void ActionDelayTime::onEnter() { ActionsDemo::onEnter(); alignSpritesLeft(1); CCActionInterval* move = CCMoveBy::create(1, ccp(150,0)); CCFiniteTimeAction* action = CCSequence::create( move, CCDelayTime::create(2), move, NULL); m_grossini->runAction(action); }
void ActionReverseSequence::onEnter() { ActionsDemo::onEnter(); alignSpritesLeft(1); CCActionInterval* move1 = CCMoveBy::create(1, ccp(250,0)); CCActionInterval* move2 = CCMoveBy::create(1, ccp(0,50)); CCFiniteTimeAction* seq = CCSequence::create( move1, move2, move1->reverse(), NULL); CCFiniteTimeAction* action = CCSequence::create( seq, seq->reverse(), NULL); m_grossini->runAction(action); }
瞬时动作名称 描述
CCCallFunc 执行函数
CCFlipX X翻转
CCFlipY Y翻转
CCHide 隐藏
CCPlace 设置位置
CCReuseGrid 重用网格
CCShow 显示
CCStopGrid 停止网格
CCToggleVisibility 可见切换
CCActionInterval* move1 = CCMoveBy::create(1, ccp(250,0)); CCActionInterval* move2 = CCMoveBy::create(1, ccp(0,50)); CCToggleVisibility* tog1 = new CCToggleVisibility(); CCToggleVisibility* tog2 = new CCToggleVisibility(); tog1->autorelease(); tog2->autorelease(); CCFiniteTimeAction* seq = CCSequence::create( move1, tog1, move2, tog2, move1->reverse(), NULL); CCActionInterval* action = CCRepeat::create((CCActionInterval*)(CCSequence::create( seq, seq->reverse(), NULL)), 3); // Test: // Also test that the reverse of Hide is Show, and vice-versa m_kathia->runAction(action);