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  • B站视频:【Creator3】好玩的编队代码 魔性排列停不下来 附源码及出处

    这次带来一个有趣的编队代码,简单的算法得到令人惊叹的编队队形,叹为观止,前几天刷视频的时候看到一个有趣的展示,来自youtube大神:Tarodev的队形计算展示《 Fun with Formations - Game Dev Adventure

    他的是Unity实现的,我用最新发布的Creator 3.3版本制作了一个,视频如下:


    开发工具 CocosCreator 3.3.0

    BGM: Jazzy Frenchy form bensound

     Creator3以后的引擎,对于3D方面的计算基本上和Unity很像了,转译C#代码并不难,原版代码在这里:GitHub - Matthew-J-Spencer/Formations: Some simple scripts to create formations in Unity 


    /** 编队的基类 */
    import { _decorator, Component, Node, Vec3, v3 } from 'cc';
    const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;
    export class BaseFormation extends Component {
        noise: number = 0;
        Spread: number = 1;
        offsetPos:Vec3 = v3();
        EvaluatePoints(): Vec3[] {
            return null;
        GetNoise(pos: Vec3): Vec3 {
            const noise = this.noise;
            const x = pos.x + Math.random() * noise - noise / 2;
            const z = pos.z + Math.random() * noise - noise / 2;
            pos.x = x;
            pos.z = z;
            return pos;
    /** 方形编队组件脚本代码 */
    import { _decorator, Component, Node, Vec3, v3 } from 'cc';
    import { BaseFormation } from './BaseFormation';
    const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;
    export class BoxFormation extends BaseFormation {
        unitWidth: number = 5;
        unitDepth: number = 5;
        hollow: boolean = false;
        nthOffset: number = 0;
        EvaluatePoints(): Vec3[] {
            const ret: Vec3[] = [];
            const middleOffset = v3((this.unitWidth - 1) * 0.5, 0, (this.unitDepth - 1) * 0.5);
            for (let x = 0; x < this.unitWidth; x++) {
                for (let z = 0; z < this.unitDepth; z++) {
                    if (this.hollow && x != 0 && x != this.unitWidth - 1 && z != 0 && z != this.unitDepth - 1) continue;
                    let pos = v3(x + (z % 2 == 0 ? 0 : this.nthOffset), 0, z);
                    pos = pos.subtract(middleOffset);
                    pos = this.GetNoise(pos);
                    pos = pos.multiplyScalar(this.Spread);
            return ret;
    /** 放射编队组件脚本代码 */
    import { _decorator, Component, Node, Vec3, v3 } from 'cc';
    import { BaseFormation } from './BaseFormation';
    const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;
    export class RadialFormation extends BaseFormation {
        amount: number = 10;
        radius: number = 1;
        radiusGrowthMultiplier: number = 0;
        rotations: number = 1;
        rings: number = 1;
        ringOffset: number = 1;
        nthOffset: number = 1;
        EvaluatePoints(): Vec3[] {
            const ret: Vec3[] = [];
            let amountPerRing = this.amount / this.rings;
            let ringOffset = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < this.rings; i++) {
                for (var j = 0; j < amountPerRing; j++) {
                    let angle = j * Math.PI * (2 * this.rotations) / amountPerRing + (i % 2 != 0 ? this.nthOffset : 0);
                    let radius = this.radius + ringOffset + j * this.radiusGrowthMultiplier;
                    let x = Math.cos(angle) * radius;
                    let z = Math.sin(angle) * radius;
                    let pos = new Vec3(x, 0, z);
                    pos = this.GetNoise(pos);
                    pos = pos.multiplyScalar(this.Spread);
                ringOffset += this.ringOffset;
            return ret;



     * 编队渲染展示的代码,挂在到你想展示的节点容器上,配合对应的Formation组件
     * 请自行构建Actor角色组件用于处理人物逻辑,实现removeSelf和moveTo
     * 在合适的时机处理编队的刷新,比如编队参数变化、队伍移动的时候
    import { _decorator, Component, Node, Prefab, instantiate, director } from 'cc';
    import { Actor } from '../actors/Actor';
    import { BaseFormation } from '../formations/BaseFormation';
    const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;
    export class FormationShow extends Component {
        actor: Prefab = null;
        start() {
        FormationUpdate(prop?: string, value?: number) {
            const formation = this.getComponent(BaseFormation);
            if (formation) {
                if (prop) {
                    const old = formation[prop];
                    formation[prop] = value;
                    if (old == formation[prop]) {
                const points = formation.EvaluatePoints();
                for (let i = this.node.children.length - 1; i >= points.length; i--) {
                const len = this.node.children.length;
                for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
                    if (i < points.length && i >= len) {
                        let actor = null;
                        if (len > 0) {
                            actor = this.node.children[len - 1];
                        } else {
                            actor = this.actor;
                        const a = instantiate(actor);



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nowpaper/p/15389589.html
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