
        for root != nil {
            if m.less(key, root.key) {
                root = root.left
            } else if m.less(root.key, key) {
                root = root.right
            } else {
                return root.value, true
        return nil, false
    // Delete deletes the key-value with the given key from the Map and returns
    // true, or does nothing and returns false if there is no key-value with
    // the given key. For example:
    //      deleted := myMap.Delete(key).
    func (m *Map) Delete(key interface{}) (deleted bool) {
        if m.root != nil {
            if m.root, deleted = m.remove(m.root, key); m.root != nil {
                m.root.red = false
        if deleted {
        return deleted
    // Do calls the given function on every key-value in the Map in order.
    func (m *Map) Do(function func(interface{}, interface{})) {
        do(m.root, function)
    // Len returns the number of key-value pairs in the map.
    func (m *Map) Len() int {
        return m.length
    func (m *Map) insert(root *node, key, value interface{}) (*node, bool) {
        inserted := false
        if root == nil { // If the key was in the tree it would belong here
            return &node{key: key, value: value, red: true}, true
        if isRed(root.left) && isRed(root.right) {
        if m.less(key, root.key) {
            root.left, inserted = m.insert(root.left, key, value)
        } else if m.less(root.key, key) {
            root.right, inserted = m.insert(root.right, key, value)
        } else { // The key is already in the tree so just replace its value
            root.value = value
        if isRed(root.right) && !isRed(root.left) {
            root = rotateLeft(root)
        if isRed(root.left) && isRed(root.left.left) {
            root = rotateRight(root)
        return root, inserted
    func isRed(root *node) bool { return root != nil && root.red }
    func colorFlip(root *node) {
        root.red = !root.red
        if root.left != nil {
            root.left.red = !root.left.red
        if root.right != nil {
            root.right.red = !root.right.red
    func rotateLeft(root *node) *node {
        x := root.right
        root.right = x.left
        x.left = root
        x.red = root.red
        root.red = true
        return x
    func rotateRight(root *node) *node {
        x := root.left
        root.left = x.right
        x.right = root
        x.red = root.red
        root.red = true
        return x
    func do(root *node, function func(interface{}, interface{})) {
        if root != nil {
            do(root.left, function)
            function(root.key, root.value)
            do(root.right, function)
    // We do not provide an exported First() method because this is an
    // implementation detail.
    func first(root *node) *node {
        for root.left != nil {
            root = root.left
        return root
    func (m *Map) remove(root *node, key interface{}) (*node, bool) {
        deleted := false
        if m.less(key, root.key) {
            if root.left != nil {
                if !isRed(root.left) && !isRed(root.left.left) {
                    root = moveRedLeft(root)
                root.left, deleted = m.remove(root.left, key)
        } else {
            if isRed(root.left) {
                root = rotateRight(root)
            if !m.less(key, root.key) && !m.less(root.key, key) &&
                root.right == nil {
                return nil, true
            if root.right != nil {
                if !isRed(root.right) && !isRed(root.right.left) {
                    root = moveRedRight(root)
                if !m.less(key, root.key) && !m.less(root.key, key) {
                    smallest := first(root.right)
                    root.key = smallest.key
                    root.value = smallest.value
                    root.right = deleteMinimum(root.right)
                    deleted = true
                } else {
                    root.right, deleted = m.remove(root.right, key)
        return fixUp(root), deleted
    func moveRedLeft(root *node) *node {
        if root.right != nil && isRed(root.right.left) {
            root.right = rotateRight(root.right)
            root = rotateLeft(root)
        return root
    func moveRedRight(root *node) *node {
        if root.left != nil && isRed(root.left.left) {
            root = rotateRight(root)
        return root
    func deleteMinimum(root *node) *node {
        if root.left == nil {
            return nil
        if !isRed(root.left) && !isRed(root.left.left) {
            root = moveRedLeft(root)
        root.left = deleteMinimum(root.left)
        return fixUp(root)
    func fixUp(root *node) *node {
        if isRed(root.right) {
            root = rotateLeft(root)
        if isRed(root.left) && isRed(root.left.left) {
            root = rotateRight(root)
        if isRed(root.left) && isRed(root.right) {
        return root






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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mruoli/p/4704459.html
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