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  • 10.12 simulated match

     well the code is the best language.

    #include <cstdio>
    #define ll long long
    using namespace std;
    ll lt1,lt2,ans,t,n,m,p;
    #define init(a) freopen(a".in","r",stdin);freopen(a".out","w",stdout); 
    #define ct   register int
    #define cr   register char
    #define g()   getchar()
    #define fr(a,b,c)   for(ct a=b;a<=c;a++)
    int read(){ct f=1,x=0;cr c=g();
       for(;'0'<=c&&c<='9';c=g())x=(x<<1)+(x<<3)+(c^48);return x*f;}
    int main(){init("handicraft");t=read();//read the sum of the data
        while (t--){//make a loop in order to read each group of data
            n=read(),m=read(),p=read();//read sum_of_edges,wanted_polygon's edge_sum,and wanted_sum_of_polygon
            //this is a mathematical problem,we need to search for law in order to solve this problem
            //after calculus,we can find that if we cut a polygon with m_edge froma polygon with n_edge,there is three possible case
            //1:we cut across two endpoint,we can find that we divide the polygon into two polygons
            //    respectly is a polygon with n-m+2_edge and a polygon with m_edge
            //for example:we cut a quadrangle and divide it into two triangle 4-3+2=3,after several try ,we find that this formula is true
            //now ,let's formulate it ,n-> n-m+2 and m(cross two endpoint)
            //2:we cut across only one endpoint, we can find that we divide the polygon into two polygons
            //    respectly is a polygon with n-m+3_edge and a polygon with m_edge
            //for example:we cut a quadrangle and divide it into one quadrangle and one triangle 4-3+3=4,after several try, we find that this formula is true
            //now ,let's formulate it ,n-> n-m+3 and m(cross one endpoint)
            //3:we cut across no endpoint ,we can find that we divide the polygon into two polygons
            //    respectly is a polygon with n-m+4_edge and a polygon with m_edge
            //for example:we cut a quadrangle and divide it into one pentagon and one triangle 4-3+4=5,after several try, we find that this formula is true
            //now ,let's formulate it ,n-> n-m+4 and m(cross no end point)
            //now let's arrange these formula:
            //case 1 cut cross two endpoint:n-> n-m+2 and m
            //case 2 cut cross one endpoint:n-> n-m+3 and m
            //case 3 cut cross no  endpoint:n-> n-m+4 and m
            //if we want p m_edge_polygon,we need at least n=(p-1)(m-4)+m  (we need cut at least p times)
            //so,we need to respectly deal with these different cases 
            lt1=m*p-(p-1)*4;//the same as (p-1)(m-4)+m
            lt2=m*p-(p-1)*2;//the same as (p-1)(m-2)+m
            //here we have two case 
            //case 1: m=3:lt2
            //for example:we want to cut two triangle,and we would like to use p-1 knives to cut it in order to make it satisfy
            //!!!!(OF COURSE!JOJ,we find that cut p-1 knives can always make best solution)!!!!
            //we need at most (p-1)(m-2)+m_edge_polygon
            //p-1=1,m-2=1,1+3=4.validate by hand,we can easily find that this is true.
            //by cutting from quadrangle,we need 2-1=1 knife(cross two endpoint)to cut it into two triangle
            //and by cutting from triangle(at most 4)is also OK(cross one endpoint)to cut it into three triangle
            //after several try,we get this formula
            //case 2: m>=4:lt1
            //for example:we want to cut two triangle,and we would like to use p-1 knives to cut it in order to make it satisfy
            //we need at least (p-1)(m-4)+m_edge_polygon p-1=1,m-4=0 0+4=4.validate by hand,we can easily find that this is true
            //by cutting from quadrangle,we need 2-1=1 knife(cross no endpoint)to cut it into two quadrangles
            //one exmample is not enough,this time ,we use standard input to have a try
            //we want to cut three quadrangles,and we would like to use p-1 knives to cut it in order to make it satisfy
            //we need at least (p-1)(m-4)+m_edge_polygon p-1=2,m-4=0 0+4=4,validate by hand,we can easily find that this is true
            //here is a octagon ,is bigger than 4,so it's really enough
            //we need to  cut p-1=2 knives(cross two endpoint)to cut it into three quadrangles
            if(n<=lt1) ans=lt1-n+p-1;
            //here if n<=lt1,m must bigger than three,if not lt1 can be a negative and n<=lt1 can't be satisfied 
            //if we can't reach the order(at least n=(p-1)(m-4)+m)
            //we need to make it satisfy at first 
            //how can we do this, we need to cut a triangle from this polygon(just means cut off an endpoint)
            //for example: if we cut off an endpoint from polygon, we find that the rectangle become pentagon 
            //it get a new edge!!!(QAQ),by this we only need to cut (lt1-n)_endpoint to make it satisfy
            //after do this ,we only need to cut p-1_times more to divide it into  p m_edge_polygon 
            //it's a really possible way(IAI)
            else if(n<=lt2) ans=p-1;
            //or ,just means that it satisfies the order or m==3
            //if this satisfy the order for triangle(at most (p-1)(m-2)+m),
            //here are two case:
            //case 1:m==3 and we only need to cut p-1 knives,because of the satisfied order
            //case 2:m>=4 and it has satisfied the order:lt1,we only need to cut p-1 knives because of the satisfied order 
            else ans=p;
            //or ,here only have one case:m==3 and order for triangle can't be satisfied
            //we need to cut an extra knife to make it satisfy
            //for example:cut two triangle from one pentagon,5>(p-1)(m-2)+m=4,so we need to cut it to a quadrangle
            //it's easy to prove ,if we want to reduce edge, one knife is enough(you can have a try)
            //so we need p-1+1=p knives 
    ",ans);}//out the answer

