报告题目: Spatial Data Infrastructure in Sweden: Context, concepts and technologies
报告人: Professor Anders Östman
报告人简介: Anders Östman is Professor of geomatics at University of Gävle. He was one of the initiators of AGILE (Association of GI Laboratories in Europe) and is currently a board member of EuroSDR (European Spatial Data Research) and GISIG (GIS International Group). His research interest is mainly in Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). His research group in Gävle is very active in the implementation of the Swedish National SDI and the research studies include engineering issues as well as economic considerations. And Professor Östman has also coordinated several large EU projects like BEGIN and GI-INDEED, dealing with SDI.
今天在地理所听了上述报告,临时通知的,我匆匆忙忙跑过去居然忘了带笔记。听得很热闹,这个瑞典人虽然英语说的很小声,但是配合ppt,我还是大部分能了解其意思。在讲到SDI技术层面中的data harmonious, schema matching and translation, web service including wms,wfs,wcs方面我还是有收获的.不过讲到SDI中的法律和政策保护,社会因素,经济因素,我就跟不上了. 唉~没带笔记,忘得快啊.不知道能不能找到那个PPT.