@Bean可以和其他注解结合使用,比如@profile,@scope,@lazy,@depends-on @primary等注解
/** * Indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by the Spring container. * * <h3>Overview</h3> * * <p>The names and semantics of the attributes to this annotation are intentionally * similar to those of the {@code <bean/>} element in the Spring XML schema. For * example: * * <pre class="code"> * @Bean * public MyBean myBean() { * // instantiate and configure MyBean obj * return obj; * } * </pre> * * <h3>Bean Names</h3> * * <p>While a {@link #name} attribute is available, the default strategy for * determining the name of a bean is to use the name of the {@code @Bean} method. * This is convenient and intuitive, but if explicit naming is desired, the * {@code name} attribute (or its alias {@code value}) may be used. Also note * that {@code name} accepts an array of Strings, allowing for multiple names * (i.e. a primary bean name plus one or more aliases) for a single bean. * * <pre class="code"> * @Bean({"b1", "b2"}) // bean available as 'b1' and 'b2', but not 'myBean' * public MyBean myBean() { * // instantiate and configure MyBean obj * return obj; * } * </pre> * * <h3>Profile, Scope, Lazy, DependsOn, Primary, Order</h3> * * <p>Note that the {@code @Bean} annotation does not provide attributes for profile, * scope, lazy, depends-on or primary. Rather, it should be used in conjunction with * {@link Scope @Scope}, {@link Lazy @Lazy}, {@link DependsOn @DependsOn} and * {@link Primary @Primary} annotations to declare those semantics. For example: * * <pre class="code"> * @Bean * @Profile("production") * @Scope("prototype") * public MyBean myBean() { * // instantiate and configure MyBean obj * return obj; * } * </pre> * * The semantics of the above-mentioned annotations match their use at the component * class level: {@code @Profile} allows for selective inclusion of certain beans. * {@code @Scope} changes the bean's scope from singleton to the specified scope. * {@code @Lazy} only has an actual effect in case of the default singleton scope. * {@code @DependsOn} enforces the creation of specific other beans before this * bean will be created, in addition to any dependencies that the bean expressed * through direct references, which is typically helpful for singleton startup. * {@code @Primary} is a mechanism to resolve ambiguity at the injection point level * if a single target component needs to be injected but several beans match by type. * * <p>Additionally, {@code @Bean} methods may also declare qualifier annotations * and {@link org.springframework.core.annotation.Order @Order} values, to be * taken into account during injection point resolution just like corresponding * annotations on the corresponding component classes but potentially being very * individual per bean definition (in case of multiple definitions with the same * bean class). Qualifiers narrow the set of candidates after the initial type match; * order values determine the order of resolved elements in case of collection * injection points (with several target beans matching by type and qualifier). * * <p><b>NOTE:</b> {@code @Order} values may influence priorities at injection points, * but please be aware that they do not influence singleton startup order which is an * orthogonal concern determined by dependency relationships and {@code @DependsOn} * declarations as mentioned above. Also, {@link javax.annotation.Priority} is not * available at this level since it cannot be declared on methods; its semantics can * be modeled through {@code @Order} values in combination with {@code @Primary} on * a single bean per type. * * <h3>{@code @Bean} Methods in {@code @Configuration} Classes</h3> * * <p>Typically, {@code @Bean} methods are declared within {@code @Configuration} * classes. In this case, bean methods may reference other {@code @Bean} methods in the * same class by calling them <i>directly</i>. This ensures that references between beans * are strongly typed and navigable. Such so-called <em>'inter-bean references'</em> are * guaranteed to respect scoping and AOP semantics, just like {@code getBean()} lookups * would. These are the semantics known from the original 'Spring JavaConfig' project * which require CGLIB subclassing of each such configuration class at runtime. As a * consequence, {@code @Configuration} classes and their factory methods must not be * marked as final or private in this mode. For example: * * <pre class="code"> * @Configuration * public class AppConfig { * * @Bean * public FooService fooService() { * return new FooService(fooRepository()); * } * * @Bean * public FooRepository fooRepository() { * return new JdbcFooRepository(dataSource()); * } * * // ... * }</pre> * * <h3>{@code @Bean} <em>Lite</em> Mode</h3> * * <p>{@code @Bean} methods may also be declared within classes that are <em>not</em> * annotated with {@code @Configuration}. For example, bean methods may be declared * in a {@code @Component} class or even in a <em>plain old class</em>. In such cases, * a {@code @Bean} method will get processed in a so-called <em>'lite'</em> mode. * * <p>Bean methods in <em>lite</em> mode will be treated as plain <em>factory * methods</em> by the container (similar to {@code factory-method} declarations * in XML), with scoping and lifecycle callbacks properly applied. The containing * class remains unmodified in this case, and there are no unusual constraints for * the containing class or the factory methods. * * <p>In contrast to the semantics for bean methods in {@code @Configuration} classes, * <em>'inter-bean references'</em> are not supported in <em>lite</em> mode. Instead, * when one {@code @Bean}-method invokes another {@code @Bean}-method in <em>lite</em> * mode, the invocation is a standard Java method invocation; Spring does not intercept * the invocation via a CGLIB proxy. This is analogous to inter-{@code @Transactional} * method calls where in proxy mode, Spring does not intercept the invocation — * Spring does so only in AspectJ mode. * * <p>For example: * * <pre class="code"> * @Component * public class Calculator { * public int sum(int a, int b) { * return a+b; * } * * @Bean * public MyBean myBean() { * return new MyBean(); * } * }</pre> * * <h3>Bootstrapping</h3> * * <p>See the @{@link Configuration} javadoc for further details including how to bootstrap * the container using {@link AnnotationConfigApplicationContext} and friends. * * <h3>{@code BeanFactoryPostProcessor}-returning {@code @Bean} methods</h3> * * <p>Special consideration must be taken for {@code @Bean} methods that return Spring * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanFactoryPostProcessor BeanFactoryPostProcessor} * ({@code BFPP}) types. Because {@code BFPP} objects must be instantiated very early in the * container lifecycle, they can interfere with processing of annotations such as {@code @Autowired}, * {@code @Value}, and {@code @PostConstruct} within {@code @Configuration} classes. To avoid these * lifecycle issues, mark {@code BFPP}-returning {@code @Bean} methods as {@code static}. For example: * * <pre class="code"> * @Bean * public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer pspc() { * // instantiate, configure and return pspc ... * } * </pre> * * By marking this method as {@code static}, it can be invoked without causing instantiation of its * declaring {@code @Configuration} class, thus avoiding the above-mentioned lifecycle conflicts. * Note however that {@code static} {@code @Bean} methods will not be enhanced for scoping and AOP * semantics as mentioned above. This works out in {@code BFPP} cases, as they are not typically * referenced by other {@code @Bean} methods. As a reminder, a WARN-level log message will be * issued for any non-static {@code @Bean} methods having a return type assignable to * {@code BeanFactoryPostProcessor}. * * @author Rod Johnson * @author Costin Leau * @author Chris Beams * @author Juergen Hoeller * @author Sam Brannen * @since 3.0 * @see Configuration * @see Scope * @see DependsOn * @see Lazy * @see Primary * @see org.springframework.stereotype.Component * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value */ @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})//可以标注在方法上、注解类上 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface Bean { /** * Alias for {@link #name}. * <p>Intended to be used when no other attributes are needed, for example: * {@code @Bean("customBeanName")}. * @since 4.3.3 * @see #name */ @AliasFor("name") String[] value() default {}; /** * The name of this bean, or if several names, a primary bean name plus aliases. * <p>If left unspecified, the name of the bean is the name of the annotated method. * If specified, the method name is ignored. * <p>The bean name and aliases may also be configured via the {@link #value} * attribute if no other attributes are declared. * @see #value */ @AliasFor("value") String[] name() default {}; /** * Are dependencies to be injected via convention-based autowiring by name or type? * <p>Note