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  • 废旧鼠标先别丢,用来学习nRF52832 的QDEC

    刚发现nRF52832有一个 QDEC,SDK13.0中还有驱动,但是不太友好。  如果大家有废旧鼠标,建议拆一个编码器下来“学习”。鼠标的一般原理如下:


    图中那个SW4 ALPS EC10E / Scroll wheel encoder 便是编码器了, 拆下来之后,还是按照这个电路连接到NRF52832,这里我选择依照原版程序,使用P03 P04,方向不重要。我找了一个接上之后,还先用示波器看了一下,QA/QB输出正常。


    nrf52832 QDEC




    static volatile uint32_t m_accdblread;

    static volatile int32_t m_accread;

    static volatile bool m_report_ready_flag = false;

    #if (QDEC_CONFIG_LEDPRE >= 128)

        #warning "This example assumes that the QDEC LED changes state. Make sure that 'Sample Period' in QDEC config is less than 'LED pre-time'."


    #define NRF_DRV_QDEC_COCO_CONFIG                                         


            .reportper          = (nrf_qdec_reportper_t)QDEC_CONFIG_REPORTPER,  

            .sampleper          = (nrf_qdec_sampleper_t)0,  

            .psela              = QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_A,                            

            .pselb              = QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_B,                            

            .pselled            = 0xFFFFFFFF,                          

            .ledpre             = QDEC_CONFIG_LEDPRE,                           

            .ledpol             = (nrf_qdec_ledpol_t)QDEC_CONFIG_LEDPOL,        

            .interrupt_priority = QDEC_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY,                     

            .dbfen              = 0,                            

            .sample_inten       = 0                      


    static const nrf_drv_qdec_config_t m_qdec_coco_config = NRF_DRV_QDEC_COCO_CONFIG;

    //static const nrf_drv_qdec_config_t m_default_config = NRF_DRV_QDEC_DEFAULT_CONFIG;

    static void qdec_event_handler(nrf_drv_qdec_event_t event)


        if (event.type == NRF_QDEC_EVENT_REPORTRDY)


            m_accdblread        = event.data.report.accdbl;

            m_accread           = event.data.report.acc;


        else if ( event.type == NRF_QDEC_EVENT_SAMPLERDY )





    int main(void)


        uint32_t err_code;


        uint32_t v_accread = 0;

        err_code = NRF_LOG_INIT(NULL);



        // Initialize hardware

        err_code = nrf_drv_qdec_init(&m_qdec_coco_config, qdec_event_handler);



        // Initialize quadrature encoder simulator


        NRF_LOG_INFO("QDEC testing started");




        while (true)



          if ( m_report_ready_flag )


            m_report_ready_flag = 0;


            v_accread += m_accread;


            NRF_LOG_INFO("ACC IS %d ", v_accread);







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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/newbit/p/8337550.html
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