     I think my explain is quite understandable ,if you can't understand ,you can contact me.

    #include <cstdio>
    #define ll long long
    #define MN 1005
    using namespace std;
    bool u[MN];ll f[MN],ans;int pri[MN],n,prin;
    #define init(a) freopen(a".in","r",stdin);freopen(a".out","w",stdout); 
    #define ct   register int
    #define cr   register char
    #define g()   getchar()
    #define fr(a,b,c)   for(ct a=b;a<=c;a++)
    int read(){ct f=1,x=0;cr c=g();
       for(;'0'<=c&&c<='9';c=g())x=(x<<1)+(x<<3)+(c^48);return x*f;}
    int main(){init("textile");
        //well,let me explain the meaning of the problem 
        //  the problem is to ask we to divide a number into different cases,
        //and calculate total_number of different_smallest_common_multiple
        //why it ask smallest_common_multiple?
        //for example:there are two group:group_one:2 and group_two:3,after group_one finish working,they should still work
        //(because group_two has not stopped),after group_two finish working, they should still work
        //(because group_one's finish_time became 4),after group_one finish working ,they should still work 
        //(because group_two's finish_time became 6),At 6,group_one and group_two both stop working
        //the total time is 6,after several try,we find this rule
        ct i,j,k;n=read();//read the total_number of machine_workers
        fr(i,2,n){//make a loop from 2 to n
            if(!u[i])//if u[i] has not been marked
              pri[++prin]=i;//just means this is a prime and add it into the prime_array
            for(j=1;i*pri[j]<=n;++j){//make a loop to find a number's prime_factor
                u[i*pri[j]]=true;//if this divide_method is allowed(<=n),just mark it true
                if(i%pri[j]==0)break;//if i is not a prime_number just break
        for(f[0]=i=1;i<=prin;++i)//make a iterator in order to visit each prime_factor
                for(k=pri[i];k<=j;k*=pri[i])//make two iterator to divide the number
                f[j]+=f[j-k];//change one prime_factor can make different smallest multiple
                //so we calculate answer in this way(here we use array:f to calculate the answer)
                //this use the knapsack_problem's thinking
                //here we calculate the final solution by cumulate 1~n's case_num
        fr(i,0,n)ans+=f[i];//cumulate the answer's sum
        printf("%lld",ans);//out the answer

    #include <cstdio>
    #define MN 1000005
    using namespace std;
    int t,n,a[MN],ne[MN];
    #define init(a) freopen(a".in","r",stdin);freopen(a".out","w",stdout); 
    #define ct   register int
    #define cr   register char
    #define g()   getchar()
    #define fr(a,b,c)   for(ct a=b;a<=c;a++)
    int read(){ct f=1,x=0;cr c=g();
       for(;'0'<=c&&c<='9';c=g())x=(x<<1)+(x<<3)+(c^48);return x*f;}
    int main(){init("filament");
        ct i,j;t=read();//read the sum of the datas
        while (t--){//make a loop in order to read each data
            n=read();//read the length of the filament
            fr(i,1,n)//make a loop in order to read each point of the filament
            ne[0]=-1;//initializate the first num as a border
            //we use KMP(Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm)'s thinking
            //to solve this problem, we only need to work out the n-next[n]
            //well ,it's easy to prove n-next[n]is the smallest loop_part
            //if you don't know kmp,you can visit my blog to study KMP.
    //or maybe you don't know KMP well,have a look at my blog too

    for(i=1,j=-1;i<=n;ne[i++]=++j) for(;j>-1&&a[j+1]!=a[i];j=ne[j]);//work out the array:next printf("%d ",n-ne[n]);//out the answer } }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/muzu/p/7631338.html
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