- Use custom workspace > Directory: {directory, d:github}
Source Code Management
Git plugin
- Git > Repositories > Repository URL: {repository_url, https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xxx.git}
- Git > Repositories > Credentials: {credentials}
- Git > Branches to build > Branch Specifier (blank for 'any'): {branch_specifier, 10.29}
- Git > Additional Behaviours > Check out to specific local branch > Branch name: {branch_name, 10.29}
- Git > Additional Behaviours > Advanced clone behaviours > Timeout (in minutes) for clone and fetch operations: {30}
Build Triggers
- Build when a change is pushed to GitLab. GitLab webhook URL: ... > Enabled GitLab triggers > Push Events: {checked}
- Build when a change is pushed to GitLab. GitLab webhook URL: ... > Enabled GitLab triggers > Accepted Merge Request Events: {checked}
- Build when a change is pushed to GitLab. GitLab webhook URL: ... > Enabled GitLab triggers > Approved Merge Requests (EE-only): {checked}
- Build when a change is pushed to GitLab. GitLab webhook URL: ... > Secret token > {secret_token,如果这个不设置 GitLab 的 Webhooks 配置会报 403 错误}
- https://github.com/jenkinsci/gitlab-plugin/issues/375
- https://www.cnblogs.com/kaerxifa/p/11671961.html
Build Environment
Version Number Plug-In
- Create a formatted version number > Environment Variable Name: BUILD_VERSION
- Create a formatted version number > Environment Variable Name: Version Number Format String: {branch_name, 10.29}.${BUILD_DATE_FORMATTED, "yyyyMMdd"}.${BUILDS_TODAY}
- Create a formatted version number > Inject environment variables to the build process: {checked}
NodeJS Plugin
- Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH > NodeJS Installation: NodeJS12
- Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH > npmrc file: - use system default -
- Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH > Cache location: Default(~/.npm or %APP_DATA% pm-cache)
PowerShell plugin
- Command
$env:Path+=";C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019CommunityMSBuildCurrentBin" {build_script, .uild.ps1 -r}
Post-build Actions
Artifact Deployer Plug-in
- Post-build Actions > [ArtifactDeployer] - Deploy the artifacts from build workspace to remote locations > Artifacts to deploy: {artifacts_to_deploy, **}
- Post-build Actions > [ArtifactDeployer] - Deploy the artifacts from build workspace to remote locations > Basedir: {dist_directory, dist/}
- Post-build Actions > [ArtifactDeployer] - Deploy the artifacts from build workspace to remote locations > Remote File Location: {remote_file_location, f:/artifacts/${BUILD_VERSION}}
企业微信通知,需要安装插件 qy-wechat-notification 才能使用
- Webhook地址:https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/webhook/send?key=${key}
- 仅失败才@:✔
- 发送开始构建信息:✔
- 仅失败才发送:✔
- 仅成功才发送:✔
- 仅构建中断才发送:✔
- 仅不稳定构建才发送:✔
- 通知UserID: @${wechat_user_name}
- 2020-08-20 添加 git clone 超时时间设置
- 2020-08-12 新增了企业微信通知的配置说明