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  • mysql 笔记

    select * from order_user;

    when age<=10 then '儿童'
    when age>10 and age <=18 then '儿童'
    when age<=10 then '儿童'
    when age<=10 then '儿童'
    else '老年'
    end as user_type

    select order_id,
    case order_status
    when 0 then '已下单'
    when 1 then '已发货'
    when 2 then '已签收'
    else '邮件丢失'
    end as order_s,
    from order_user;

    存储例程 存储过程 函数  in  输入 out 输出 inout 输入输出

    create procedure pro_sumnum(in a int,in b int,out numsum int)
    select a+b into numsum;


    call pro_sumnum(50,15,@numsum);
    select @numsum;

    set @a = 10;
    set @b = 12;

    create procedure pro_sele(in ids varchar(255))
    declare loc int(10);
    declare id varchar(11);
    set loc = locate(',',ids); -- 按照字符串定位他的下标
    set id = substr(ids,1,loc-1); -- 截取中间的字符串
    if loc <> 0 then
    set ids = substr(ids,loc+1); -- 截取后面的字符串
    else set id = ids;
    end if;
    select id as '输出的结果'; -- 输出的结果
    if loc=0 then
    leave ks; -- 截取完后跳出循环
    end if;

    end loop;

    set @str = '10,20,43,23,32';
    call pro_sele(@str);

    call pro_sele('10,20,43,23,32');

    循环生成随机数 rand() 0和1

    drop procedure if exists pro_rd;
    create procedure pro_rd(in c int)
    declare temp int;
    select RAND() into temp;
    select temp as '随机数';
    set c = c-1;
    until c=0
    end repeat;

    call pro_rd(6);

    create function fun_sum(num1 int,num2 int) returns int
    declare sum int;
    set sum = num1+num2;
    return sum;

    select fun_sum(10,12);

    create table history(
    id int not null primary key auto_increment,
    remark varchar(255)
    create trigger tri_add before insert on goods_table2 for each row
    if dayofweek(NOW()) not in(2,3,4,5,6) then
    insert into history(remark) values('周末更新的数据');
    else insert into history(remark) values('数据更新!!!1');
    end if;

    insert into goods_table2 values(9,'华为手机',1999,99,'files/img/phone.jpg',NOW());
    insert into goods_table2 values(6,'水杯',424.54,'files/img/shui.jpg',NOW());

    insert into goods_table2(goods_name,goods_price,goods_pic,goods_endtime)
    select * from goods_table2;
    select * from history;

    查询不同用户 订单的数量,订单的总金额 分组用户
    筛选出订单数>条, 订单总金额>3999.99

    select user_id ,
    count(order_id) as o_num,
    sum(order_price) as o_price
    from order_table where user_id!=3
    group by user_id
    having o_num>1 and o_price>3999.99

    having 用于聚合函数后,分组,筛选

    abs(值) 绝对值;
    rand() 随机数
    round() 四舍五入
    max() greatest(x1,x2,x3....) 返回集合中最大的值;
    min() least(x1,x2,x3....)返回集合中最小的值;
    select * from goods_table;
    update goods_table set goods_price=-500.99 where goods_id=3;
    select goods_price from goods_table where goods_id=3;
    select ABS(goods_price) from goods_table; 绝对值
    select ABS(ROUND(goods_price)) from goods_table; 四舍五入
    select SUM(goods_price) from goods_table; 求和

    select COUNT(goods_unit) from goods_table; 相应字段的条数
    select greatest(3999.99,9999.99,-35399.99,353,5326) as max_money; 查询出最大值

    -- select greatest(goods_price) as max_price from goods_table; 错误语法
    select MAX(goods_price) as max_price from goods_table;

    time(字段/值) year(字段/值) timestamp(时间) 得到完整的时间
    from_unixtime(ts,fmf); 根据指定fmf的格式 格式化时间戳
    UNIX_TIMESTAMP('时间字符串'); 转换为时间戳
    str_to_date('时间字符串',format) 将字符串抓换为时间
    date_format(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%s'); 将时间转换为字符串

    select * from goods_table;
    select time(goods_begintime) as b_time from goods_table;
    select year(goods_begintime) as b_year from goods_table group by b_year;
    select timestamp(goods_begintime) as n_time from goods_table;

    select unix_timestamp(goods_begintime) from goods_table;
    select from_unixtime('1505098993','%Y-%i-%d')as un_time from goods_table;
    select date_format(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')as g_t,t1.*from goods_table t1;
    select str_to_date('2017-09-09 11:03:13','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') as s_t from goods_table;

    字符串的连接 concat(str1,str2,...);
    连接字符串 给定的格式 concat_ws(fmt,str1,str2,...);
    返回字符串中指定的字符: (左/右边) left(str,len); right(str,len);

    select concat('我要','吃','火锅')as say_info;
    select * from goods_table;
    select concat(goods_name,goods_price,goods_address) as goods_info from goods_table;
    select concat_ws('--->',goods_name,goods_price,goods_address)as goods_info from goods_table;
    select left(concat_ws('--->',goods_name,goods_price,goods_address),20)as goods_info from goods_table;

    别名: select t1.goods_name as g_name,t1.goods_price as g_price from goods_table t1;

    数据排序 order by desc 降序 asc 升序
    select * from goods_table order by goods_begintime desc,goods_id asc;

    分组 group by SUM(expr) COUNT(expr)
    select SUM(goods_price) as gd_price, goods_address,
    COUNT(goods_id) as count_num
    from goods_table group by goods_address;

    原子性(ACID Atomicity):保证工作单元内的所有操作都成功完成,否则事务将终止在故障点,和以前的操作回滚到以前的状态
    一致性(稳定性 Consisteny) 确保正确的改变状态后,成功的提交事务
    持久性(Durability):使事务提交后的数据,在出现故障或者 系统崩溃的情况下数据仍然存在,保证数据的正确性


    1 找到mysql 的安装路径
    2 通过mysql.exe执行命令 mysql -u用户名 -p密码 -h主机地址
    3 开启事务 start transaction
    4 事务中需要执行的内容...........
    5 提交事务 持久性 commit
    6 保存点/折返点 savepoint 折返点名称
    7 回到折返点: rollback to savepoint 折返点名称

    注意:MyISAM: 不支持事务,用于只读程序中 提高性能 --存储独立于操作系统
    Innodb: 支持ACID事务,行级锁,并发 --事务型存储引擎
    Berkeley db: 支持事务

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nn369/p/7517378.html
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