Did an investigation on how much time a phd student spend on reading textbooks/papers, learning models, understanding algorithms, programming/coding, implementing algorithms...
The information is from web resources.
- A phd student's blog post
He settled several categorizations of his activities:
- understanding – active research, including reading, to find out specific things
- reading – reading papers and other articles without a clearly-defined purpose
- writing – thesis or other smaller piece of writing; blog posts; note-making
- coding - making plots or setting up models
- meeting – formal supervisor meetings, generally chatting to other scientists about work, going to seminars
- nowork - procrastination, or taking a break
And the time tots up of several days of each activities:
Obveriously, coding took most of the time, and that make sense for computer science is about doing scientific research with computer.
Reading stands for reading papers impurposely.