that this autowire mode is just about externally driven autowiring based * on bean property setter methods by convention, analogous to XML bean definitions. * <p>The default mode does allow for annotation-driven autowiring. "no" refers to * externally driven autowiring only, not affecting any autowiring demands that the * bean class itself expresses through annotations. * @see Autowire#BY_NAME * @see Autowire#BY_TYPE * @deprecated as of 5.1, since {@code @Bean} factory method argument resolution and * {@code @Autowired} processing supersede name/type-based bean property injection */ @Deprecated Autowire autowire() default Autowire.NO; /** * Is this bean a candidate for getting autowired into some other bean? * <p>Default is {@code true}; set this to {@code false} for internal delegates * that are not meant to get in the way of beans of the same type in other places. * @since 5.1 */ boolean autowireCandidate() default true; /** * 可选择的方法在bean实例化的时候调用 * The optional name of a method to call on the bean instance during initialization. * Not commonly used, given that the method may be called programmatically directly * within the body of a Bean-annotated method. * <p>The default value is {@code ""}, indicating no init method to be called. * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean * @see org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext#refresh() */ String initMethod() default ""; /** * 方法的可选择名称在调用bean示例在关闭上下文的时候 * The optional name of a method to call on the bean instance upon closing the * application context, for example a {@code close()} method on a JDBC * {@code DataSource} implementation, or a Hibernate {@code SessionFactory} object. * The method must have no arguments but may throw any exception. * <p>As a convenience to the user, the container will attempt to infer a destroy * method against an object returned from the {@code @Bean} method. For example, given * an {@code @Bean} method returning an Apache Commons DBCP {@code BasicDataSource}, * the container will notice the {@code close()} method available on that object and * automatically register it as the {@code destroyMethod}. This 'destroy method * inference' is currently limited to detecting only public, no-arg methods named * 'close' or 'shutdown'. The method may be declared at any level of the inheritance * hierarchy and will be detected regardless of the return type of the {@code @Bean} * method (i.e., detection occurs reflectively against the bean instance itself at * creation time). * <p>To disable destroy method inference for a particular {@code @Bean}, specify an * empty string as the value, e.g. {@code @Bean(destroyMethod="")}. Note that the * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean} callback interface will * nevertheless get detected and the corresponding destroy method invoked: In other * words, {@code destroyMethod=""} only affects custom close/shutdown methods and * {@link java.io.Closeable}/{@link java.lang.AutoCloseable} declared close methods. * <p>Note: Only invoked on beans whose lifecycle is under the full control of the * factory, which is always the case for singletons but not guaranteed for any * other scope. * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean * @see org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext#close() */ String destroyMethod() default AbstractBeanDefinition.INFER_METHOD; }
2.@Bean和@Scope 注解
Scope | Descriptionn |
singleton | 默认单例的bean定义信息,对于每个IOC容器来说都是单例对象 |
prototype | bean对象的定义为任意数量的对象实例 |
request | bean对象的定义为一次HTTP请求的生命周期,也就是说,每个HTTP请求都有自己的bean实例,它是在单个bean定义的后面创建的。仅仅在web-aware的上下文中有效 |
session | bean对象的定义为一次HTTP会话的生命周期。仅仅在web-aware的上下文中有效 |
application | bean对象的定义范围在ServletContext生命周期内。仅仅在web-aware的上下文中有效 |
websocket | bean对象的定义为WebSocket的生命周期内。仅仅在web-aware的上下文中有效 |
singleton和prototype 一般都用在普通的Java项目中,而request、session、application、websocket都用于web应用中。
表明一个bean 是否延迟加载,可以作用在方法上,表示这个方法被延迟加载;可以作用在@Component (或者由@Component 作为原注解) 注释的类上,表明这个类中所有的bean 都被延迟加载。如果没有@Lazy注释,或者@Lazy 被设置为false,那么该bean 就会急切渴望被加载;除了上面两种作用域,@Lazy 还可以作用在@Autowired和@Inject注释的属性上,在这种情况下,它将为该字段创建一个惰性代理,作为使用ObjectFactory或Provider的默认方法。
指当前bean所依赖的bean。任何指定的bean都能保证在此bean创建之前由IOC容器创建。在bean没有通过属性或构造函数参数显式依赖于另一个bean的情况下很少使用,可能直接使用在任何直接或者间接使用 Component 或者Bean 注解表明的类上。
指示当多个候选者有资格自动装配依赖项时,应优先考虑bean。此注解在语义上就等同于在Spring XML中定义的bean 元素的primary属性。注意: 除非使用component-scanning进行组件扫描,否则在类级别上使用@Primary不会有作用。如果@Primary 注解定义在XML中,那么@Primary 的注解元注解就会忽略,相反使用
@Primary 的两种使用方式
- 与@Bean 一起使用,定义在方法上,方法级别的注解
- 与@Component 一起使用,定义在类上,类级别的注解